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  1. Help all the time I do install Install Available Updates does not go into multiplayer
  2. dylhebbz


    Right, So i have downloaded truckers MP and it is looking for a Directory for ETS2 and idk what to do, im a n00b. Could you guys help me? i have entered: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\ and i get a error with "please enter a valid ets path" or something similar. TY ~ dylhebbz
  3. Hello, this is probably my 2nd time in my whole career on driving TMP that a I have had to write in the help section. The Problem: My Status Update (Public Message Box) is not appearing on my profile. That chat box which would usually appear on your own profile for people to message you or you to express your own opinion of something cool is not there for me which is very strange. I have checked and it's just not there for me, but is there for others. When did I check this issue: I checked yesterday, but thought it would be back today but it isn't. This is why I need your help if at all possible. I would greatly appreciate your help to get this issue solved as soon as possible. My profile should have a public message box just like everyone else's at the top of my profile, but for some reason it is not. Thank you for your help & Happy Trucking. Kind regards, Matt #CarLadMatt Atlas Logistics
  4. I can't share a single status update in my profile. is it a general problem? https://hizliresim.com/PlAodQ https://hizliresim.com/76pbJv
  5. Hello everyone! Could someone help me with this problem: Few days ago I saw recruitment for convoy control and I do what I need to be at this job but today at night it end and my application not accepted or declined. What I need to do?
  6. Hi Everyone, I am looking for a VTC panel and can't quite find any that suit my needs. If you own a VTC can you give me a link to the VTC panel that you use. If you don't have a VTC but know of VTC panels that might help that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks [TML] Toxic_Monster
  7. Is changing the colour on your plates on the World Of Trucks website allowed and of so how do I do it? (If it is against the rules then i will not try) Any help is appreciated!
  8. The autosave in ETS2 lags my game badly when it saves, and causes problems like people hitting the back of my truck, which is just dangerous. And ice looked through the options/settings and I cant see an option to turn off auto save. Thanks for you answers.
  9. So when i do everything correct on tutorials I was watching and when download finished I'm trying to open my launcher and then nothing happens that circle just loads for 1 sec and then dissapear And yes I have 64 bit Edit:I'll try it at evening 3/03/2018 I don't have time now Edit2:Does somebody have TeamViever so you could help me?Nothing repaired my launcher
  10. So, i see this question a lot and as far as I know (correct me if i'm wrong) there are no other help topics on it. So I thought I would make one, just to help you. I know that most of the time when you start up Truckers.MP that there are no jobs to pick from in the job market, its a common question, "how do I solve it?" Its actually a really simple answer: You don't have to exit the game again, (as I used to do) you just drive to a rest area and sleep, when you check the job market again the usual jobs will be there. It works by resetting the job market to update to the Truckers.MP server time. Hope this helped, have a nice day!
  11. Вчера купил и установил доплнение "Heavy cargo pack@, сразу взял груз (Асфальтоукладчик), никаких проблем не было, ездил себе ездил никому не мешая. Сегодня решил взять локомотив, сразу же система кикает за "invalid accessory set detected.prohibitet accessory in use (nettrailer). Так вот назревает такой вопрос, какие грузы из этого дополнения можно брать в мультиплеере:?
  12. why I can't get into truckermp? "invalid email or password" I enter everything correctly, why?
  13. Hey what happened here? the first time is: D
  14. This will appear when I try to open it.Help me plaese!!!
  15. I do not have this issue in SP, but while in MP I have random lag spikes every 10 seconds or so. My FPS will drop 20-30 frames for just a second and return to normal. We have tried to uninstall truckers MP and when reinstalled had the same issue. We downgraded the graphics of the game, and still the FPS issues are still there. Any other suggestions to why my FPS is doing this? It makes playing MP with my buddies terrible.
  16. Hello my name Kamil, from Poland. My no perfect english. Plese help me, I don't know what's is going on.When it updates it pops up: Can not inject core (DLL file not found (C:\programData\TruckersMP\core_ets2mp.dll)) . Please Help me thanks.
