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Veteran Driver II
 TruckersMP Profile
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Verano. last won the day on September 14 2023

Verano. had the most liked content!

About Verano.

  • Birthday 04/11/2006

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Beijing, China
  • Interests
    Do your best, don't care what others say
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages

TruckersMP Information

External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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5584 profile views

Verano.'s Achievements


Contributor (4/13)

  • Posting Machine
  • Well Followed
  • One Year On
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  1. A few years ago, my friend recommended me to play TMP because it was boring to play alone
  2. He should be able to transport hundreds of kilos
  3. The vast majority of cars are trolls. They go on a rampage
  4. I would recommend MAN, this truck is cheap enough, good value for money
  5. I have been shipping goods for the 10th anniversary event recently, but I have shipped several times, and my personal page only shows that I completed once, what is the situation? Can someone tell me? I've tried running in administrator mode, but it doesn't work
  6. Thanks for the follow 

  7. Happy Birthday! 🎂

    1. Verano.



  8. Happy Birthday 🎉🎂

    1. Verano.



  9. Happy Birthday🎂:HaulieLove:

    1. Verano.


      Thank you very much

  10. For a multiplayer game, 600ms is already a very high value, in the process of overtaking will cause difficulties, this value is more reasonable, but in Arcade can be increased to 700 or even 800ms, because there is no collision problem, higher ping does not matter
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