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  1. Oyunumu steamdan son sürümüne güncellemiş bulunmaktayım ve siteden güncel bir şekilde TruckersMp Launcher'ı kurdum. Fakat hatalar almaya başladım, hata "Install Available Updates" butonuna tıkladığımda ve güncellemeyi yaptıktan sonra tekrar güncelleme butonu gelmesi. 1: 2 : Topic is inactive. Locked & Moved to Archive
  2. Hello i installed new update and when i try start a Ets2mp they drop This: Previous this update was work normal...
  3. I am aware ETS2 had a small update today. However, whenever I click on the TruckersMP icon on my desktop this little window pops up... http://prntscr.com/dtjdso When I click ok to retry, the window just pops up again. When I click cancel, I am brought to the download link of the mod on the website. I follow the instructions and installed it like I had done before in the past, However, when I try to launch TruckersMP this time, the same window pops up again. Any help/solution?
  4. jeancharl


    Hello friend, I have an error that says to update to the summer V.1.26.3s more I'm already in this summer I went to the 1.25x version and still I still need help thanks excuse my English ''I already deleted everything, I downloaded it again but the error continues''
  5. SO, I haven't played ATSMP or ETS2MP in forever. On my All-In-One pc (which is more laggy than this, so I'd prefer to use this one), I was able to download perfectly fine. I still have the wheel icon on my home menu of this pc, and when I click on the icon it says I need to update (as expected) and redirects me to the download page. On the All-In-One I have the new launcher and everything is fine. But on here when I try to download it, I get "that is an invalid ATS path!" or "that is an invalid ETS2 path!", and I have the default selected (the one that it is automatically on when you click the next button), which worked when I updated it on the All-In-One. Is there anything I could try?
  6. Hi, I just updated to the newest version of TruckersMP (1001). After i updated it i launched the game, Everytime i try to start it. the game gives me the error: An error occured while contacting our update servers. Press OK to try again or cancel to visit our download page. I already uninstalled and reinstalled but it gives me the same error. Can someone that knows how to fix it help me?
  7. schwifter


    Hello, So a few days ago I installed TruckersMP version Alpha and now I saw that the new version is aviable so I have just downloaded it. The questions are how to install new version? Should I uninstall old version? Should I backup my saves? Thanks in advance (:
  8. Where I can download Euro Truck Simulator 2 v. 1.25.3s I cant play multyplayer pliizz help
  9. Witam, jestem po niemal półrocznej abstynencji od gry i teraz po zainstalowaniu wszystkiego na nowo i ściągnięciu aktualnej wersji multiplayera wyskakuje błąd " Unsupported game version detected! You need to have ETS2 v.1.25.3s. Włączyłem w zakładce beta wersję temporary 1.25x i dalej wyskakuje fatal error. Pomoże ktoś?
  10. Hello, If i want to update ETS2MP, i get this error: https://gyazo.com/15facd614657f7bc3b549756ac0ccd70 I updated Windows 10 today, i think the problem is: Windows 10 doesn't allow Ets2mp to update the files, but i'm not sure. I hope someone has a solution for this problem. ~Jurgen
  11. When you read the title, i do know how to fix it and if you have the same problem, then i know how you might be able to fix it. After few updates at the past i have gotten notes about having a ,,unsupported game version,, every time update comes out. after you download the update,you still get the itsact same notification. Yes,i also fell into confusion and wondered,am i ever able to play ETS2MP? I watched one youtube video and i was advized to open steam and find ,,Euro truck simulator 2,,. Keep the arrow on the ,,Euro truck simulator title,, and right click it. After you gave done tgat, move down and open ,,properties,,.. Click ,,Betas,, and you select a version of the game ETS2 recommends you to pick. By it i mean that, after i tried to open up the game earlyer and got a notification, it advized me,which version i need to have,to open the game. (for excample ,,Euro Truck Simulator 2v.,,) Good luck!
  12. In ETS2 SP, I can quick travel no problem (64 bit). As soon as I get onto ETS2 MP, I try to quick travel but my game freezes on a black screen. I've tried earlier auto-saves, but problem persists. This started happening in & I was able to quick travel in Any suggestions?
