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  1. I think that an in-game VTC Manager should be added to TMP it would work Similar to the TAB button and bring up an overlay. except this would be a VTC Management window with different options and also a variety of things to do within the VTC that would be accessible by all VTC members including drivers! Now whilst this could have many options added to it (during future updates) this would be VTC friendly by allowing many things to happen! How to prevent abuse of this system: ONLY VERIFIED VTCs SHOULD HAVE ACCESS VTC Staff manager system (VTC Ranking system run by the owner of VTC with ability to add and remove ranks for their drivers IE: Admin, Mod, Driver, Social Media Manager etc) What the system could bring: This system could bring a variety of cool things these couple of opinions being a small amount of them. Custom VTC Skin that would stand out to other drivers More active VTC Community (VTC Manager required) Job Dispatcher and many many more in future updates This could help VTCs grow and become a lot more active in the world of TMP Questions? How would a VTC get there skin uploaded to TMP and how would members be able to use them? The in Game VTC Manager would allow its founder to register a skin with the game admins if they are a verified VTC. This asking a admin to upload a custom VTC skin for use by any members that are in the VTC on the website (yes the in-game VTC Manager would be linked to the website as an alternative yet linked option) How would this be implemented? IDK its not up to me which is why this is just a suggestion What would the benefits be? you can use an ingame VTC Manger to post recruitment post (Globally/Locally) to recruit players every 10/30 mins this growing all VTCs in size and numbers you can also use this to post convoy details to get a few outside players to join a convoy and make it bigger and get more numbers if people get interested Please note: THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WILL BE ACTED ON AND IMPLEMENTED, THIS JUST OPENS UP A DISCUSSION OF AN IDEA FOR IN-GAME EXTRAS FOR VTCS AND MANY MORE POSSIBILITIES WITHIN THE TMP WORLD AND COMMUNITY.
  2. >>Holland International Transport<< Wij zijn een relatief nieuw bedrijf in de trucking wereld en zijn nu op zoek naar enthousiaste chauffeurs om ons team te komen versterken! Na een aantal jaar voor andere werkgevers te hebben gewerkt, hebben wij besloten de handen ineen te slaan en voor onszelf te beginnen. Hier is na wat vallen en opstaan Holland International Transport uit ontstaan. Onze main focus is respect, kwaliteit en plezier. Dit verwachten wij van iedereen ten alle tijden. Zowel op de weg als over de communicatie middelen. Iedereen is bij ons welkom zolang men zich volwassen gedraagt en spreekt. Wij zijn actief zowel in Europa als in Amerika en hebben hierin geen verplichtingen. Tevens organiseren wij regelmatig konvooien of andere activiteiten en heb je altijd de mogelijkheid om een paar collega's op te trommelen om samen te rijden. Daarnaast bieden wij aan iedereen de mogelijkheid jezelf te ontwikkelen en door te groeien binnen het bedrijf en moedigen wij input en ideeën van werknemers aan. Jij bent graag onderweg, levert je vracht op tijd en zonder schade af en voert de kleuren van Holland International met trots! Je bent het visitekaartje van het bedrijf en zo gedraag jij je dan ook. Je werkt goed zelfstandig maar rijdt ook graag samen met collega's. Je denkt mee met het bedrijf en hebt ambitie om door te groeien! Wij vragen van jou: 3 maanden ervaring Geen actieve rijontzegging (ban) Volwassen gedrag Spreekt goed Nederlands Hands-on mentaliteit Meedenkend en ondernemend Bereid tot het gebruik van Trucksbook logger Bereid tot het gebruik van Discord Spreekt dit je aan? Voor meer informatie of om te solliciteren kun je terecht op onze VTC pagina of via Trucksbook. Bedankt voor je tijd en hopelijk tot snel! TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/6906 Trucksbook: https://trucksbook.eu/company/50344 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Holland-International-Transport-108735587288645 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSn03pdClYJExcOtGkZupMw
  3. Halla. Tenkte jeg ville fortelle litt om et prosjekt jeg holder på med Det norske simulator samfunnet for truckersMP er ikke akkurat det største, og dette hadde det vært gøy å gjort noe med! Jeg har selv begynt et prosjekt om å starte opp et Norsk basert VTC, hvor vi kan prøve på å samle et stort norsk samfunn av truckersMP interesserte. Jeg ser på dette som en mulighet for en plattform å møtes, jobbe sammen, og bygge opp et norsk virtuelt selskap. Det er mange store selskaper fra før å velge imellom, men hvorfor ikke ha ett med litt særpreg av oss nordmenn ? (Nettsiden er på engelsk for tilgjengelighet for alle) Selskapet jeg lager er basert på logistikkselskapet Postnord, som leverer hovedsakelig i Sverige, Danmark og Norge. Selskapet vil bli kalt Virtual postnord. Jeg er fremdeles i den tidlige fasen av utviklingen av selve selskapet og dens nettapplikasjoner, men vil prøve å poste noen oppdateringer i denne posten. Foreløpig har noe av tiden gått til basic design slik at jeg har noe å jobbe utifra. Skal nå begynne på brukersystemer som logg inn, registrering osv. Jeg legger ved noen bilder slik at dere kan ta en titt. Merk: at mye av det du ser er bare for å illustrere og vil mest sannsynlig bli endret i senere tid. Interessert i prosjektet? Kom gjerne med forslag om hva du tenker kan være greit å ha med!
