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Traffic Light in Calais City

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As we all know, the intersection on the left side of the service with the control of a set of traffic lights (the one in the attachment) is always the most messy intersection during peak hours. In the screenshot, when I advanced when the light was green and it was completely packed in front of the service, so basically I was stuck there with the one to the left, but luckily we all just went through the intersection safely. But the green light period is just WAY TOO SHORT for that amount of traffic during peak hours.  


I'm thinking of using "All Way Stop Signs (or Four Way Stop Signs)" instead of traffic lights, so everyone comes to a COMPLETE STOP, then the FIRST ONE comes to the COMPLETE STOP goes FIRST, if two or more players stop at the same time, then the one ON THE RIGHT SIDE goes FIRST (the priority of All Way Stop Signs can be found online).


And I hope this can make the traffic in Calais city flow better and causing less jam 


Have a nice day and stay safe! 🙂 




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@LK-126-兔宝怡崽 Hello, what you say may actually make sense for that area, but if there is only a Stop sign  as you said, traffic will still be confused. Where you are, when the traffic light is removed, triangle signs should be drawn on the road, in any case, we still wait for both sides to pass, or they should extend the duration of the traffic lights there.  

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I don't think drivers would respect these signs when they usually don't respect signs placed anywhere else (e.g.: highway exit from Brussels, highway exit from Calais leading to the C-D road, etc.). The main problem here is the service station. I think it should be relocated so that players turning right from the intersection on the screenshot posted above doesn't have to wait for drivers coming out of the service station to leave. Drivers turning left from the intersection in the screenshot above could continue if players stopped at the green light when they can't continue. This way the intersection would not be blocked. Everything is about respect to others and patience.


Also I think that instead of traffic lights, there could be one big roundabout. It shouldn't be much complicated, because less experienced drivers could have problems with it, but from my point of view it would help with these traffic jams. What do others think about that?

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On 10/15/2023 at 12:28 AM, LK-126-兔宝怡崽 said:

 In the screenshot, when I advanced when the light was green and it was completely packed in front of the service, so basically I was stuck there with the one to the left, but luckily we all just went through the intersection safely.

If the traffic is congested, you're not allowed to enter an intersection or junction despite a possible right of way or green traffic light, if it would make you stuck in the intersection or junction.

This already derives from the obligation of due care, which is based on the idea of constant caution and mutual consideration. 

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Thank you for taking the time to ask questions between the valuables.

Can we widen roads or redesign traffic lights to solve traffic congestion? My suggestion is to try to add directional arrows to traffic lights, and I hope this forum will be seen or adopted by the Truckers MP staff.


This is my personal opinion.


Kind regards

Yu Jian TMP

Kind regards

Yu Jian TMP

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On 10/14/2023 at 11:28 PM, LK-126-兔宝怡崽 said:

As we all know, the intersection on the left side of the service with the control of a set of traffic lights (the one in the attachment) is always the most messy intersection during peak hours. In the screenshot, when I advanced when the light was green and it was completely packed in front of the service, so basically I was stuck there with the one to the left, but luckily we all just went through the intersection safely. But the green light period is just WAY TOO SHORT for that amount of traffic during peak hours.  


I'm thinking of using "All Way Stop Signs (or Four Way Stop Signs)" instead of traffic lights, so everyone comes to a COMPLETE STOP, then the FIRST ONE comes to the COMPLETE STOP goes FIRST, if two or more players stop at the same time, then the one ON THE RIGHT SIDE goes FIRST (the priority of All Way Stop Signs can be found online).


And I hope this can make the traffic in Calais city flow better and causing less jam 


Have a nice day and stay safe! 🙂 




I say we make it a mini roundabout

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Hello friend ,my pleasure to reply your question


In fact. I agree with your mind ,

Two ways allowed to pass at the same time is a bit unreasonable. For that ,I think who usually would like to left the city can feel the same . Mostly situation If you online at more players driving in Calais and If you would like to turn left after pass the traffic sign, most of time you may to stop in the middle of the road and let those who starighing first . At this moment some drivers will start horning you , it can always make you broing , but there is nothing we can do ,only waiting .

In Chinese traffic rules that is always one side can be allowed to pass . other ways only can stop and wait for the traffic light turn green . so in my opinion , I think the system like this is more better than Calais city 's. more important ,it can always makes lower accidents happen.


So I think it is necessary to do some change.


Have a nice day 

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On 10/15/2023 at 12:28 AM, LK-126-兔宝怡崽 said:

I'm thinking of using "All Way Stop Signs (or Four Way Stop Signs)" instead of traffic lights, so everyone comes to a COMPLETE STOP, then the FIRST ONE comes to the COMPLETE STOP goes FIRST, if two or more players stop at the same time, then the one ON THE RIGHT SIDE goes FIRST (the priority of All Way Stop Signs can be found online).


What makes you think that the same players, who ignore red traffic light signs, will stop at a Four-Way-Stop intersection respectively follow the Four-Way-Stop rule?


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Guest Acesteely20

4 Way stop signs wouldn't work.


People in TMP don't use road signs or road markings. Removing the lights and putting signs would make things worse


The best course of action would be to either extend the Light cycle and make it longer or make Calais a one way system

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