  17. Hi guys, may i know how to indentify that the player is using no damage mod or not?
  18. Lütfen türk adminler yardım edin TSRVTC-Truckerpilot adlı admin beni banladı ama haksız yere ban attı.Bug şu http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1288615118 bu multiplayer da oldu sonra ise banlandım singleplayer gireyim dedim hala düşmeye devam ediyor yukardaki ss singleplayera ait şu da şikayet videosu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebJDKmnE8hc lütfen ben bu adminden şikayetçiyim 1 gündür ban itirazı açtım ama cevap vermedi facebook adresini buldum ordan yazdım vermedi hala buda o ss. https://i.hizliresim.com/qGMO0R.png Lütfen bu adminden şikayetçiyim ilgilenmediği için ve hatam varsa açılmasın ban söz veriyorum kurallara uyacağım bug olursa da sizin ile ilteşime geçip video kaydı alacağım. Adam hiç bir şekilde geri dönmedi yardım edin lütfen.
  19. Arkadaşlar Merhaba, Çok araştırdım ama ets2 Sarı Dorse Modunu bulamadım. Yardımlarınızı bekiyorum... Ve son olarak araçtaki ışıkları belirgin ve daha şiddetli yapabilicek ışık modunu araştırdım ama hiç bir yerde karşıma çıkmadı. Şimdiden teşekkür ederim. İyi oyunlar dilerim.
  20. Oyuna yeni başlayan arkadaşlar için Tag nedir ve nereden nasıl yazılır? Tag oyunda Nickname'inizin yanında gözüken rengini ayarlayabildiğiniz ve admin, police vb. TMP kurallarına aykırı şeyler dışında istediğinizi yazabildiğiniz bir alandır. Gelelim bunu nereye nasıl yazacağımıza? ilk olarak TMP'yi çalıştırdığımızda karşımıza gelen ekrandan oyuna bağlanıyoruz. Daha sonra 1. görselde gördüğünüz ekranda ok işaretli olan alana tıklıyoruz. kırmızı ok ile belirttiğim alana tıkladıktan sonra açılan pencerede 2. görselde gördüğünüz "Player Tag" kısmına TMP' kurallarını ihlal etmeyecek şekilde istediğinizi yazıp rengini ayarlayabilirsiniz. sağ kısmından da rengini ayarladıktan sonra önce Apply daha sonra OK'a bastıktan sonra oyuna bağlanabilirsiniz. Tagınızı oyun içinde TAB menüsünüden isminizin solundan görüntüleyebilirsiniz. İyi oyunlar Saygılarımla.
  21. Hello, I have a friend who can not download the mp launcher, the page keeps saying that she needs more than two hours of play and she has more than fifteen. she already tried putting the profile in public but nothing happens
  22. i have tried loads of things game keeps freezing launchpad i have uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times still the same thing i have gone through documents and deleted the mp file so i can try get it to launch nothing game still stuck will i have to delete everything and start fresh i have done a scan and checked my windows files there all ok my other games load up fine i get a warning about a SDK file what the hell is the SDK file and how do i get rid of it please help thanks
  23. NexooYT


    Hello. Can someone explain why it says in red OFFLINE to me at everyone's name? https://imgur.com/FtGWOcy
  24. Hey. I can't play ETS2 MP. When i open MP Launcher, i just see this screen. In addition to theese, although screen just stay like that, i can hear sounds from next screens. I were able to play yesterday pls help me :/ My PC Specs; i5 7300HQ GTX 1050Ti 8GB DDR4 Ram 2400mhz Windows 10 All drivers are updated.
  25. Can anyone help? I play TruckersMP a lot, and record it too, but I am trying to record a video now, on this date, but can't get the audio to come through my headphones. I have tries other games to see if is a problem with my headphones and it isn't, other games work fine, it is just TruckersMP and normal ETS2 where the audio isn't coming through my headphones! I have tried many things, and still haven't solved anything, if you know how to solve it, please let me know!
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