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Suggestion Name: Change the "Simulation" slogan on TruckersMP website to better reflect reality.


Suggestion Description: Change the "Simulation" slogan on TruckersMP website to better reflect reality, its current form is outdated and should be changed to something more honest and in line with current TruckersMP philosophy.


Any example images: OperaSnmkaobrazovky_2023-06-12_102507_truckersmp_com.png.d6ed473988ad6e647c2e83f72bfe7ff2.png


Why should it be added?: Truckers MP could benefit from this greatly. It would be much more enticing for mass audiences, would attract more players that wouldn't be discouraged and intimidated by its current wording, and at the same time, keep the troublemakers looking for simulation away, saving them from disappointment.

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@blabberbeak Oh yeah, all "Simulation" servers should be renamed "Arcade" or "Racing" and "Arcade" servers to just "Ghost Mode" or something similar, because that's what they really are.

Could be a new suggestion.


@Luna While I'm being sarcastic with my suggestion, I also feel like TMP should be honest about their own intentions and what they aim to achieve. I am kind of used to this "turn tables" argumentation on your forums, but we all know that Arcade servers never were TMP's unique selling point. You want to sell your product, you have chosen your preferred "customers" by your server setup decision, so stop pretending you are someting entirely different and that everyone has a equal choice, when that is not true.  And yes, I know I can drive however I see fit, but I chose not to try swimming among sharks anymore. 

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Great suggestion! I agree with this idea... I also think that the appropriate servers could be renamed. In fact, I have a name suggestion: Forza Truck Simulator 😝

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Languages that I know;
Türkçe, English


Have a safe trucking and have a good day!


Yeah, this.
It's impossible to actually fully sim any of the servers. Especially the main SIM server, which ironically, is mostly a combo of race trucks or save edited garbage that looks terrible  and just causes lag because they need 1,000,000,000 attachments, especially lights, beacons, and horns.

I wish they would introduce server side configs. That way at least everyone is running the same settings and not running into issues where one player is on full blown hardcore sim settings, while the other might have maxed stability, braking intensity, etc.
Also change the defaults - make either SIM 2 or Arcade the main/default server and have people that actually want the full experience, manually pick the server, instead of being grouped with people just clicking through all the menus (similar to how people click through installers without reading and just selecting 'next').

All these people all the time claiming on forums that they want full sim experience, yet it is quite rare that I actually find someone on the server doing this. Contrary to the server config surveys. It seems majority of the player base doesn't actually want "full sim" experience, or completely lack the understanding of what that means based on how they actually play.

People need to understand that "collisions enabled" is NOT the only thing that makes it a hardcore/realism based simulation set up.

I come back to TMP from time to time to see the stuff that they changed. The changes are nice and welcome.
The player base on the other hand, I have nothing nice to say really. Would be nice if people would actually take responsibility and not just 'sorry bro' and continue driving like an asshat, which to me, is a clear indication they aren't sorry, have not learned anything, and are bound to repeat the same mistake again/cause the same type of accident.

I only file about 30% of my collisions, as I feel bad for the TMP staff dealing with a constant overflow of reports, and even that, I feel like I am spamming them with reports.
This has been my longest run before returning to single player, it's easier to deal with AI being stupid, than it is actual players.

It's a shame.

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This is correct. Simulation MMO experience my a**. It is arcade servers everywhere. I stick only for the idiot quarry road and the VTC-convoys. 

VTC system - create your own and stay alone.

Community interaction - Add - people make insults fly all the time ove the CB-19. 

Create your own events - you forgot the quarry road.

  • 3 months later...



Simulation and realism-focused driving is a core part of TruckersMP.


Our Arcade servers exist for people who want to race and ignore the simulation principles. Even though this audience is not our primary focus, we don't want to exclude them from our mod, hence Arcade.



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