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About iiQwertz

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  1. Mistakes of setting up a VTC Many people are interested in setting up a VTC of their own and want their VTC to become popular in some degree. It's common that people jump ahead of themselves when setting up a VTC of their own and sometimes their ideas are ahead of the necessities they need which can negatively impact the VTC both short term and long term. I will go through some of the mistakes made when setting up a VTC. 1. Buying what they don't need. It's easy for people to get ahead of themselves in the start, and will set up unnecessary materials. These include: Websites - Website are a great material to use for your VTC, however they cost money to keep up. When starting out, a website is not vital to promoting your VTC however it can be useful long term. Do not commit to buying a website host at these early stages. Domains - When people first make their VTC, they want to keep it their own and will buy a domain. Although domains are not entirely expensive, they are also not really needed when starting your VTC. A domain is the name that appears on a web link and can be connected to a company email system e.g. (www.[ComanyName].com) and (help@[CompanyName].com) These make your company look more professional and although that's what you may want, it will not impact your first stages of recruitment. Logo - Although some people can make their own logo, others may look elsewhere for a logo and will sometimes pay for a logo. This is not a good investment for your VTC. Your company is starting off, meaning that things will change through the process and a lot of the time, logo's and names will be changed at the beginning. Keep a simple, free logo and if you want to change it, you don't have to worry about wasting the money you spent. Trade-Mark - It's normal for people to want to keep what they make, however you do not need to trademark the company name in the start. Similar to the logo point, people will change their mind on the name of their VTC and even if you are dedicated to that name, there is always a chance that you may prefer another name. Let your VTC expand and improve before you pay for a trademark. All of these materials are great to have for your company and I would suggest investing in them, but don't splash your cash in the early stages. 2. Recruitment Recruitment is the front line of any VTC. The way you recruit will determine the successful of your VTC and the people you have in your company. Take these notes to your advantage and don't stay blind to recruitment. Don't expect people to join immediately - Although this may sound very basic and obvious, it's easy for you to forget about this. As soon as you have made your VTC, all you want now is for people to join, and this is how VTC's reach their end. Instead of wanting people to join, you need to be think of 'how am I going to get people to join'. This can be a challenge sometimes but you build a baseline of your recruitment, so how are they going to apply, what is needed for them to apply, what materials can I use to get it out there. Don't push recruitment on people - When recruitment, all you are thinking about is getting people to join, and this can blind you from why people join. The last think you want to do in a recruitment sense, is force it on people. By force it on people, I am talking about heckling. Don't make people join and stay approachable, people want a friendly experience in a VTC so make recruitment more human. This means that you see the player as the player and not a number. Don't start recruitment without a foundation - The last thing you want to happen, is for people to join, and not know what to do next. You need materials available for players, a place where the community will communicate and chat. A great example to use, would be Discord. This is a great platform that enables you to make announcements, get the community involved and communicate to your members. Always have a goal - Even when you get the members, you may loose people and recruitment will fall. The best way to deter this, is to have company goals, both for the whole company and individual members. This may include making a rank structure (the more you do, the higher you go), having convoys (keeping the community active). The main point, is to always have something for members to do / reach. All of these points will help you successfully build your VTC and although there are many more mistakes people make, these are the mistakes which will impact you most when first starting. The rest are learning curves and a chance for you to improve your VTC.
  2. Enabling the console for ETS 2 & ATS Benefits of the Console - The ability to use free cam - (Great for taking photos and exploring ahead) The ability to teleport to any city and using free cam, allowing you to spawn your truck in that location. Access to development tools - The console will help you to develop your mod, with commands and tools within the console. Change simulation speed Set the time and weather Can show you your FPS How to enable the console - Ensure that ETS 2 and ATS is closed Open your files Find your ETS 2 / ATS directory file in documents Go into the file and find the "config" file Open the file with Notepad or any other compatible programme Once open, press ctrl + F (or search) and type or find "uset g_console" and "uset g_developer" and Change the number to 1 Save the file and then run the game How to use the console - To use the console, simply press the grave accent button (¬`¦) After opening the console, you have access to all the commands by simply pressing the TAB key.
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