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  1. Hey everyone, I've been working on a concept redesign for the Launcher, Login page and logo, focusing on a more modern look and additional features. Here's a quick overview: What's New? Modernized Design: I've crafted a sleeker and more user-friendly interface to give the launcher a fresh feel. Expanded News Section: Stay up-to-date with more news about TMP and the game itself. Logo Redesign: I've also given the logo a makeover, incorporating an accent color (#ed1c24 - RED) for a modern touch. Working launcher functionality achieved with C# and WPF. Why it should be added: The current TruckersMP Launcher could benefit from a visual and functional update. A modernized design with expanded news coverage and a revamped logo can improve user experience and make the launcher more engaging for players. How You Can Help: I'd love to hear your thoughts on this concept! Feel free to share your feedback and ideas in the comments below.
  2. Friendly reminder that the old launcher prior to November 2022 can be downloaded here, https://static.truckersmp.com/launcher/launcher_1004.zip You can alternatively contact customer support who will provide you a copy. I just know a lot of people prefer it, but the new launcher is great too!
  3. Hallo, habe mir einen neuen PC gekauft, leider aktualisiert er nicht weiter. Er hängt sich bei 130/131 auf und macht nicht weiter. Habe schon versucht den Launcher neu zu installieren, als Administrator auszuführen und die filechat.dat Datei zu löschen. Ich bitte um Hilfe danke!
  4. Suggestion Name: Support Steam In-Home streaming Suggestion Description: Explained below. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Currently Steam In-Home streaming does not work cause the MP launcher is a external executable that gets closed after it altered the game and started it. That way if you start to stream ETS2:MP from another PC via Steam the game opens on the server PC and stays open but it immediatly closes on the client pc. That is because steam watches the "launcher_ets2mp.exe" and that process gets closed when the game is starting up. A possible solution that i can't test is to make the launcher not closing when the game starts. That way we could check if Steam is recognizing that the launcher starts another process "eurotruck2.exe" and if it's streaming that process then. Another way could be a MP on/off switch launcher that when you start it, it modifies the game until you start it the next time. Then you could regulary stream ETS2 on steam with enabled multiplayer.
  5. bonjour, quand je veux lancer le multi d'ets2, ca me mets ce message , "Can not inject core (can not write memory)" est-ce-que quelqu'un peut me dire commment je dois faire pour que ca marche ?? merci
  6. I have uninstalled and reinstalled ETS2 multiple times, as well as TruckersMP, but it hasn't worked. I've visited 100 forums, but nothing has helped. I don't know what else to do. My launcher is working but the login screen is not appearing
  7. When i open my TruckersMP launcher with administrator rights, after that, its just opens ETS2. I reinstalled TruckersMP launcher and it's not working
  8. Hi, The game launcher remains as shown in the picture and I cannot enter the game. Could you please help. I could not add the picture because it was too big. I posted a link: https://ibb.co/bKZNxvY
  9. https://imgur.com/a/HCcvfzw Пытаюсь загрузить обновление, выдаёт ошибку. Удалял папку в programm files, не помогло. Help(
  10. Hello, I have this problem, when I launch the launcher, it says loading and then I get error "Failed to verify files". I have set the path to ETS2 correctly and I don't know what the problem might be. What I've tried: Verify game in steam restart PC I don't know if I should try reinstalling the launcher or ETS2. Also I have ETS2 on external HDD, I don't know if that can be the problem too. Thanks! Smajl.
  11. Suggestion Name: Launcher border Suggestion Description: Add a window border to the launcher Any example images: Why should it be added?: Because I need to be able to move it on my dual monitor setup, and [win]+[left arrow] isn't cutting it. There's also the fact it launched on my secondary monitor, not my primary one. Programs without a border look pretty bad and very unprofessional. There's also a problem that the launcher is poorly designed and that there's no need for the ETS2 and ATS buttons to be that far apart, and so small. They're the entire point of the launcher - make them big and the main focus. This launcher is almost entirely pointless because it is so poorly made; it slows the process of launching the game, contrary to it's purpose. And now we also can't pass commands to the game (e.g. skipping the intro vids).
  12. How To Change Backgrounds In TruckersMP Launcher 1. Locate The TruckersMP Folder -> C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP 2. Now Go To -> C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP/data 3. Create a new Folder called "ats_mod" or "ets2_mod" 4. Inside that folder make another folder called "ui" - Should look like this -> C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data\ats_mod\ui 5. Drop images inside the "ui" folder * Make Sure Images Are Called "background.png" , "background0.png" , "background1.png" * 6. Launch TruckersMP
  13. Coming home a few minutes ago, i was planing to play some TruckersMP. But as i booted up the launcher, my anti virus started going crazy saying, that core_atsmp.dll is a Coinminer Malware. Is there any news regarding this issue or is my anti virus program just too careful? Any same experiences?
