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Suggestion Name:  Temporary disable the scout car for players

Suggestion Description:  Disable for 2 to 3 weeks and see how it goes

Any example images:  N/A

Why it should be added:  We all know the current situation and we know is not the car but the driver, now let say we temporary disable the scout car on simulation server (SIM1&SIM2)

We test it out for 2 to 3 weeks and see what happen if there is no scout car on these servers, only the exception on Patron members in their vehicles.

Now i know you will say they will continue in their truck yes probably but at least they not try to squeeze through the middle of the lane on C-D road like what the cars do.

This should be worth testing and i would love to see the results.


What are your thoughts on this ?  share it down below.




Massive no to this, both the Scout and AV cars are fantastic additions to TMP that bring great variety to the road. This would be incredibly unfair and pointless as players will and do this in trucks too, you regularly see trucks aswell as cars trying to squeeze down the middle, the vehicle is not the problem certain players are and it would be very unfair for everyone to be punished with restricted car use due to those who cause issues with the cars and those same players wont care, they will just switch to trucks and continue

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The Scout's physics model isn't precisely that of a 1,8 tons passenger vehicle.

It's based on a truck with the power of a spacecraft to make its acceleration look similar to a passenger vehicle, which makes it the first choice for trolls.

And maybe for astronauts 🚀.


So instead of temporarely suspend the Scout, I'd improve its physics model. This will make the Scout less attractive for trolls.

And maybe for austronauts. 😉


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The vehicle in the game is built according to truck physics.  Having diversity in the game is not a positive, but rather harmful.  First of all, this is a truck game at its core.  Instead of bringing Scot and similar vehicles, events should be held and we could at least keep people away from C and D roads.  It would be nice to have it drive on other roads.  Why would you bring a vehicle like Scot in the truck game?  It seems so ridiculous to me.  Even if they let it go, the game remains the same.  A vehicle comes every month, I wish there were events every month instead.  No matter what we say, if they see this comment they will ignore it.  Bubble.  I got a little off topic, but it's all related to each other.


I think that the vehicle is not problematic, its driving mechanism and acceleration power are challenging for some players. However, removing a vehicle from the game for a certain period of time does not solve this problem. It would be more reasonable to replace these with a regulation for the vehicle.

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I think they should not be removed, although sometimes I am angry with the cars, I think they add colour to the game.




15 hours ago, Killua // Ireland ^_^ said:

Massive no to this, both the Scout and AV cars are fantastic additions to TMP that bring great variety to the road. This would be incredibly unfair and pointless as players will and do this in trucks too, you regularly see trucks aswell as cars trying to squeeze down the middle, the vehicle is not the problem certain players are and it would be very unfair for everyone to be punished with restricted car use due to those who cause issues with the cars and those same players wont care, they will just switch to trucks and continue


Yes i understand, however as i point out this would be only ''temporary'' nobody said should remove permanently, also i like to point out that is unfair for those players who actually drive normal but ended up in different situations caused by a scout car that driving in the middle of the lane. 

and yes probably they go in the truck but to be honest that are less problems with it, and if there is no scout car on the server ''temporary'' then we see a swift of players i'm just curious on to see the outcome nothing less or more.




I dont think this should be implemented for the following reasons: The scout car is used widely as a CC vehicle allowing staff to be visible and able to move around easily. In addition I would like to add that the CD road is to be expected to have some sort of reckless drivers, regardless of vehicle. If you dont like it, you can avoid that road?

  • True Story 1

I'd be interested in the results. Unfortunately, I don't think there's gonna be a big difference. On that particular road, there will be reckless drivers everywhere and everytime. The vehicle doesn't really matter at this point, truck, bus or car, people will ALWAYS try to push their way through traffic jams, and many more cases.


I'm not in favour of this suggestion. More variety in the game is a nice thing to have. The problem, meanwhile, is not with the car, but with the player(s). Removing the car won't change anything.

I think most players that drive a car are normal players who drive properly. There will always be trolls but that is not specific to cars. It also depends on which road you drive on. On the C-D road you will always have reckless drivers/trolls to an extent. 


  • True Story 2


2 hours ago, Bhagyesh said:

indeed i am too, i agree people launch into sky because of car collisions but why car should be removed, problem is the bad driver, i have seen many people drive cars so good.

Right. In real life, cars are not banned because they get into an accident. It's the fault of the drivers, not the cars. Thanks for adding a comment.

Veteran Driver VIII | spacer.png
Member since: 31 Dec 2015 23:30 UTC
TruckersMP ID: 751173
Languages: Russian, English, Japanese.

On 30.01.2024 at 17:35, 'MaRtY said:

Aracın problemli olmadığını, sürüş mekanizması ve hızlanma gücünün bazı oyuncular için zorlayıcı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ancak bir aracı belli bir süreliğine oyundan çıkarmak bu sorunu çözmüyor. Bunların yerine araca yönelik bir düzenleme getirilmesi daha mantıklı olacaktır.

The vehicle has problems. At its most basic, it's already a problem if it's based on truck physics. Many problems such as not slowing down.

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ye no for me.... don't remove the car because some (kids/trolls) do bad driving with them causing accidents be it on purpose or accident.

instead if players do these kind of stuff just file a report with evidence and if they get banned for it then maybe they will learn from it not to do it anymore.....or else they just get banned again in future for it again.

but do not punish others who enjoy the cars and drive properly with them (or try to) by removing the car because of a bad bunch.

however i do agree that the car should receive an update to improve its handling and physics to not have: "Land submarines, Space Programs or such happen anymore" as when it comes to a collision the car would by weight lose it from a truck.....i mean 2t-3t personal vehicle against a 5t-15t+ (excluding cargo) vehicle......

  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for your suggestion. 😍

It is a pleasure to exchange ideas with each other in this way.
Unfortunately I cannot agree with you, because these tools are an important factor for the diversity and richness of the game. Many people use them with groups of friends or at vtc events to keep organisation and order. If improvements are made to the physics of the vehicle, it will become a little more enjoyable. Unfortunately this bad situation is because of us players. There may be a ranking in the direction of having a rank system in the game. Like those who don't reach a certain point can't use it...





There was server in the past, called Europe 3 [No Cars], in which you couldn't drive Scout car. Here's a thing: You may encounter reckless driver, who might drive either car, or truck. The mentioned, long gone server was no exception. 
You might have also watched YouTube compilations of in-game accidents made by Merceli88 (AKA sorsanpoika[FIN]) at some point - in these compilations you may notice few incidents caused by either the Scout car drivers, or by truck drivers, apart from the issues related to spawning on the road. Back when these compilations were made, ghost mode wasn't implemented yet. 

Such temporary ban for any user on car usage feature could be implemented in similar way to the already existing ban system. The server would have to check if the user's car ban flag is set before spawning the player in if the player happens to drive Scout car, or any of the Alternating Vehicles. The car ban flag would have to be ignored if the global non collision server setting is set - that would allow the user to drive the car on Arcade servers while not allowing the user to drive a car on Simulation ones, if ban flag is set.


If you want to ask anywhere on forums whenever 32-bit version of MP will be supported in future, try to start GTA V on your 32-bit machine before checking game's system requirements.

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