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  1. Nocetra

    Rapor sistemi

    Bildiğiniz gibi bi report yaptığımızda adminin cevabı sonrası rapor anında kapatılıyor ve kullanıcıların 2 ci bir mesaj yazma izni olmuyor eğer size çarpan ve ya bloklayan birinin adminin anında hayır demesiyle konu kapanıyor ve ancak 2 ci defa rapor etme ve ya feedback yazmak zorunda kalıyoruz. Bence raporda appeal gibi anında kapanmamalı ve kullanınıcıya 2 ci bir mesaj hakkı verilmeli
  2. Dear admins, Due to the holidays, you are all quite busy with family and friends. So it is understandable, that you guys are not really up to checking web reports. However I got a slight issue, I am running out of web-reports. As these days the trolls also have found the holiday spirit, and tend to troll with each other. So for 1 incident I had to file 3 reports, so the trolls can be confined back to their caves. And that is really hammering into my max reports. Now I have to report 2 rammers, after that I only will have 3 reports. And I am afraid that with those 3 reports, I will not make it till my first report since I restarted with ETS2MP, has been taken care off. Ow and before anybody asks. I only web-report rammers, trolls and cheaters. If someone does not hit me on purpose, I do not report them (or they really need to be trolling and hitting multiple people on purpose). So if a admin would be so kind to grant me 10 more reports, so I can continue reporting. As you guys catch up to the reports. That would be great Cheers and happy new year
  3. Is it possible to get some more moderators, so the reports might move a bit faster? I have 19 reports waiting and i still have at least 10 more to report.
  4. Suggestion Name: Add a record function to the mod for reports Suggestion Description: In the player list settings(tab), you could add a checkbox to enable or disable a record function with an editable capture time. For example, if we enable this fuction with a 20sec capture time, the last 20sec of game will be recorded and saved in RAM. When a frame is older than 20sec, it will be replace by a new frame. Finaly, when the player report someone, theses last 20sec of video are saved in a file for a manual website report (or automatic if you want to). Any example media: Edit: I've add new subtitles in english which corrects my mistakes. Why should it be added: I think it's a good idea because anyone could report bad drivers on website with a video proof.
  5. Pregunta : ¿Hice un informe, por qué todavía no se ha evaluado? Respuesta: A veces, nuestra cola puede ser bastante grande, lo que retrasará el tiempo de respuesta. Pero no se preocupe porque cada informe será evaluado, ningún informe se deja de lado. Pregunta. ¿Si se rechaza mi informe, mi clasificación / cantidad que puedo denunciar será reducida? Respuesta. No necesariamente. Lo que un administrador clasifica su informe depende de la calidad del informe, no del resultado del informe. Hay varias razones por las que un informe puede ser rechazado, pero la nota positiva sigue siendo dada, como la persona que usted informó ya estaba siendo prohibida. Si ha reportado a alguien que ya está prohibido por ese motivo. Pregunta. Una advertencia muestra que estoy informando a un miembro del equipo del Staff. Esto significa que mi informe es incorrecto? Respuesta. Sí. El sistema no permite que los miembros del equipo sean reportados. Si usted encuentra que un miembro del equipo ha hecho algo malo o cuestionable, póngase en contacto con el correo electrónico de CON PRUEBAS. Pregunta. ¿Por qué sólo puedo hacer 10 informes? Respuesta. Los administradores están siendo solicitados para evaluar la calidad de los informes. Esto se está utilizando para ayudar a deshacerse de la mayoría de los informes inútiles y sin nexo que actualmente han pasado por el sistema. Cuanto más informes útiles usted envíe, más usted podrá denunciar en el futuro. Cuánto más malos informes usted enviar, menos usted podrá denunciar, hasta el punto en que usted no va a poder más. Pregunta. He llegado a mi límite en el sistema de informe, ¿qué debo hacer? Respuesta. Usted debe esperar que algunos de sus informes sean evaluados. Una vez que algunos de sus informes han ganado puntos positivos de un administrador, usted tendrá un número mayor para poder informar. " SI TIENE OTRA PREGUNTA DÉJELA EN LOS COMENTARIOS ESPERO QUE AYA SI DO DE MUCHA AYUDA
  6. Guest

    What is taking so long....