  4. VIVA Nederland WIE ZIJN WIJ? Viva Trucking Nederland is een ATS en ETS2 transportbedrijf als geen ander. Wij zijn een community die de manier veranderd hoe virtueel vrachtvervoer vandaag is. Wij nemen chauffeurs aan van over de hele wereld die zijn gedreven om hun vrije tijd in het bedrijf te steken. Onze missie is een plaats te maken waar chauffeurs op ATS en ETS2 samen kunnen komen om een vriendelijke gemeenschap van alle culturen te creëren. Onze chauffeurs komen altijd als eerst om daar zeker van te zijn moeten wij zorgen dat wij verantwoordelijkheid, respect, vertrouwen en initiatief tonen naar alle leden. WAT MAAKT ONS ANDERS? - 7000+ Geregistreerde chauffeurs sinds 2016. - 41+ PRIJZEN Gekregen van de TMP community de afgelopen jaren. - VOORAL PROFESSIONEEL VTC met onze eigen gemaakte skins, speciale technologie en geweldige staff. - ERKEND BIJ KNIGHT TRANSPORT Trots erkend bij 1 van het grootste US transportbedrijf. ONZE DRIVERSHUB Om onze concurrenten voor te blijven, hebben we honderden euro's geïnvesteerd in het maken van een kwalitatieve software en internet functies voor onze chauffeurs. Onze Drivershub, Live Driver Tracker en Auto Logs zijn nog maar een paar voorbeelden van de vele technologieën die wij hebben gemaakt. VIVA is de enige VTC in de community dat die technologieën niet aan een derde partij uitbesteed , wij gebruiken alleen onafhankelijke ontwikkelde systemen. Voor meer informatie bezoek onze website. SPECIALE DIVISIES Viva Trucking Nederland's speciale divisies is iets uniek binnen VIVA dat ervoor zorgt dat chauffeurs een leuk extra kunnen verdienen d.m.v. divisie bonussen. Er zijn verschillende divisies o.a. open trailer, cool, gevaarlijke stoffen, biomassa en Zware Vracht. Dit is enorm populair en een enorme leuk toegevoegde extra binnen de VIVA community. SLUIT JE VANDAAG NOG BIJ ONS AAN! Mis deze ervaring niet en kijk op https://vivatrucking.com/nederland of klik op deze link om meer te weten te komen over de sollicitatie's. Voor elke vraag kan je ons contacteren op [email protected] www.vivatrucking.com/nederland
  5. Hello truckers! I found an idea to improve the TruckersMp server and having a RolePlay side has it all! Let's start ... Description of suggestion: My suggestion basically allows the boss of each company to check the status of employees and their journey. I basically summarize a system that allows to see the information of the employees such as: Trip, Time of departure, Time of arrival, Companies, Amount won, etc ... This will give a fairly RP side to the game and allow to pay the employees thanks to the money that employees have earned ie if the mission is 1000 € low they will earn 750 € because 15% will be for the boss and the boss will decide to make a transfer to the employee in question roughly one system like http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/ but no longer develop Why should it be added ?: Because it will give a realistic side to the game by forcing people to make cards for their bosses to earn money is clearly better and RP and fun! Drooxy
  6. Hello, Truckers! I am pleased to present to you the VTC.World project. What is VTC.World? A community of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator players who are focused solely on the multiplayer TruckersMP. Your career in TruckersMP multiplayer. Network game profile VTC.World, which is stored on our servers. Joint delivery with friends with the same cargo and route. Always relevant cargos and jobs of the agencies. Online map and friends on the map. Events, organised by the administration and Virtual Transport Companies. A complete history of your deliveries. Trucking Match Rating (TMR) — the rating of your deliveries. Reputation of players in the VTC.World project. Protected from the changes from outside the game profile. Three gameplay modes: "Vanilla", "Simplified" and "Simulation". Changed economy, police and fines. VTC.World Tax System. Accounting for damage, speed violations and running red lights. Built-in online radio player. Keyboard shortcuts complement the gaming experience with TruckersMP. In-game overlay, friends on the server, upcoming events and friends on the map. TOP of players per day, week and month in six nominations. VTC.World — for real fans of cargo transportation First of all, it must be said that this project is not suitable for everyone, because here it is necessary to deliver cargos and drive carefully — you will play the game as it was intended by SCS Software. If you are a fan of collective farm tuning, you want to get everything at once and, of course, a fan of driving fast — then this project is definitely not for