  13. I can't play ATS at the moment because it says that I have the wrong version. I need to have the 1.2 but it's not available on steam. What can I do?
  14. Please help..... I cant play ETS 2 MP after the new update released by SCS for ETS 2. The new update with the Advanced Trailer Coupling. Developer should do something... ASAP
  15. Una nuova ondata di update sta per arrivare! Stiamo per aprire le Open Beta per entrambi i nostri simulatori; in primis pubblicheremo la Beta per Euro Truck Simulator 2. Non vogliamo troppi feedback e opinioni in poco tempo, perciò aspettate uno o due giorni e uscirà anche la Beta per American Truck Simulator (con il DLC Arizona!). Come ogni update, ci saranno migliaia di piccoli cambiamenti e altre piccole cose, ma ci saranno due cose molto visibili nell'update: I MAGGIORI CAMBIAMENTI I contratti di World Of Trucks saranno disponibili direttamente dal gioco - supportiamo nuove destinazioni del DLC Going East e del DLC Scandinavia. Aggancio del rimorchio come nella realtà (opzione) - la nuova "missione" sarà di agganciare il rimorchio come un vero camionista, ovvero avvicinandosi al rimorchio, fino a far combaciare la ralla al perno del rimorchio. Trailer dell'aggancio per esperti: CODE La multa per eccesso di velocità può essere disabilitata (opzione). Coppia notevolmente migliorata. Comportamento del cambio automatico migliorato. Supporto per XImput aggiunto. Supporto UI per il quarto e quinto controller. Rilevamento e supporto SKRS. Selettori di cambio (range, split) adesso hanno un supporto UI. DATA AND MODDING Camion SCANIA rilavorati, aggiunti accessori (presa, maschera, paraurti, paraspruzzi, etc.). Fixate varie cose, la maggior parte degli accessori interni ha bisogno di un update. I parametri dei danni sono stati spostati da game_data.sii e sono stati aggiunti nuovi danni (come il logoramento e i fattori di danneggiamento delle parti). Dati sui motori (curva della coppia, massimo giri al minuto). Dati per il Force feedback per XInput aggiunti (force_feedback.sii). Altri dati per la coppia e per il cambio (physics.sii). Potete trovare la beta nelle public_beta di Steam. (Libreria di Steam → LIBRERIA → Click destro su Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Proprietà → Tab delle beta→ selezionate public_beta - 1.24 public beta). Nessuna password è richiesta. Una precauzione: fate un backup del/i vostro/i profilo/i di gioco prima di sperimentare la beta! Ricordatevi che questa è una versione "test" dell'update; va benissimo se aspettate la versione definitiva e stabile del gioco. Se siete curiosi e volete assisterci a migliorarla, apprezziamo il vostro aiuto. Per favore, se riscontrate qualche bug, segnalatelo nel nostro forum. Nota del traduttore: La versione 1.24 NON è ancora supportata dal Multiplayer! Se volete giocare direttamente con la versione 1.24 in Multiplayer dovete aspettare l'update di TruckersMP. Traduzione di: Alex [ITA]
  16. OFFICIALIOS TAISYKLĖS PASKUTINĮ KARTĄ ATNAUJINTA: 2016 GEGUŽĖS 17 DIENA. VAIRUOJANT PER ETS2MP IR ATSMP TURITE LAIKYTIS EUROPOS IR AMERIKOS EISKO TAISYKLŲ E.G. http://www.travlang.com/signs/ - https://www.rickstev...ing-europe-tips - http://www.verbinet.com/driving Signalo spawninimas - Kick / Ban Turite samoningai naudoti signala. Slapyvardis - Kick / Ban Negalima turėti slapyvardžio tokio pat kaip administracijos ir pnš. Varžybos - Kick / Ban Darant kokais varžybas arba lenktynes. Ne ta kelio puse - Kick / Ban Važiuojant kita kelio puse prieš eismą. Užemimas - Kick / Ban Užemimas kokios nors arenos arba su FPS dropu ir pnš. Nešvankybes - Kick / Ban Nešvankybes netinakmi žodžiai ir pnš. Narių ir administracijos įžeidinėjimas - Laikinas Ban / Visam laikui ban Ižeidinėjatęs narius arba adminsitracija. Daužimas - Laikinas Ban / Visam laikui Ban