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  1. Suggestion name: Event server rights | Ban/Kick/Tpr rights for players Suggestion Description: Hello dear trucking community! I thought of sharing my suggestion and idea with you. Every VTC leader has the possibility to get an event server as soon as the requirements fit. How about giving certain people of choice kick/TPR/ban rights to the server? That is, as soon as a player does not follow the rules, he will be kicked or banned. Note that the player is only banned for the event server. Any example pictures: / Why should it be added? Convoys are always in the evening, there is also a lot of activity on simulation 1 or other servers. This would allow the game moderator team to concentrate on the most important things in the evening. Kind Regards, CorniTv0100 | Dream Logistics
  2. Heya, i was wondering if we can expect a adjustment to TMP's timeframe of the auto kick functions for no lights used? i was trying to use the new auto headlight feature and got kicked off of the server 2x because "no headlight use" that happened on sunrise and in the afternoon, i feel like adjusting the timeframes to match the ingame auto headlight feature would be a great QoL change/addition
  3. Suggestion Name: Clarification on "invalid accessory set detected" message Suggestion Description: show which accessory part is invalid. Any example images: No Why should it be added?: A lot of people get kicked and get the "invalid accessory set detected" message but they just don't know why. I think it would be helpful to include the file name or DLC name that is unsupported to prevent useless topics on the forum. Example: "You were kicked from the game. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Prohibited accessory in use: Belgian Paint Jobs Pack is not supported in Multiplayer yet." or "You were kicked from the game. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Prohibited trailer in use: Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack is not supported in Multiplayer yet."
  4. Hallo, ich habe ständig den Fehler "unreliable connection". Es ist egal auf welchem Server ich spiele, meistens wenn viele Leute auf einem Fleck sind fliege ich raus, aber auch manchmal ohne erkennbaren Grund. Ich habe die Konsole mit dem Kommando "g_developer 16" mitlaufen lassen und davon ein Video gemacht. Ich spiele hauptsächlich auf dem ProMods-Server. Das Video hab ich absichtlich in Kirkenes gemacht da dort am Meisten los ist. Bei allen anderen mit denen ich spiele funktioniert dort ja auch alles ohne Probleme. Nur bei mir geht es nicht. Ich brauche dringend Hilfe, da es echt nur noch purer Frust ist wenn man online spielen möchte. Hier der Link zum Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iITV3nQb7k&feature=youtu.be Meine Specs: RTX 2070 Super, 16 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 1700, Auflösung 4K und auf höchsten Einstellungen. Das Spiel läuft auf einer SSD. Internetleitung: 200.000 (Ethernetkabel, Ping 12-30ms) Ich habe mich durch sämtliche "Lösungen" im Forum gelesen und habe alles Mögliche ausprobiert und nichts hilft. Das habe ich probiert: -PC und Router neustarten -ETS 2 und TruckersMP neu installiert und alle dazugehörigen Ordner (überall) gelöscht vor der Neuinstallation. -Kaspersky Programmregeln verändert, Einstellungen auf allen möglichen Art und Weisen geändert. Selbiges gilt für Windows Defender wenn Kaspersky aus war. -Komplett ohne Virus- und Firewallschutz gespielt und dennoch vom Server geflogen. -Router komplett resetet auf Werkseinstellungen. -Router auf 2,4Ghz umgestellt und 5Ghz deaktiviert -Google DNS versucht 8 8 8 8 oder 8 8 4 4 -DNS Cache cleared, ARP Cache cleared, Winsock Catalog resetet -Verschiedene Anschlüsse mit dem Ethernetkabel am Router ausprobiert -Etliche Apps und Programme deinstalliert, die etwas mit dem Netzwerk zu tun haben -Windows Updates und Store Datennutzung deaktiviert, nur noch manuelle Updates -TMP Launcher als Admin starten Ich weiß nicht ob ich jetzt alles erwähnt habe aber ich bin seit 2 Wochen nur am verzweifeln. Es ist purer Frust. Bitte helft mir, gibt es nicht noch irgendetwas was ich tun kann? Bei allen anderen Spielen die ich spiele habe ich nie Probleme. Vielen Dank schonmal!
  5. Guten Morgen, Ich habe ein Problem was ich mir selber nicht erklären kann! Jedesmal wenn ich TruckersMP starte und in Simulation 1 Joine, werde ich in ca. 1-5 min gekickt. Der Grund ist immer das selbe "unreliable connection" was ich mir echt gar nicht erklären kann, da ich eine echt starke Internet Leitung habe 250mb↓ und 20mb↑(Bild ist unten). Ich habe mein PC auch über LAN ans WLAN verbunden. Hat jemand eine Lösung für mich? So langsam vergeht einem echt der Spaß. Ich danke euch im vorraus.