you. What will you get when you register? After registering on the VTC.World project: you will get a brand new game profile that has 4 level/skill points that can be used at your own discretion. The starting capital is 120 thousand euros for ETS2 and 135 thousand dollars for ATS. It is forbidden to cheat money and gaming experience, and attempts to do so will be severely punished - permanent ban from the project without the possibility of appeal. storing the profile on the server. This allows all players to be on an equal level, where you can build up a new and powerful truck only after you earn money and increase your level by transporting dozens of goods and driving thousands of kilometers. your current progress is automatically saved and you can see detailed information about each cargo delivered by you at any time. You don't need to upload screenshots, fill out reports, etc. On VTC.World you just transport cargos and enjoy by that without unnecessary manipulation, and the system will do everything itself. your friends can join you at any time, taking your cargo and getting the same saved route so you can continue the journey in a convoy. for VTCs there are planning arrangements, this is a simply indispensable tool, allowing reduced time for preparation and organisations of convoys. Logisticians need to choose the cargo, route and make a save. After that, VTC employees, by pressing just one button, will be at the start position of the convoy with the necessary cargo and the route set. hotkeys, information and your own overlay allow you to control the process of your delivery. What are the hotkeys? Well, for example, by clicking on the button you can update the jobs, if suddenly they are not on the list in your chosen city. disabled the ability to lend money from the bank. disabled the ability to hire drivers. changed the cost of buying and selling garages. The cost of selling a garage is less, and buying a garage online is more expensive. changed the cost of fines and the impact of traffic violations on the game level. In contrast to the basic economy of the game, in addition to monetary penalties for traffic violations, on the VTC.World, the player loses game experience (XP). some gameplay settings are also changed so that all players are on an equal level. Always on: police (traffic violations), realistic fuel consumption, parking brake when appearing in the game world, speed limits, preferred route - optimal. TOP rating 10 and TOP rating 50 in six nominations. TOP rating of the players of the day, week and month are available. Suppoted languages Russian English Specificity Your friends list in the games in the Steam privacy settings have to be available to everyone (i.e. set to public). Arcade servers are not supported. The benefits of VTC.World For VTCs, it is a great tool to see the real achievements of your employees. And given the future functions - it will simply be an indispensable tool for the organisation of convoys in your company. For single players - it will also be interesting, because the temptation to cheat money and level will be less - this simply can not be done, which means you will need to competently choose loads, distances and routes, controlling your costs. Well, actually, it is better to try once, as they say. Therefore, if you are interested in the project — welcome to open beta testing - https://vtc.world Useful links VTC.World forum - https://forum.vtc.world FAQ - https://forum.vtc.world/index.php?/forum/118-guides-faq/ Discord - https://discord.gg/9By8Hkf Useful video How to join to friend for joint delivery Indicator of high beam headlights and of additional lights Ability to create invites for joint delivery Joint deliveries via invites Players joint to event
  7. Salve camionista, noi siamo gli Italian Road Masters! Il nostro obiettivo è quello di raggiungere le vette più alte della classifica mondiale di Trucksbook, divertendosi e lavorando come una squadra. Esattamente come una squadra, ci aspettiamo che tutti diano un contributo con un minimo di 15.000 km mensili. Ogni camionista è libero di guidare al proprio ritmo in base ai propri impegni, semplicemente chiediamo di essere partecipi in azienda. Se sei interessato, mandaci la tua richiesta ma soprattutto raggiungici su Discord che vogliamo parlare con te! Gli unici requisiti che bisogna avere sono: - Avere un account Discord - Avere un account di Trucksbook - Avere una connessione che permette di giocare a TruckersMP senza problemi Vieni a trovarci su Discord: https://discord.gg/jHj95uH5UF Pagina Trucksbook: https://trucksbook.eu/company/56567 Pagina TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/4520 Visita la nostra pagina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roadmastersita/
  8. Suggestion Name: VTC with 2 owners Suggestion Description: In the current VTC system there can only be 1 owner, there should be an possibility of adding more owners if the company has so. Any example images: none Why should it be added?: It would be easier for the owners to manage the company and it would make them equal, in the current system you can only see one person as an owner and the others need to have a different role.