    well, i made some reports now 3days and it's taking so long for them to get accepted/declined.. can i ask why is taking so long...?
  7. Прочитал пост о том как писать репорты, все хорошо конечно, но когда тебя просто в дороге кто-то таранит, а потом уезжает; то вряд-ли ты в это время сидишь и ведешь запись, получается нужно вести запись постоянно, а вдруг в очередной раз тебя снесут с дороги. Надеюсь админы прочитают этот пост, так как я не смог подать жалобу, так как других доказательств у меня нет кроме MPID 1563322 надеюсь этого человека накажут, так он протаранил меня умышленно, и наверняка постоянно этим занимается.
  8. Bonjour à tous, Avec la prochaine mise à jour du site, les Administrateurs seront invités à évaluer la qualité des reports. Il s'agit de quelque chose que nous avons décidé de mettre en place pour freiner le nombre conséquent de reports inutiles que certains utilisateurs soumettent sur le site. Lorsqu'un Admin gère un report (Accepté ou Décliné), ils leur sera demandé de soumettre un feedback sous la forme de "est-ce que le report était positif ou négatif", par exemple est-ce que le report était un bon report. Avec cela, les utilisateurs seront donc limités à 10 reports lors de la mise en place de ce système, mais s'ils font de bons reports, il leur sera possible d'en ouvrir plus simultanément. Mais s'ils font de mauvais reports, ils peuvent aller jusqu'à perdre leur habilité à créer des reports. Le taux d'augmentation / déclin des reports est quelque chose que l'équipe surveille de près et des ajustements seront faits quand cela sera nécessaire. Un rapport marqué comme "positif" signifie une augmentation de 0,5 à votre score de reports, tandis qu'un mauvais déduira ce dernier de 0,2. Vous pourrez voir en tout temps combien de reports vous pouvez soumettre en haut de votre écran de reports comme montré ci-dessous: La mise à jour sera déployée samedi matin UTC si tout se passe comme prévu. - 03/08/17 01:00PM BST+1, Traduit du post officiel anglais, source
  9. Yapat

    About reports

    Why can't I post pictures on drop box and use them as evidence while reporting? Last two reports of mine were rejected because of this!
  10. Okay I got various questions on the report system. Main one is how do we know how long the person has been banned for? The rule is the evidence has to be available for the length of ban PLUS one extra month. Now I have done a LOT of reporting. I have some declined, a lot accepted. But I don't have any time-frame of how long a person has been banned for. So my YT channel video manager is starting to have a load of potentially unnecessary videos on it. I have even started to go so far as to create an Unlisted TMP report playlist to try and keep them organized. I also have some reports declined due to no evidence? How do I re-open the report when I actually have the evidence for the report (also how do I get another moderator to look at said report when I wish to dispute what the first moderator's decision was)
  11. Hi, I have a clip of somebody ramming and driving the wrong way and then F7'ing to avoid ban. Now I know how to report people but my dilemma is I can't find this persons TMP ID, Due to the speed of the incident I didn't get the in-game ID. Somebody told me you are able to go through the logs and find the TMP ID. Could somebody show me? Or help me identify this user? Muchly appreciated. Dj Jefferz.
  12. Hi All, Can someone help me understand the report system. So I fully how to use the report system In-Game I am fine with that. BUT I do not know how to use the report system that is on the TruckersMP Website. I think that you use this report method when you hold evidence for the case. However how do you get the World of Trucks Trucker's ID for this report. Is there an easy way
  13. Hi! If i want to upload a video report, what do i have to do? I know, to i have to put in a link where the Moderators can check it (for example Youtube). I did it. But if i want to moderators find the rule-braker player, do i have to write in /pinfo in-game, during the recording to the moderators get the TruckersMP ID of the rule-braker player? Thank you for the answer.
  14. Since when twitch has been removed from the list of valid proof sources to report a player breaking the rules and why?
  15. Короче я писал Reports и SeRGiOPaOk4 всех их отклонил с причиной "multiple report" и что это означает если я одним видео сразу на троих жалобу дал..
  16. flybel


    Hello, I have 3 questions: 1. ets2map.com shows my player as tysiek33 even though I do not have that name, can I change it anywhere? ( http://puu.sh/hJu22/3af61b5ca4.jpg ) EDIT: After reconnecting I am called Löschzwerg01 so it seems like I get random names every time. 2. Where can I report players if I have video evidence? 3. If I am afk kicked ingame, can I reconnect other than restarting the game? Thanks for helping! ~flybel
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