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Veteran Driver IV
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About OMGWasteful01

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  1. The website wasn't only down for a few days only for me right?

  2. Will bans carry over to ATSMP? I wonder.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tandre


      No, when the mod is in beta the bans will be removed... That´s probably not untill the release of ATS tho...

    3. Scullllly


      Was confirmed on stream by mwl that the ban list on ats will run off the same database as the current one

    4. Tandre


      You´ll start fresh when mod´s i beta! :D But i agree, i´d like to see a fresh start...

  3. No ETS2MP cams on twitch?

    1. Creatured


      kat hasnt updated them i think

    2. OMGWasteful01
  4. I dont understand EU#2 Doesnt really get full but they make a EU#3 xD

    1. Scullllly


      It has been full everyday since Friday. we are peaking 5.6k players.

    2. Scullllly
    3. MrHarv98


      Maybe you look at the servers on the wrong time ;)

  5. You can only just see the road! #24HourConvoy http://i.imgur.com/rEGEypg.png

  6. Theres a whole page if not more of reports no admins are looking at them.

    1. Prime


      Maybe take a look at the "dealt with" section as well ;)

    2. OMGWasteful01


      Just saying because and admin looked at one right in the middle and then looked at none others.

  7. Steam summer sales! Even tho its mid winter for me :D

  8. What do you like about Oslo? A lot of space, and companies What do you dislike? To big How do other players behave? Fine What can other players do to improve the city? Use lights, Like stopping at red lights.
  9. Mod Version: 0.1.8 Controllers Used: G27 Description of Issue: Every time I load into ETS2MP I crash, All of my saves are not use able How to reproduce: I really dont know but I want a fix fast, I worked on a new profile for about 12hrs all up and had $80K Screenshots / Videos: http://i.imgur.com/s4j1uYL.png(They all say that)
  10. Sorry about the format couldn't see any format I needed to follow... No goteborug on the ets2mp map via this website Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/JQe73FN.png
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