  9. Transpoint Transportation Inc. We are actively looking for new drivers to join our Family. We have no minimum mileage restrictions. Play as often as you like. We do monthly giveaways. We have responsive dispatchers and contract loads. TTI is one of the oldest VTC. We like to have fun and keep on trucking. Feel free to ask any questions. https://discord.gg/WMPE39B Truckbooks Company page https://trucksbook.eu/company/56397
  10. Mistakes of setting up a VTC Many people are interested in setting up a VTC of their own and want their VTC to become popular in some degree. It's common that people jump ahead of themselves when setting up a VTC of their own and sometimes their ideas are ahead of the necessities they need which can negatively impact the VTC both short term and long term. I will go through some of the mistakes made when setting up a VTC. 1. Buying what they don't need. It's easy for people to get ahead of themselves in the start, and will set up unnecessary materials. These include: Websites - Website are a great material to use for your VTC, however they cost money to keep up. When starting out, a website is not vital to promoting your VTC however it can be useful long term. Do not commit to buying a website host at these early stages. Domains - When people first make their VTC, they want to keep it their own and will buy a domain. Although domains are not entirely expensive, they are also not really needed when starting your VTC. A domain is the name that appears on a web link and can be connected to a company email system e.g. (www.[ComanyName].com) and (help@[CompanyName].com) These make your company look more professional and although that's what you may want, it will not impact your first stages of recruitment. Logo - Although some people can make their own logo, others may look elsewhere for a logo and will sometimes pay for a logo. This is not a good investment for your VTC. Your company is starting off, meaning that things will change through the process and a lot of the time, logo's and names will be changed at the beginning. Keep a simple, free logo and if you want to change it, you don't have to worry about wasting the money you spent. Trade-Mark - It's normal for people to want to keep what they make, however you do not need to trademark the company name in the start. Similar to the logo point, people will change their mind on the name of their VTC and even if you are dedicated to that name, there is always a chance that you may prefer another name. Let your VTC expand and improve before you pay for a trademark. All of these materials are great to have for your company and I would suggest investing in them, but don't splash your cash in the early stages. 2. Recruitment Recruitment is the front line of any VTC. The way you recruit will determine the successful of your VTC and the people you have in your company. Take these notes to your advantage and don't stay blind to recruitment. Don't expect people to join immediately - Although this may sound very basic and obvious, it's easy for you to forget about this. As soon as you have made your VTC, all you want now is for people to join, and this is how VTC's reach their end. Instead of wanting people to join, you need to be think of 'how am I going to get people to join'. This can be a challenge sometimes but you build a baseline of your recruitment, so how are they going to apply, what is needed for them to apply, what materials can I use to get it out there. Don't push recruitment on people - When recruitment, all you are thinking about is getting people to join, and this can blind you from why people join. The last think you want to do in a recruitment sense, is force it on people. By force it on people, I am talking about heckling. Don't make people join and stay approachable, people want a friendly experience in a VTC so make recruitment more human. This means that you see the player as the player and not a number. Don't start recruitment without a foundation - The last thing you want to happen, is for people to join, and not know what to do next. You need materials available for players, a place where the community will communicate and chat. A great example to use, would be Discord. This is a great platform that enables you to make announcements, get the community involved and communicate to your members. Always have a goal - Even when you get the members, you may loose people and recruitment will fall. The best way to deter this, is to have company goals, both for the whole company and individual members. This may include making a rank structure (the more you do, the higher you go), having convoys (keeping the community active). The main point, is to always have something for members to do / reach. All of these points will help you successfully build your VTC and although there are many more mistakes people make, these are the mistakes which will impact you most when first starting. The rest are learning curves and a chance for you to improve your VTC.