  6. Suggestion Name: Disable the AFK kick (not timer) when the server population is below a certain threshold. Suggestion Description: Disable the AFK kick when the server is nowhere near full capacity so that players can be a bit more leisurely in their trucking during off-hours. When space is needed (when the server is above 75%-85% full or something like that), start kicking the ones who have been inactive the longest. Also, let players know with a message in chat when they're about to be kicked, so they can move if they're not actually AFK. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: When the server is fairly empty, I find it pleasant to take longer breaks between loads and have a snack, people watch, or just lay back a bit.Sometimes this means parking in the garage, sometimes it's by the repair station, or in a lot, and sometimes it's on the shoulder or in a truck stop. During off-hours, when server demand is lowest, I think it would be nice to see other truckers doing the same, either taking extended stops in rest stops as well, or just parking nearby to chat a bit. Making this change would allow players to take it a bit easier when less people are on, and also increase the average amount of players online during those times.
  7. Suggestion Name: Dynamic AFK grace period based on server capacity Suggestion Description: Set a default AFK time allowed and extend this if there are less players on the server than than the half of its capacity. Any example images: None. Why should it be added? Currently there's a fixed amount of away from keyboard time after when you'll get automatically kicked. Kicking inactive players after a short amount of time if the servers are busy is a good idea but there are times when this rule is just so strict. Eg.: I usually take a break from the game every hour to go to refresh myself and I do find myself being kicked off the server even if there are only a few players on it. Since there is no quick reconnect option I have to quit and relaunch the game, reload my profile, connect again. This makes the resting places at highways, the petrol stations and hotels in cities absolutely useless.
  8. Good evening, recently I reset my PC in order to regain some of its speed and performance from back in the days. But ever since I re-downloaded TruckersMP it does this thing where when I travel to a Garage or to a Workshop, it freezes for like 5-10sec and then the server kicks me for reason: "Unreliable connection". Any suggestions as to what to do? Im awaiting an answer :) Thank you, Julian.
  9. Hi! I know there is such a theme, but it didn't help me. (There it is - https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/79429-unreliable-connection-kick/ ) So.. I try soo much things and nothing helped me. I tried everything from the theme that exist, tried to reset my router, run new LAN cable from my rack to my PC.. And nothing helped. Can you help me solve the problem? :(
  10. Just after entering the game and pressing the RIDE button, something like this appears: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1929411638 And I have to say that it started happening after the new update, and that's how it is all the time. I am asking for help.
  11. For example: As title suggests Suggestion Name: Idle time auto kick Suggestion Description: Extend idle time auto kick and / or add an audible time limit warning Any example images: None Why should it be added?: I understand that people sitting idle in the servers in congested area's can be an issue. However , there are instance's from personal experience where some of us as player's sit idle ( at time's ) in empty or country side areas where there is little to no traffic. We do this because we have other thing's that come up during game play that we have to attend to. The given idle time is to short in my personal opinion because things sometimes do not take that long to take care of and when we come back we have been kicked and to save and completely quit the game then restart and reload ( which in some cases per some player's ) can create an issue ( especially if they haven't parked in a safe area ) to respawn in the road or in the middle of heavy traffic. I suggest maybe you could extend the idle timer for a few minutes and add an audible warning to the time limiter to let us know that we are going to be kicked from the server. Possibly even add an easier way for us to rejoin the server without having to completely shut down and reload everything. I hope this help's within the mp community and that it also helps the moderator's with their jobs and saves some time for everyone. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and have a great day.
  12. hello just came to me for the first time this error i will be glad someone has a solution to this problem
  13. Здравствуйте. Решил я сегодня зайти поиграть. Все было нормально, но после 30 секунд как я зашел на сервер меня кикает за ненадежное соединение. Что могло повлиять на это? Не уж то это антивирус? Скриншот кика Антивирус стоит Bitdefender. Может он блокирует трафик на сервера TruckersMP? Помогите пожалуйста
  14. Hello, so I've decided to reinstall truckers mp after I've upgraded my PC and when I enter the server Simulation 1 I get kicked after about 5 or 10 minutes. It says something about unreliable connection. Is there any fix or should I just wait for another update? Edit: Now I've change to the other Simulation server and the connection constantly breaks when I arrive in a city.
  15. Hi, Me and my Friend have made a Triple Trailer, which is collection of B-Double + HCT (Picture). We have seen Rules before doing it and it should be not against Rules. But still want to ask if its possible to drive without Kicked or Banned. On The Trailer we had mixed 2 Trailers combination, HCT and B-Double. Thats allowed on The server ( Using non-default trailer combinations (trailers must have space between them and not clip into each other)) And it contain not more than 3 trailers. 2x full-size trailers (HCT) and 1x Mid-size Trailer, (Trailer form B-Double) So that should be not against the Rules. ( Trailer combinations must only contain up to 3 cargo carrying trailers (dolly trailers do not count towards this). 3 full-size trailers are not allowed to be used in ETS2 due to the autokick system. And the Trailers Chain Type is HCT. So i can use it Legally? or? Thanks in Advance!
  16. Suggestion Name: Re-Login on Game-Servers after a kick. Suggestion Description: There could be 2 variants. 1. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with "Re-Login" and you get logged in back to the server, you was previously - OR 2. Variant) Add in Tab a Button with Drop-Down menu and you can Change the Server Any example images: no one, unfortunately... Why should it be added?: Who dont know this. You are going shortly AFK to do make food or going to toilet and you was too slow and got kicked. So, you are playing now 6 hours without pause and dont want to loose the current Playtime in Steam - you are currently forced to play offline or restart the Game and loose the current playtime.It would be a nice Feature, so we dont loose our current playtime Kind regards, Maurice "MauriceLPs" K.
