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Veteran Driver II
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About JorMallester

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  1. Hello guys and thank you for all the responses! I am very sorry for not responding for a few days but my problem is indeed now solved. It was simply a matter of making sure eurotrucks2.exe was not running. For some reason it was and this caused the issue. Thank you all very much for the help, it was much appreciated!
  2. I am aware ETS2 had a small update today. However, whenever I click on the TruckersMP icon on my desktop this little window pops up... http://prntscr.com/dtjdso When I click ok to retry, the window just pops up again. When I click cancel, I am brought to the download link of the mod on the website. I follow the instructions and installed it like I had done before in the past, However, when I try to launch TruckersMP this time, the same window pops up again. Any help/solution?
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