  11. ~ Miller Transport Group ~ Quick Introduction: The Miller Transport Group is a multiplayer division of the well-established single player VTC Miller Transport. As a single player company we have been open for over a year and we will have been open for two in April 2020. We have developed alot and the management team itself has strived for a sense of realism and professionalism whilst aoviding becoming a very serious VTC. We are very laid-back and are always ready for a laugh and we hope to bring this to our multiplayer divison. Requirements: Must be at least 15 years old. Must have a legal copy of ETS2. Must have a good sense of humour. Have a discord account. Be active on Discord. Contact Information: Facebook TruckersMP VTC Page Youtube
  12. >> | Quienes somos GROFR es un grupo de camiones virtuales brasileños que comenzó en mayo de 2015. El grupo comenzó con el objetivo de comenzar una nueva comunidad para que las personas se unan para jugar y simular los juegos Euro Truck 2 y American Truck. Ahora tenemos nuestra división sudamericana. Todos son bienvenidos >> | Lo que ofrecemos Ofrecemos a nuestros miembros un ambiente agradable y muy divertido siempre. Nuestras actividades; - Convoy semanal. - Participación en el ranking de camiones / registro virtual - Personal amable y fantástico. - Oportunidades para promocionar. - Una oportunidad de probar algo nuevo. >> | Requisitos: - Debe tener 15 años o más - Habla y entiende español - Esté dispuesto a asistir a 2 convoyes por semana. - Tener una copia legal de ETS / o ATS - Tener un mínimo de 5 horas en ETS / ATS >> | ¿Tienes lo que se necesita? ¡Regístrate ahora! Visite https://truckersmp.com/vtc/2436 envíe su solicitud. ¡Lo revisaremos en menos de 24 horas! >> | Mantente conectado Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/grofrbrazil/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ofrtransbr Nuestro sitio web: https://grofrbrasil.com/ Discord - https://discord.gg/B5F9cba Ven a ser parte de nuestra familia. : D
  13. Suggestion Name: IDEA about punishment system Suggestion Description: I think we need to: - Punishment History deletion after at least 3 years by Moderator Leaders or admins per player request. This fact will be saved as trial flag. History will get back after bannig player with this flag. Trial flag will be deleted automatically after 180 days. This also will delete history pernamently with no return - Merge appeals and report page like example below: When somebody reports, you can see that on new page, where you can give your appeal or explain something, even before moderator reply. On this page, you will can report somebody else or browse old reports from and to you with more comfort. Any example images: there is no example Why should it be added?: think it would benefit for players that was troll kids, but now are mature and fair-playing users what wants to join some VTCs or recruit to moderators team and it will make reports system clearer and more comfortable.
  14. This time its more simple. I created a VtC,but i dont liked it. I Wanna delete it How do I make that? (I Will enter Valtox)
  15. witam dużo osób mnie pyta cyklon czy pojawi się ford f-max ja mówię że nie wiem ja tylko jestem kierowcą i właścicielem vtc ja mówię że pewnie będzie w 1.37 prosiłbym odpowiedź i głosowanie
  16. jak ci się podoba nowy nabytek co wybierasz bardziej Renault Range T. MAN TGX Euro 6 czekam na waszą odpowiedź?