  17. Suggestion Name: Lowering ping to 300 for auto kick Suggestion Description: Lowering the average ping to kick people at roughly 300 to stop laggers causing issues Any example images: Why should it be added?: Whilst my connection isn't always perfect as members from AHL could testify for. When doing the AHL 1 year convoy there was a lagger that caused a lot of issues and split up the convoy. Why this should be added is to cause less hassle for people playing with a more reliable connection. For people who might complain it's due to where they live if you are in America don't use a European server if you have high ping because it makes the gameplay less enjoyable for everyone else Hope everyone reading has a good day, Thanks coolio859,
  18. Buen día soy nuevo aquí y ayer, gracias a mi servidor, edita mi camión, querría saber qué es el objeto que no debo poner, que por culpa de esto voy comprando 2 camiones, desde ya muchas gracias.
  19. Hello everyone, I was wondering why I get kicked when taking a Dozer from the Heavy Cargo Pack on mp, I know that Special Transport DLC is not compatible and not alloud but then why do I get kicked when I take this cargo? Because I never had any problem with it...
  20. The true title was meant to be 'Why SCS and TruckersMP should have been banned from making games'. Let's get straight into it. Server issues no one actually care about. The difference between position shown on player's screen vs server's reality is many times TOO BIG (even tho both players have decent connection) Kicking or how to bully your own community. This is the reason why everyone in team of TMP should be fired. Who came up with the idea to force players to turn on their lights in strict hours although the sun's up. It look silly! Imagine that you play with wireless keyboard and mouse, you log in, realize that your keyboard ran out of juice the second you hit the road and boom, kicked! This is just stupid bullying over rules you * made up! Get your minds straight. I understand it's really important for players not to drive as ghosts but this is stupid. Limits or everyone likes cars but SCS and TMP don't care about it. Let me show you the bitter truth! You had EU1 with realism. You made EU2 with cars and unlimited speed. You realized people like it more then your * 'realism' You added speed limit to EU2 because you *can't stand that people like something else then trucking 90km/h You give us arguments that there are less accidents, of course because all the normal players QUIT WHY haven't you made EUx server just to see if people would rather drive with speed limits? BECAUSE YOU KNEW THE ANSWER If you are so sure about the accidents rate, show us charts! Come on, do it. Show me the accident rate BEFORE and AFTER speed limitation. You have none? Oh my bad, wait NO. You made your heads on something based on your subjective feelings and force it upon your community as facts and reasons you make your decisions. That's what I call hypocrisy! If your report system worked, you would have all the data I'm asking you to show, but it doesn't work so you are left behind with 2 things: Unlimited power over your own product Wrath and anger over people who enjoy driving cars (200km/h on highways, overtaking, and all the other entertaining thigs) I usually drive on CD road 200kmh with overtaking and no accidents. I can even add a video for you to prove it. It's not about speed, it's about community. Your childish attitude mirrors in your players. You force your community to play by your rules just like a little kid that wants all his little friends to play with trucks, even tho they want to play with cars. You are a shame. SCS I'd explain myself very briefly. I added a whole A4 page to their forum about what should be changed, what should be added. I'm not going to post the link here unless someone asks for it, but the answer to my ideas and suggestions (which would have been a real enrichment for both community and wallet of SCS) was unexpected and came from one of their testers: 'The game is fine as it is, I don't think anything should be added' Tell me what kind of company doesn't give a * about it's customers and only thing in it's eyes is profit and milking the same old game over and over again by creating paid DLC maps which aren't that hard to make. I doubt they pay more then 7k for one DLC to make and milk their fans in one of the worst ways. I am very angry with you, you ruined my all time favorite game just because YOU want to play it by your own way. Shame on you
  21. Hallo Trucker MP Team, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Volvo in American Truck MP. Immer wenn ich eine Lackierung aus dem "American Truck Simulator - Classic Stripes Paint Jobs Pack" nehme, werde ich aus dem MP gekickt mit der Aufforderung, mein Paint Job zu wechsel. Nach dem wechsel der Lackierung, kann ich dann wieder ins Spiel ohne gekickt zu werden. Diese Problem ist nur bei dem Volvo, bei den anderen Trucks funktionieren die Lackierungen. MfG Michael
  22. I was wondering how i could appeal a discord ban? I looked around and could find nothing!
  23. skoda araba aldığımda serverdan atılıyorum, hiçbir modifiye yapmadım sadece arabanın rengini mavi yaptım yine de atıldım. neden kaynaklanıyor olabilir.
  24. When I Have %50 damage over, Sometimes My engine is turning off. And system says "Please turn on your lights if you will not you will be kicked in 15 seconds" I kicked many times for this reason. Please fix this problem.
  25. Hello, so far everything has been up and running, but after a new update, I am kicked from the server (all servers) with the message: You have been kicked from the server. Reason: Invalid accessory set detected. Sorry. You're not a Game Moderator! (NetTruck) I don't know what can I do right now.
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