Daudžote kitą fūra ar net kelias. Blokavimas - Laikinas Ban / Visam laikui Ban Blokuojate kelia ar pravažiavimą. Laužimas - Visam laikui Ban Bandote nulaužti serveri arba ką nors panašaus. Bugų išnaudojimas - Visam laikui Ban Radote buga bet jūs nepranešete apie jį. Blogas parkavimas - Kick / Ban Parkuojatęs populiariuse vietose ir sutrgdote eismą. Spawninimas chate - Kick / Ban Spawninate tokia pačia komanda . arba rašote tokį pati žodį. Netinkami modai - Visam laikui ban Naudojate modus kurie sukele crashus ir pnš. Naudojate politiko vardą - Kick / Ban Naudojate politiko vardą arba svarbaus žmogaus. Bano apėjimas - Visam laikui ban Kūriate kitą paskyrą kad apeitutę bana. Važiuojate be lempų. - Kick / Ban Važiuojate kaip tamsų išjunge lempas. Žymos vartotujoje - Kick / Ban Draudžiama pridėti žymų kaip "Forumo adminas", ir kitų pareigų tagus. Išėjimas iš žemelpio ribų - Kick / Ban Draudžiama išvažiuot iš žemelapio ribų, iškyrus normalios vietos kur yra kelias linijos ir kitkas, iškyrus jeigu žaidėjas officialus Adminas t.y pagr. adminas. Automobilis su priekaba - Kick / Ban Draudžiama traukti krovinį su automobilių. Tai atrodo keistai ir iš ties galį sukelti beatodairiška vairavimą. (Nauja taisyklė) Automobilių Piktnaudžiavimas Pilot Paint Job - Kick/Ban Draudžiama apsimetinėti žaidimo administratorių naudojant pilot paintjob. Atkreipkite dėmesį: Norėtume tik 2 bandomuosius automobilius už konvojaus, priklausomai nuo konvojaus dydžio. (Nauja taisyklė) DESYNC EXPLOITING: Bandoma naudoti desync siekiant sukelti žalą kitam vartotojų sunkvežimis draudžiama. PINGO PROBLEMOS: Jeigu tavo pingas bus didesnis negu 650ms tai busi automatiškai iškickintas. Pasisvainimą (Autorius:VavelOnline): Tai labai paprasta Howto vadovas apie tai, kaip aplenkti (ir aplenks) tinkamai. Pirmas dalykas, kurį turėtų žinoti yra DESYNC. Iš esmės, tai, ką matote ekrane, ne visada tai, ką kiti žaidėjai mato. Tai gali sukelti (netyčia) kalimas daugelyje situacijų. Siekiant kovoti su tokio poveikio, čia kai praktinė informacija, kad jūs visada turėtų laikytis. WHEN OVERTALKING: - Pradėkite savo lenkimas, kai yra bent 60m nuo priešais jus sunkvežimis (visada galite patikrinti atstumus per <TAB> klavišą). - Buvimas linija. - Kai jūs patikrinti, kad kitas vairuotojas yra 100m už jus, jūs galite pradėti lankstymo atgal. - Kita vertus, jei matote, kitas vairuotojas paversti savo šviesas, arba išgirsti jį Honk 2 trumpus kartus, tai reiškia, kad jūs galite užlenkti saugiai iš jo požiūriu, net jei nesate 100m į priekį. Tokiu atveju, tai malonu padėkoti jam, naudojant kairės-dešinės-kairės-dešinės Mirksėjimo signalą. Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad Geismas paprastai būtų naudojami IRL, bet negali būti vertinamas dabar į MP žaidimą. KAI BŪNA PASISAVINAMĄ: - Būti juostoje. - Važiuojant 110 km/val greičių, jeigu reikia leiskite kad aplenktų jūs kiti vairuotojai. - Turite būti mažiausiai 60m ir naktį įjungti lempas kad matytute kiek liko iki kito vairuotojo. Tikiuosi visi laikysis taisyklių ir bus mažiau avarijų ir kitų nesąmonių. KITI UŽRAŠAI: Administracija turi teisę išmesti iš žaidimo arba užbaninti, jeigu mato kad jūs sugelete gresmę serveriuii arba žaidėjams. Mes klausiam jeigu jūs esate užbanintas, o ne rašyti asmeninį pranešimą personalo nariui. Mes netrinam narių paskyrų pagal prašymą. Mes tik galim juos užbaninti visam laikui. Jeigu jūs gavote visam laikui ban ir susikursite nauja paskyrą tai bus Bano vengimas, Jeigu yra įrodymų kad turite teisę apeiti bana administracija pasilieką teises jus užbaninti be atsiklausimo. Author: TheKizaKa Source: TruCkDr1V3r: http://forum.truckersmp....-in-game-rules/ Translations may differ from the original version of in-game rules. Please keep in mind, that our admin's decisions are based on original English version.