  17. 卡车司机中国 中文称为欧卡中国车队联盟,联盟由兄弟协会小组发起 并管理,联盟成员由欧洲卡车模拟2各车队和各类型散人团队组成,目 前联盟成员车队有40余家。车队联盟成立于2017年6月28日,期间多次 代表中国车队参加过国际联运,联盟每个月都会组织不同类型的区域性 大联运,截至目前参加人数最多的一次达到300人以上! 2019年10月5日,联盟第15次大联运圆满结束。 ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ============================================= 哔哩哔哩(Bilibili) 视频链接1:YuChen制作版本 视频链接2:YanHui制作版本 西瓜视频(西瓜视频) 链接:YuChen制作版本 视频上传:RK *【125】*末情 ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ========================================== TruckersCHN第十六次大联运将在2019年11月9日古董。若想与我们RK车队一起参加。 欢迎加入欧卡2联机交流二群:913435393。晚上7.30准时发档。11月9日的大联运期待着你的到来。 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 若有其他参加联运的车队,也可以将参加车队人员名单(以文本形式)发至邮箱:[email protected](收到并答复,并表示感谢) 我们将在视频片尾公布(如上图所示)!谢谢合作
  18. GT900


    So I Just created my VTC. Paper Transports. I See a lot of VTC using custom paintjobs How I make then Thanks For Help,GT900
  19. Suggestion Name: Bans public for VTC Suggestion Description: An option to allow people in the VTC able to see users bans Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Some users might not want there bans visible to everyone but some companies have public bans as a requirements Regards, Coolio85
  20. Hello! I have a quick question: How can I report a VTC for example, having an inappropriate or offensive Name, Description, Avatar, Rules or Requirements? I tried to search for an answer on this forum, but didn't found any helpful information. Your help is Greatly Appreciated! Thanks in advance! Have a Nice rest of the Day!
  21. Lakeside Transport VTC Redefining the future in virtual trucking Why work at Lakeside Transport: An amazing place and atmosphere to work Benefits for driving in the VTC Chances to join an amazing and forever expanding staff team About us: Lakeside Transport is a well established VTC in the TruckersMP community. We began this amazing adventure on the 19th September in 2015 with the intention of giving people who are new to Euro Truck Simulator 2 or TruckersMP an insight of the VTC world. Today our intentions have changed and we know believe although we are small with only 15 drivers, that we can change and redefine the standards for virtual trucking in the future. We ensure to make sure that our drivers get the best experience possible of virtual trucking. We are an old VTC, however a very promising one! Join us today! Why? Because we're something more than just a VTC. Join us and experience virtual trucking like no other level. Staff positions: Event team, Media team, Development team, Human resources team and more! There is always one posititon that suits your specicality. Not only driving, but you could help us make Lakeside a better place for everyone. Convoys and events Although we're small we try and do at least 1 convoy every month! The essential core value of a VTC is indeed driving as a group. From this moment on, you will always have someone to drive with. Tier & division system (ranking) Rather than just using tracking technologies and leaving drivers to drive by themselves, we strongly encourage driving together and attend convoys! The more you drive, the more you deliver, the more expectations you exceed, the better you progress through our unique tier system. We also seperate into two divisions in each tier, short and long haulage, so there is always a rank to satisfy. Mileage requirements Weekly mileage requirements are now a thing of the past! With us you get monthly mileage requirements to complete, which also is dependant to your tier and division so you'll never be expected too much of! Technologies With our professional fleet of drivers and management we believe that they deserve the best in the technologies avaliable to them! So below you can find the technologies for the relevent thing, i.e logging, communications, etc Tracking/logging: Virtual Truck Log (VTLog) Trucksbook (TB) Communcations Discord Our fleet Lakeside Transport believes that to complete their duties, a driver must be provided with a vehicle which is more than capable of completing the task, which is why we use the following vehicles: Scania (R (old/new), S, Streamline, etc) Volvo (FH and FH16) Iveco Highway DAF XF (all models, old/new) Mercedes Actros (all models Renualt (T range, premium, magnum) MAN (All models) Peterbuilt 389 & 579 (US) Volvo VNL (US) Kenworth W900 & T680 (US) International Lonestar (US) So with all of this avaliable to you why would you even question going anywhere else? We look forward to hearing from you soon! Useful information: Website: https://lakeside-transport.wixsite.com/welcome Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/faAN636 TruckersMP page: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/2583 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/LakesideTransport Email: [email protected]
