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Veteran Driver II
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About Fexpure

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  1. Thanks for the follow ❤️


    1. Kaatupoochi


      Anyday my friend

  2. Thanks for the follow, 

    Followed back ?

  3. Thanks for the follow

    Followed back :P

  4. Suggestion Name: Patreon wall of fame Ordering Suggestion Description: Patreon wall of fame should have some kind of organisation listing to it wether it would be "Alphabetical, Total Pledge, Current Pledge" Any example images: none Why should it be added?: i think it would clean up the page a little bit and make it look cleaner, also being able to scroll through and look at other patreon supporters and there pledges etc
  5. Suggestion Name: Multimon Config / Adaption / Support / Resolution Suggestion Description: Adding the multi-mon Support is a great idea as i know im not the only one who uses more than a single monitor. The issue is currently anyone running with a multi-mon (not sure about £+ has a name bug where the names are displayed in incorrect locations that are not relevant to the players truck) Any example images: https://imgur.com/p8Lfggn (Video) https://imgur.com/eYlR3Au (Video) https://imgur.com/7p2kYZi (Video) As you can see that in these 3 videos the names are not displayed in the correct locations, this would fix it and also allow people with Multi-Mon set up the ability to report people without the limitation of this responce ("Your resolution is broken therefore unable to see the correct username and due to that we are unable to do anything") ("or something similar whilst providing proof for a ban appeal") Why should it be added?: This should be added as many players play on more than a single screen, also removes a display name incorrectly positioned bug for those that use more than 1 monitor
  6. I think that an in-game VTC Manager should be added to TMP it would work Similar to the TAB button and bring up an overlay. except this would be a VTC Management window with different options and also a variety of things to do within the VTC that would be accessible by all VTC members including drivers! Now whilst this could have many options added to it (during future updates) this would be VTC friendly by allowing many things to happen! How to prevent abuse of this system: ONLY VERIFIED VTCs SHOULD HAVE ACCESS VTC Staff manager system (VTC Ranking system run by the owner of VTC with ability to add and remove ranks for their drivers IE: Admin, Mod, Driver, Social Media Manager etc) What the system could bring: This system could bring a variety of cool things these couple of opinions being a small amount of them. Custom VTC Skin that would stand out to other drivers More active VTC Community (VTC Manager required) Job Dispatcher and many many more in future updates This could help VTCs grow and become a lot more active in the world of TMP Questions? How would a VTC get there skin uploaded to TMP and how would members be able to use them? The in Game VTC Manager would allow its founder to register a skin with the game admins if they are a verified VTC. This asking a admin to upload a custom VTC skin for use by any members that are in the VTC on the website (yes the in-game VTC Manager would be linked to the website as an alternative yet linked option) How would this be implemented? IDK its not up to me which is why this is just a suggestion What would the benefits be? you can use an ingame VTC Manger to post recruitment post (Globally/Locally) to recruit players every 10/30 mins this growing all VTCs in size and numbers you can also use this to post convoy details to get a few outside players to join a convoy and make it bigger and get more numbers if people get interested Please note: THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WILL BE ACTED ON AND IMPLEMENTED, THIS JUST OPENS UP A DISCUSSION OF AN IDEA FOR IN-GAME EXTRAS FOR VTCS AND MANY MORE POSSIBILITIES WITHIN THE TMP WORLD AND COMMUNITY.
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