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Veteran Driver VI
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About Toxic_Monster

  • Birthday April 12

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Game moderation, video editing, coding and other computer related things.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages

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  1. The skodas are too powerful they should be slowed down with a more powerful option for admins.
  2. Can you add LED lightbars to the scout car? Also, Variable Message Boards would be nice. These boards should be able to be customized at any time with a command like /vmb <text here|clear>.
  3. I believe that we should have a traffic management team for both ETS2 and ATS as there are sometimes major traffic buildups because of one or a couple of small things. If this does get implemented I would be honored to be part of this team. I have both ETS2 and ATS. Please message me after this ticket is read. I also believe that this team should get access to the police paint jobs and accessories. [TML] Toxic_Monster
  4. Thanks everyone, I have worked out the problem and fixed it/worked out a solution. Toxic_Monster Toxic Monster Logistics CEO crash.log last_crash.log game.log.txt
  5. Every time I go into accessories on scout extra d my game crashes. Any advice?
  6. Who is allowed to use police cars? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hi @Crashon and @JJay, Thank You for your help I have decided to settle with TrucksBook. Do you want to join my company? It is called Toxic Monster Logistics with the lovely five min photoshop logo.
  8. I am not sure either, are you allowed short lettering on your licence plate? Currently I have 3 letters but if that is not allowed I would happily change that.
  9. Hi Everyone, I am looking for a VTC panel and can't quite find any that suit my needs. If you own a VTC can you give me a link to the VTC panel that you use. If you don't have a VTC but know of VTC panels that might help that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks [TML] Toxic_Monster
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