  22. til dem der vil være med og er fra danmark. og kan brugeer de krav der er. håber vi ses https://truckersmp.com/vtc/3276
  23. ?? | TÜRK LOGİSTİCS | - | CARRY SAFELY | ?? ? - Contact: [email protected] We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | ? ABOUT US: We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | Our team was founded on 24.07.2016. As time goes on, our new friends continue to join our team. Our team has an environment of respect and love for adults and minors. We would like to see you on our team. ? WHAT TO DO FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP ? ? - It is mandatory for our member to join our team by e-mail. ? E-mail: [email protected] ? - We will notify our membership members by e-mail. - You need to register through our Vtc company. ? Truckers Mp VTC: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 On the top left "Social" section of our Vtc page in this link, "Apply Now!" Writes. You should write a short application text by clicking that button. ? - Participation in our Steam group is mandatory. ? Our Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics ? - The TruckersMP in-game tag needs to be replaced by our team's tag. ?️ Example: [Türk Logistics] l Name - Age ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? Instagram Acount: https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ ? - We are reconstructing with the spirit of the first day. We'd love to see you among us. | Türk Logistics - since 2016 | ? TERMS OF PURCHASE OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ? - You must be +17 years old to join Türk Logistics ? - To join Türk Logistics you must play Euro Truck Simulator 2 ? - Euro Truck Simulator 2 For participation in Türk Logistics which is one of the Dlc maps; Scandinavia, Eastward, Vive la France DLCs, ? - To participate in Türk Logistics , the Turkish Paint Job must be the Raven dlc of the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dlcs ? - In Euro Truck Simulator 2 you have a total game time of 100 hours. ? - Members of our team must be aware of each other and communicate comfortably in convoys. ? - Each convoy is prepared for savings in our facility. Any changes to this saving are prohibited. ? - People who do not comply with the rules or who have not been able to attend convoys for a long time are distracted by our team. ? CONVOY RULES OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ?- If you cannot join the convoy on the day of the convoy, please tell our server that you cannot join the convoy with your reason. ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? - If you do not participate in 3 consecutive convoys without explanation, you will be dismissed from our team. ? - Convoy days at least 30 minutes before the specified convoy time to complete your preparation and try to be on the server. ? - It is strictly forbidden to overtake during the convoy. ? - If you have ping or lag during the convoy, you will be instructed to go to the back of the convoy, do not go out of the instruction. ? - In case of an accident during the convoy, pull directly into the safety lane and join the convoy from the back of the convoy. ?- During the convoy of the convoy flow disturbing, careless and dangerous driving, who do not comply with the rules of the first punishment is repeated in the case of repetition of the same attitude to our team is disconnected. ? - You can find our convoy save file on our server. Savelas will be updated in each convoy. Download the most current one. ?- During the convoy ping - lag, etc. in the vehicle in front of you. if there is, please specify. ? - Burn the quads just before braking during the convoy. Do not use unnecessary quads.
