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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About [Ramin]

  • Birthday 01/19/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sumgait, Azerbaijan
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Poznan
  • Known languages
    Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, Georgian

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  1. After dropping the new shortcut from "File Location" to "desktop" the problem was solved.
  2. Hi, The game launcher remains as shown in the picture and I cannot enter the game. Could you please help. I could not add the picture because it was too big. I posted a link: https://ibb.co/bKZNxvY
  3. Thank you everyone for your help. Problem solved. I updated the game from steam, updated the graphics driver and uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it.
  4. @Polyxena Honestly, I haven't tested it in singleplayer and I can't right now because the game has a steam update as well. I'm worried that the new version won't support TruckersMP if I update.
  5. Thanks everyone for the help, it helped to some extent, but the game still has the screen mess problem. That's why I've crashed several times. I face the threat of a temporary ban. I couldn't download the image because it was too big. I added a link: https://ibb.co/ZTKySc0
  6. Hello. In my game, when visiting cities with a lot of players (Duisburg, etc.), an error occurs as soon as the image appears. This situation is starting to get really boring because I play this game to connect with people. And this bug kills all my enthusiasm for the game. Could you please help.
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