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What would be the thoughts or things you would recommend for those who are new to the Game that You know?


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What would be the thoughts or things you would recommend for those who are new to the Game that You know?


  1. I advise them to follow the rules of the Game, no matter what.
  2. In order not to be distracted while driving, you should not deal with a different situation. When you are distracted and hurt a different person, your ban rate may increase. Let's Use It Carefully.
  3. Any gas,hotel,bus station, repair shop, etc. I recommend that they do not go wrong in any way in places like this. In this case, it may increase your ban rate.
  4. I can recommend that you overtake where there is no overtaking ban on roads used, including 2 lanes at non-highway round trips. The middle strip line, which is a straight line, means a ban. But for your information, individual lane lines mean places suitable for overtaking...
  5. One of the most important events as a TruckersMP User is that you should avoid speed-increasing, Ncz-style applications. Because it could get you banned permanently.
  6. Polishing the truck arrangement in an exaggerated way, etc. you need to avoid situations that will complicate the game of the opposite side. It allows you to be permanently banned. But you can open it, but the game will spoil your taste.
  7. As far as I know, it is forbidden to use 3 dorses on the most popular TruckersMP D-C road and on the KIRKENES road, which is popularly known on the Promods server. Let's be careful when choosing a trailer.
  8. When you play on Truckers, try not to fall below the speed limit at the top left of the map part located at the bottom right. Because the Buddha may cause you to eat ban. Blocking-style complaints may occur.
  9. If you are a player who wants to go slowly, if the person behind you wants to overtake you, it would be better for you to give way to that player. If that player uses the right to overtake correctly and tries to overtake you and you don't give way, you have a chance to be Banned.


I think this information will help you when you play TruckersMP. Enjoy the game.

Kind Regards....?



Steam Youtube  | Truckersmp

Discord Nick: Whiτe.#0002

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For TMP, i would suggest only 2 things:


1. Take 15-20 minutes to study the rules (not many of them and not that hard, a good portion it's about common sense, this will also pay off in the long run -> https://truckersmp.com/rules)

2. Drive responsibly as you would drive in real life (wich should include, respecting others on the road, the knowledge of road rules and the behaviour to have in road), if you do not have the knowledge at all of this 2 last points, refer to the rules or to your common sense while driving


At this point you now have pretty much what you need to start your journey safely for you and for others, the rest of knowledge related to the other details in TMP will come with time and experience, but for me the 2 points mentioned it's the base to start all safely

spacer.png _raffaele_ spacer.png

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Hey I Shadel


According to my observations and the new players I've identified, most of them claim that they were banned unfairly.


Especially if we count the mistakes they made;


"I can pass other players through the grass." No, it is strictly prohibited, use the road.


"I overtake it well, I was banned unfairly." No, if he crossed or made a sudden maneuver in front of the player he passed, it will definitely lead to a ban.


“I was banned because of the person who overtook me.” One of the rules that most people probably don't know. When someone tries to overtake you, never increase your speed as this may indicate that you are trying to block them. And slow down if you can, always be cautious.


Do not insult at all. Most beginner players use insults and bad words in chat. It should not be done and remember that swearing in the virtual environment does not have a positive side for you or the other party.


Let's assume that the player in front of you is going slowly, and you are moving forward by increasing your speed to overtake. But in such a time that the opposite player comes, if you continue, you can threaten the player by making a dangerous move. To avoid such an event

I think it saves lives. As soon as you realize you can't overtake, if there isn't much traffic behind you, slow down and take your place. But if the situation is not suitable for this, try standing on the grass by lighting the quad on the left side, it will be very useful for you.


Kind Regards 


TruckersMP Veteran Driver I




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Guest Aurris

Don't drive faster than 90km/h unless you are on an empty highway, think twice before overtaking on C-D and give way to those who are trying to overtake you. If you notice another player coming from the opposite way while you're overtaking; slow down and just throw yourself on the grass, this is why I would never recommend someone to overtake if there is some sort of barrier next to the other lane. Record your gameplay at all times, not just for reporting rule breakers but mostly for appealing your bans in case you lag out or something. Always be nice to other players, don't use profanity in chat or CB. Here's a funny story I've got about this: So I was in Calais, some guy in chat asks how to use CB (most likely a new player), I explain it to him and then he starts talking there. Only around 10 seconds later, he insults another player while there is a game moderator in Calais, then he gets banned for 2 weeks...

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I think he has to read the rules first and then when he hits the road, let others, don't let yourself get banned.?