  17. Sveiki vairuotojai! Taigi, kaip jums jau žinoma, TruckersMP bendruomenė nusprendė pridėti gana aukšta bei kokybiška modifikacija, savo nuosava automobilį galima nusipirkti betkurioje parduotuvėje. Jūs galite gauti spalvų skaičius ir net bandomąsias paintjob reguliarų naudojimą, tačiau šios nuostabios modifikacijos nauji papildymai į žaidima ateina ne bet kai kurių apribojimų, dėl to buvo papildytos naujos žaidimo taisyklės. NAUJOS PAPILDOMOS TAISYKLĖS: Automobilis su priekaba - Kick / Ban Draudžiama traukti krovinį su automobilių. Tai atrodo keistai ir iš ties galį sukelti beatodairiška vairavimą. Automobilių Piktnaudžiavimas Pilot Paint Job - Kick / Ban Draudžiama apsimetinėti žaidimo administratorių naudojant pilot paintjob. Atkreipkite dėmesį: Norėtume tik 2 bandomuosius automobilius už konvojaus, priklausomai nuo konvojaus dydžio. Automobiliai Europort - Kick / Ban Draudžiama važiuoti į Europort su automobilių, kadangi tai užkiša bereikalinga eismą sunkvežimiu vairuotojams. Išimtys: nuo A vilkstinė ar administratorių dalis. Atkreipkite dėmesį: Jei jums reikia nusigauti iš Europort į Didžiąja Britanija, prašome keliauti per Calais, Amsterdam arba keliaukite per savo jau nupirktus garažus. Pastaba: Žaidėjams galį būti galimybė policijos paintjob ir addons savo automobiliuose. Paprasti žaidėjai negali naudoti policijos paintjob. Užsidėję policijos paintjob jūs būsite automatiškai išmesti iš serverio. Automobiliai yra tik freerom serveriuose (be greičio ribotuvo). Susisiekite su žaidimo administracija, kad galėtumėte vairuoti automobilius ant visų žaidimo serverių. Žaidimo atnaujinimo vaizdo įrašas: YouTube NAUDINGOS NUORODOS: Forum Discussion Vehicle Guide by The_Wish
  18. Hello, I can't play ETS2 after the update, even when i am Administrator..... Which version of the game do you need? Thank you
  19. Привет, новое обновление уже здесь. Что нового: Поддержка последнего патча Euro Truck Simulator 2: [262a48aec42f] Поддержка последнего патча American Truck Simulator: [62ae3d5bd480] Поддержка Wheel Tuning Pack DLC Увеличена дистанция видимости игроков при их большом скоплении Исправлены динамические тени при виде из кабины Скачать последнюю версию мультиплеера - http://truckersmp.com/ru_RU/download Удачных перевозок! mwl4 Оригинал
  20. Привет! Новое обновление уже доступно. Что нового: Добавлен голосовой чат* (работает как рация, вы можете слышать игроков вокруг) Исправлена возможные вылеты *Чтобы изменять каналы или включать/выключать рацию, необходимо открыть панель мультиплеера (TAB), активировать курсор (ПКМ) и нажимать соответствующие кнопки рации, расположенной в салоне каждого грузовика. Чтобы говорить в эфир - нажмите и удерживайте клавишу " V ". Скачать новую версию: http://truckersmp.com/ru_RU/download
  21. Hi ATS Community Since today (16th February, 1:25 pm) there is an new update. When I start my Multiplayer there is an error. The error said that I should reinstall the Multiplayer. After I did that, I have got the same error. Greets Vullpreya
