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About jess.thetrain

  • Birthday May 20

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    Music, Radio, Gaming, Tech
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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
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  1. Absolutely love the pumpkin farm area it looks truly stunning
  3. I definitely like the look of it however I do wish it still showed the date and time. Other than that excellent work I absolutely love it!
  4. Suggestion Name: Add collaborators to events / Share edit access to events Suggestion Description: I think TruckersMP should add the option to share your event page with other editors so you can all collaborate on editing the same event page. It would work similarly to Google Drive, in the sense that you can add an editor who will have access to edit the details of the event, with the only difference being they can't delete it. It would also be good if next to where the event page shows the event organiser it also shows those who collaborated on the event. Any example images: Here is some screenshots of Google Drive's share menu, which I think is an excellent example of collaboration sharing menus: https://i.imgur.com/BpAtaI2.png https://i.imgur.com/EAgGcow.png https://i.imgur.com/TN5RIKD.png Why it should be added: This would be very helpful for event teams run by a group of people, or if the person who originally created the event no longer works for the event team. It would increase the productivity of those groups working in teams as they don't all have to send the information to one person and wait for that one person to edit the event, as they would all have access. It would also eliminate the issue of people leaving the team yet still having to carry out the responsibility of editing the event page. Bonus points if the ownership of the event can be transferred!
  5. I use Arc. It's fairly new and quite different to the traditional browsers, but I think it's got some pretty cool features.
  6. You time traveller, how did you know!? So with your magical superpowers, could you look into the future to see when they will add rigids?
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