  24. ?? | TÜRK LOGİSTİCS | - | CARRY SAFELY | ?? ? - Contact: [email protected] We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | ? ABOUT US: We are a solid team that has proven itself and completed its 3rd year. We started recruiting the team. | Türk Logistics | - | CARRY SAFELY | Our team was founded on 24.07.2016. As time goes on, our new friends continue to join our team. Our team has an environment of respect and love for adults and minors. We would like to see you on our team. ? WHAT TO DO FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP ? ? - It is mandatory for our member to join our team by e-mail. ? E-mail: [email protected] ? - We will notify our membership members by e-mail. ? - You need to register through our Vtc company. ? Truckers Mp VTC: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 On the top left "Social" section of our Vtc page in this link, "Apply Now!" Writes. You should write a short application text by clicking that button. ? - Participation in our Steam group is mandatory. ? Our Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics ? - The TruckersMP in-game tag needs to be replaced by our team's tag. ?️ Example: [Türk Logistics] l Name - Age ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ?- Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ - We are reconstructing with the spirit of the first day. We'd love to see you among us. | Türk Logistics - since 2016 | ? TERMS OF PURCHASE OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ? - You must be +17 years old to join Türk Logistics ?- To join Türk Logistics you must play Euro Truck Simulator 2 ?- Euro Truck Simulator 2 For participation in Türk Logistics which is one of the Dlc maps; Scandinavia, Eastward, Vive la France DLCs, ?- To participate in Türk Logistics , the Turkish Paint Job must be the Raven dlc of the Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Dlcs ?- In Euro Truck Simulator 2 you have a total game time of 100 hours. ?- Members of our team must be aware of each other and communicate comfortably in convoys. ?- Each convoy is prepared for savings in our facility. Any changes to this saving are prohibited. ?- People who do not comply with the rules or who have not been able to attend convoys for a long time are distracted by our team. ? CONVOY RULES OF TÜRK LOGISTICS ? ?- If you cannot join the convoy on the day of the convoy, please tell our server that you cannot join the convoy with your reason. ? Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt ? - If you do not participate in 3 consecutive convoys without explanation, you will be dismissed from our team. ? - Convoy days at least 30 minutes before the specified convoy time to complete your preparation and try to be on the server. ? - It is strictly forbidden to overtake during the convoy. ? - If you have ping or lag during the convoy, you will be instructed to go to the back of the convoy, do not go out of the instruction. ? - In case of an accident during the convoy, pull directly into the safety lane and join the convoy from the back of the convoy. ?- During the convoy of the convoy flow disturbing, careless and dangerous driving, who do not comply with the rules of the first punishment is repeated in the case of repetition of the same attitude to our team is disconnected. ? - You can find our convoy save file on our server. Savelas will be updated in each convoy. Download the most current one. ?- During the convoy ping - lag, etc. in the vehicle in front of you. if there is, please specify. ? - Burn the quads just before braking during the convoy. Do not use unnecessary quads.
  25. ➤ 「」Hakkımızda : Türk Logistics® 24 Temmuz 2016'da TeknoOcak tarafından; sanal Türk şoförleri / sürücüleri bir araya getirmek ve Türk milletini simülasyon camiasında en iyi şekilde temsil etmek amacıyla kuruldu. Ekibimizin istekleri üzerine 24 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde VTC siteminde yerini alarak alımlarını açmış ve kısa zamanda tecrübesi ile bir çok başarılı etkinliğe imza atarak adından sıkça söz ettirmiştir. Kökenleri itibariyle; 7.yılını tamamlamış ve kendini kanıtlamış sağlam, aile bağlarını her şeyden önde tutan bir ekibiz. Hakkımızda daha fazla şey öğrenmek için websitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz. ➤ 「」Neden Biz ? Tecrübeli yönetim kadrosu Düzenli ve kaliteli konvoylar Yazılım ve donanım alanında profesyonel destek Singleplayer ve multiplayer destekli eklentiler (Mod) Özel Discord Zengin Varlığı (Tracker) TruckersMP Özel Kullancı Arayüzü (Custom UI) ➤ 「」Gereksinimler : +17 yaşınızı doldurmuş olmalısınız. Tüm harita dlc'lerine sahip olmalısınız. ETS 2 veya ATS için en az 100 saat oynama süreniz olmalıdır. Maksimum 3 yasaklanmanız olabilir. Discord kullanımı ve mikrofon gereklidir. ➤ 「」Bağlantılar : 「」Website : https://turklogistics.tr.gg/ 「」Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/turk.logistics/ 「」Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/turk-logistics 「」Discord : https://discord.gg/6rXpnmt 「」TruckersMP VTC : https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1156 ・Güvenle Taşır ! ・Hayatın her anında lojistik, lojistiğin her alanında Türk Logistics®
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