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Granite [SVK]

Veteran Driver VII
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About Granite [SVK]

  • Birthday August 23

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  • Preferred Trucks
    Freightliner Cascadia®
    Western Star
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    Not set
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  • Known languages
    Slovak, English

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Community Answers

  1. Maybe it's a bug, and these are reported through support. Create a support ticket and choose "bug report" as category, write description and put a link to the video. In the meantime, you can try this concole command: g_disable_beacon 0 - default setting g_disable_beacon 1 - lights will still blink, but flares are disabled (they will not be visible on nearby surfaces, like road, walls or nearby vehicles) g_disable_beacon 2 - lights become completely static in their lit form, also flares are disabled This command does not affect other lights than beacons and strobes, turn signals will still blink and behave normally, regardless of setting.
  2. They all work, but there are practically no players to be found anywhere outside the base map. Go for it if you like driving alone for 99% of the time.
  3. I'm sorry to ruin your excitement, but this locomotive is not intended to haul passenger trains, or any trains whatsoever. It is a diesel-hydraulic shunting (or switcher) locomotive, which are mainly used for maneuvering rail cars over short distances, typically within rail yards and terminals, assembling trains and similar, rarely being used as primary engine for moving trains. On the bright side it actually exist in real world:
  4. The glaring red buttons on the panel need to be affected by window opacity setting. Same goes for "right click to enable cursor" text on the bottom edge that's unnecessarily prominent when the window is transparent. And it remembered position and size only twice or so, now starts in the default size in the middle of the screen. And yes, I am exiting the game normally.
  5. TruckersMP and common sense? Sorry, it's just the way it is, I am not newcomer whos expectations are overly optimistic, I have seen things unimaginable and I expect always the worst possible outcome. I almost never move over, unless the player joining is cosiderably slower than me (never over 80-90km/k or 105km/h in ATS), which is maybe 1 out of 100, or I can safely get in front of them with enough space to merge back in. When they are same speed or faster, I just slow down, a bit of coasting usually suffice, braking is not required. This is especially important when I need to take next exit and don't want to end up being cut off, similar "tactics" applies when lanes splits - I change lanes early, before anyone behind can iterfere.
  6. This is TMP, real world the rules or physics do not apply. People're joining highways usually at Mach 1, cut all the lanes straight away and hit the guard rail on the opposite side. What you should do is not move over to the left, but slow down adn let them do their thing in front of you, where you can see and avoid them.
  7. Known bug, see this topic: https://promods.net/viewtopic.php?t=7 Avoid it for now, it's only going to be fixed in next version.
  8. World of Trucks event are typically announced a day before the event starts. Lats year World of Trucks Hauloween event started October 24th and lasted until November 14th, while announced on October 23th.
  9. Nah, you are not downloading from SteamDB, you are downloading from Steam servers, using Steam client, which means you need to be logged to Steam account. You want somehow for TMP to manage your Steam downloads, whichis I don't think is possible. Then why TMP peaks 2k players lower in the past 10 days? The number will be back but not before TMP updates. Some people simly choose to wait because they want to play new version of the game, they want to be able to use newly released DLCs which are incompatible with old version, they want to use mods in the meantime, which, surprisingly, get updated too - all the mods except Promods (for ATS already released) which required update were updated withing 4-5 days, they want to participate in WoT events and WoT contracts, which are also incompatible with old version. You essentially keep all those people out if you do not update in a timely manner. That should be priority, I don't know which extensive feature and big mods you are talking about, appart from Promods, which will aslo be updated as soon as possible.
  10. No you can't disable steam auto-updates at all anymore, for quite a few years, you can either set the game to always update, or only update when launched, or set high priority for auto-update. The only way to prevent the steam from updating a game is to never shut down the game or run steam client in offline mode, which of course prevents you from downloading/updating anything and using any online features. However this suggestion is based on a false assumption, that is, SteamDB is only informational site (third party), there are logs, manifests and statistics, that kind of things, but no downloads. Even if it was possible, "giving the development team more time to focus on other features and additionsi" is just a sorry excuse and shooting oneself in the leg (for TruckersMP), updating should be highest priority always, postponing would only lead to less and less players who decide to wait for TMP update to ever return.
  11. And they twinkle and there is also moon that goes through phases. The night sky only looks this good since 1.49 update though.
  12. A sharp turn at the entry point with barrier to prevent cutting straight through it will work way better, making them just hit the wall head on if they try.
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