  14. Every time I try to start ETS using the truckersmp launcher, I encounter a directx error, and if I start the game on Steam, the error does not occur
  15. Suggestion Name: Make the installer store mod files in the install directory Suggestion Description: Currently, the installer saves mod files (the core ETS2 & ATS2 mod plus the current winter mod) within program data. I know this is a common thing and is most likely considered good practice, however the vast majority of us are probably using SSDs so free space is treasured. I would like to be able to have the files (winter mod above all else, due to its more noticeable size) saved on the drive that the launcher itself was installed to. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: It will give players more control over the use of their drive space.
  16. Bonjour, Ce soir lorsque je veux lancer le launcher, un message d'erreur s'affiche "An error occured while contacting our update servers". Impossible donc de jouer. Savez vous quand la situation sera rétabli ?? D'autres joueurs français ont l'air d'avoir le même problème.
  17. Hello my friend there is a problem but we can't solve it I hope you help us Error Photo Аttempts that didn't work Delete the C\ProgramData\TruckersMP folder Start TruckersMP as Administrator a Direct x update Stopping anti-virus programs Check the game files by steam Complete reinstallation of the game crash.log last_crash.log
  18. Ola a todos estou com problemas para atualizar o lauchermp, quando eu baixo a atualização ressecaria no termino do download nao instala a atualizacao e aparece la pra mim baixar de novo o coreets2mp.dll e nao consigo jogar alguem pode me dar uma dica de como resolver? obrigado
  19. i was uninstall truckersmp & delete truckersmp program data folder but nothing happened. this update cant install what can i do right now? i will process all the thing to try solving this problem but everytime i was failed.? this problem i was saying..everytime show this, when i click install it again show this
  20. Hi, is it possible to downgrade TruckersMP to 1.35? I wanted to play with ProMods but as that is only available in 1.35 and TruckersMP was updated to 1.36 I can't launch it.
  21. chodzi o to że jak odpalam launcher to nie wyświetlają mi się wogóle promodsy mimo że mam wszystkie dlc. tak na prawde to się zaczęło od tego jak zainstalowałem aktualizacje ktora jest normalnie niedostępna ale mi launcher kazał ją zainstalować i teraz nie dosć ze nie moge odpalić promodsów to moj ets2 nie multiplayer tez sie zle wczytuje przez co nie moge grać ;( . pomocy nie mam pojęcia co z tym zrobić. jak wchodze w mody na offline to mi pokazuje że promodsy są niekompatybilne
  22. Merhaba, uzun bir aradan sonra arkadaşımla ets2 yi mp oynamak için programı yükledim lakin bazı sorunlarla karşılaştık. Aldığımız hata mesajlarına yönelik yardımcı olursanız seviniriz
  23. По-долу са някои от възможните решения на различни грешки на стартовия панел. Моля, опитайте ги преди да създадете тикет. System.Runtime.Interop.Services.COMException 0x80072EE4 System.InvalidOperationException "Тази реализация не е част от валидирани криптографски алгоритми на Windows Platform" System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Достъпът до пътя 'C: \ ProgramData \ TruckersMP \ core_atsmp.dll ' е отказан. ( замени и с ets2mp).
  24. Hello I have been having this problem for 4 months now. The game simply won't launch. I have tried: Restarting my PC (obviously). Reinstalling TruckersMP 10-20 times, making sure every file on every drive that has anything to do with TruckersMP got deleted. Launching when on a different connection. Launching with and without steam open. Clicking OK, which sends me to the download page. I have tried downloading it again from there with no luck. EDIT: I have also tried launching with a VPN. No luck. The TruckersMP folder only contains these files: I guess I don't have all the files, since I can't even reach the launcher for some reason. I have noticed that the installation time is extremely fast, almost instant. Any help is appreciated, I really want to play this again but I really don't know what to do.
  25. Hello everyone! I have an idea that TruckersMP has to keep original ETS2 files in it: When ets2 get updates, we can not play TruckersMP. so TruckersMP has to keep backup about before the updates so we are able to keep playing when the Truckersmp is in update session. For example when the TruckersMP is in for ETS2 1.3.5, Truckersmp has to keep the ETS2 1.3.5 files inself. With this way, when ETS2 gets update to 1.3.6, we are going to be able to play truckersmp. I dont really know how can do that but I think it is a good Idea. Thanks for that
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