  22. Updated: 2020/07/03 (yyyy/mm/dd) Downgrading and Upgrading Euro Truck Simulator 2 Version Whenever Euro Truck Simulator 2 gets an update from SCS you need to downgrade the game version in order to use TruckersMP, because TruckersMP doesn't have support for the latest version right away. How soon TruckersMP gets an update depends on how many changes there are in the new ETS2 update. On average it takes less than 5 days for TruckersMP to receive an update after ETS2 update. In this guide, I will explain with text and GIF's how to downgrade ETS2 to a supported version and how to upgrade it after TMP update. Supported version: Downgrading Euro Truck Simulator 2 Version (The latest version supported)* *Explanations: The latest version supported: No need to downgrade to the previous ETS2 version. Downgrade to supported version: The latest version of ETS2 is unsupported. Follow the guide to downgrade to the supported version. Upgrading Euro Truck Simulator 2 Version Unsupported version detected when using the supported version If you have followed the steps provided in the downgrading or the upgrading guide above, but the launcher still claims that the version of ETS2 is an unsupported one, view this guide created by ResTed for a possible solution. Unsupported DLC Packs and Map Expansions Special Transport Supported DLC Packs All the DLC packs and map expansions excluding unsupported DLC mentioned above. Note: these lists do not include Steam inventory items. For more detailed information, view this topic. If you spot a mistake or out-dated information, please contact the author with a personal message or comment below.
  23. Hello people. I've read some of your reports of bugs,shouts of help about the new update glitch. Some of you may have the issue,when another person gets to your 500meter zone,your game freezes and may help a accident happen if someone is driving behind you/you're in a convoy/etc. So stumbling uppon my dumb head,i've thought about some things and logically this came to my mind. I also had the same problem. I was playing with a friend for 2days and I had numerous times the lag came. I was always driving behind so he always had to wait for me,and this is what I came up with,and would u believe it? It actually worked so well that I can actually drive throu rotterdam during busy hours without any little lag,or anywhere else. The lag just ended here. I was thinking that the thing came with the new update. (Well I can admit,I didn't have any issues some time ago,now I downloaded the MP again and it started happening. I run a laptop with an Intel I7-2670QM CPU,4GB of RAM,Nvidia Geforce 610M 2GB VRAM Video card,and Windows 10 64bit operating system. I have good internet,so the freezes shouldnt be an issue right? Exactly. The point is,the new Cabin Accesories DLC makes this happen. Now don't worry,you can still use it,and WITHOUT any lags. All you have to do is: *Connect to ETS2MP *Press TAB *Right Mouse Click *Under general,find "Load Cabin Accessories" *MAKE SURE IT IS UNTICKED(UNCHECKED/OFF) What it does,is just shuts down Cabin Accesories loading FROM OTHER PLAYERS. Everything will be fine for you,you WILL see your accessories,they WILL swing,be in the place you put them,it is just that You WON'T see other people accessories once you stop by them (Situation:You and your friend play ETS2MP all the time,you both have the Cabin Accessories DLC installed,you both put things in the cabin such as phones,laptops,wallets,stickers,curtains,etc. When you both come to a stop,if you look into his truck,you won't see any of the cabin accessories of his like you did before,but you will still see yours,which is fine.) HAVE FUN TRUCKING GUYS. I hope this helps,Ölüm.
  24. Olá, uma nova atualização acabou de chegar. Mudanças: Outros jogadores agora podem ser vistos no mapa global; Adicionado o mod de Inverno; Nova sincronização; Otimizações.
  25. Guest

    Update 1.17

    Unsuported game version =(
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