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  1. First of all, if they are going to drive on crowded roads, they should never, never enter the game with the profiles they have saved with their own efforts. They can get burned.
  2. They need to adjust their in-game graphics settings and controls accordingly. It should be wary of lag in graphics settings and adjust the control settings so that they do not lose control.
  3. In Truckers Mp settings, they can turn off the items that will harm the enjoyment of the game. Like horns for horn spam, things like reverse gear can be turned off. I strongly suggest that they carefully adjust the graphics settings. It can cause problems.
  4. I advise them to follow the traffic rules and TruckersMP rules in the game and never speak slang, voice or text. It will be helpful and never harmful.
  5. They should always focus on the road and not blindfold themselves to extra-game events. 1 second in traffic may not be compensated. You should avoid any undisciplined actions that could result in your ban.
  6. Never use cheats. Never.
  7. Do not rush in traffic. This is a truck simulation and there is no need to race. You have to give way to someone who wants to pass you. Even if someone does not give way to you, you should never use slang or break any rules that will put your account at risk.
    In such cases, if you have an in-game video recording, it will be sufficient to report the player. Never enter crowded areas without video recording. If your system is not sufficient to register, do not enter crowded areas.

    I hope some of the suggestions I have given you will be of use to you. Good game guys.

    Kind Regards

    Black Alcoa
    TruckersMP Veteran Driver II
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First read and understand the TMP rules, and if you have any questions you can open a ticket and ask your question and it will be answered. 

Don't be in a hurry to go to very busy roads, get to know the game, gain experience and then you will be more comfortable on these roads. 

Beware of Game Trolls, 

But most importantly, having fun with the game and our community, we're all here to help. 

good km 

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  • 3 weeks later...



As I have been Game Moderator at multiple times and that I'm in TruckersMP community since 2014-2015 and have joined staff since 2017 ( with some breaks ), I'd recommend a few things to an new user.


- First, try your stuffs in singleplayer.

- Second is read and fully understood TruckersMP rules, if you have questions and then some misunderstood, contact a Game Moderator because as I would always says, better to know than better to cry.

- Third, test TruckersMP in Arcade Mode first. It also the same reasons than the first one but also includes TruckersMP features as you have to be familiarized with those features. 

- Four, in that way you have been more familiarized with TruckersMP features, rules and your stuff. Then you can try it in Simulation server but in a city with less people than usual. Try to do some short deliveries.

- Five, "Nosce te ipsum". If you feel you are ready, then go ahead but still aware that you're fully responsible of this action if something made by you happens 

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I dont know the truck taste of the players but i recommend that they think about other players and build trucks accordingly as if they selfishly put leds all over the truck without thinking about other players or if the save edit rate is high, "Permanent Ban" will be inevitable.

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I don't think it's hard for newbies to take a few minutes to look at the TMP rules, which will reduce the chances of them being banned because they don't understand the rules

                                                                Language: Chinese/English

                Discord:hengya0512            I want everyone to be able to drive safely on the road!❤️

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I have been driving on cd roads for a long time and I give you some advice and experience.


-Be sure to maintain a stable driving speed, do not blindly increase the speed, especially for novice players

-Dont overtake on cd roads it's a very unsafe act, you can do it if you feel safe

-Keep a stable and safe distance, otherwise you will collide with the car in front

-If you've been hit by an idiot driver, don't make a rebuttal Use report web to report it    Check

-Be sure to read TruckersMP rules and equipment safety carefully before playing, it is necessary


Here are some of my personal suggestions


Kind regards,






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I have played ETS2 with TMP for a long time. In my opinion, knowing the road rules is very important. When you online, please avoid driving your truck into Populated areas, remember you are a green hand ! On the road, keeping calm is the first, drive the truck in the right lane. 



Kind regards


SG-Team Administrator 



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If I were to give some advice to new players of TMP, it would be:

  1. To never rush anything - What I'm saying here is that players that have just got into truck simulations should never try to rush any of their actions. I'm saying this especially to those that drive with a keyboard, a mouse or have just bought a steering wheel because it takes some time to get used to the controls. Also don't feel obligated to jump straight into the C-D road or any busy areas until you are comfortable with driving!
  2. To consider trying to grow their profile instead of using a save edited profile - It feels more rewarding to grow a profile than jumping into an 8x4 truck. Yes it takes some time but it's quite fun doing this.
  3. To always ask for feedback on what they should have done differently (should the user be banned) - Not a lot of users actually ask for feedback on their actions. If a forum moderator could clarify if this is allowed btw: I also would encourage you to ask the community what they should have done without complaining about the ban. It helps yourself and others on the road!
  4. Have a recording software handy - Many drivers on TMP usually get banned but there are cases where it is not their fault. I feel a recording software should only really be used to protect yourself from getting banned than to be used to report as many drivers as possible. 
  5. To check out TruckersFM - TruckersFM usually plays some music while you drive and there are a few nice presenters that are quite interactive to the community! They also provide traffic reports!
  6. Join the TMP Discord - There are some nice people there and many of them are looking to drive with you ?

I hope these tips are helpful!


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Pay attention to deceleration in some sections of the road where the curve is very urgent, do not brake sharply when decelerating, and point brake

                                                                Language: Chinese/English

                Discord:hengya0512            I want everyone to be able to drive safely on the road!❤️

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We apply these procedures, in order to keep the forum organized and structured. 


If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. 


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Kind Regards


TruckersMP Forum Moderator.

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