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 TruckersMP Profile
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About Cynicalitz

  • Birthday June 3

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  • Known languages
    English, Polish, Italian

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  1. Hey everyone, I've been working on a concept redesign for the Launcher, Login page and logo, focusing on a more modern look and additional features. Here's a quick overview: What's New? Modernized Design: I've crafted a sleeker and more user-friendly interface to give the launcher a fresh feel. Expanded News Section: Stay up-to-date with more news about TMP and the game itself. Logo Redesign: I've also given the logo a makeover, incorporating an accent color (#ed1c24 - RED) for a modern touch. Working launcher functionality achieved with C# and WPF. Why it should be added: The current TruckersMP Launcher could benefit from a visual and functional update. A modernized design with expanded news coverage and a revamped logo can improve user experience and make the launcher more engaging for players. How You Can Help: I'd love to hear your thoughts on this concept! Feel free to share your feedback and ideas in the comments below.
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