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  1. Suggestion name: Bus Trailer Suggestion description: Trailer for buses in the game. Image:
  2. this is a pretty simple trick for example when you are in finland and your trailer is in poland. first spawn your trailer then just fast travel anywhere you want and your trailer will be attached
  3. Suggestion Name: Revise trailer Weight Mods Suggestion Description: Currently you can use trailers with weight up to 200t, i have tried heavy cargo trailers wit 200t, 175t, 150t & 125t using a volvo fh16 8x4 & found a serious issue, with 200t , 175t & 150t the truck gets launched or jumps around causing damage to you & whatever it hits & with 125t the front steering axle doesn't touch the ground ( it steers from the lift axle ) while bouncing up & down constantly making it reckless driving so i think such weight mods should be not allowed. Also the special cargo loads are at the limit of what the game can safely handle! Any example images: No Why should it be added?: For the safety of everyone on the road
  4. Hello all! I am a very ill experienced save editor, so pardon my lack of knowledge. I was looking to see if I could permanently change the weight of a cargo in the job market. I had figured out how to make the weight in the trailer heavier, but this is only after I had taken the job. I was curious if someone knew how (if it is at all possible) to let's say make the cottage cheese cargo type weigh 100 tones instead of however much it weighs now. Thank you, happy trucking! *This is for single player use; I don't intend on clogging up the C-D with a 250T truck.
  5. Moin Moin, hab jetzt des öfteren gesehen das leute mit Triple Trailern aka. Road Trains durch die Straßen fahren. Hab auch schon ein Workshop mod Mit diesen Trailern hab aber leider keine Idee wei man die In Die Straßen Von TMP Bekommt. Hat da jemand ne lösung? MfG Jonas
  7. Suggestion name: VTC Own Skins on Trailers, Trucks. Suggestion Description: Hello, i would like that if truckersmp VTC-s Would have OWN skin and that skin only reachable when you are in that vtc. And even more types of combinations. Not just like 1-1 trailer and Truck skin but also 2-2 or 3-3 Why should be added: Beacuse Local mods is eh.. It's cool, but usually hard to understand. And if anyone wants to download any VTC Member a local mod of their own vtc he will don't understand how to do it Any example images: (This picture were from Bruijn Logistics Member)
  8. For example: job dispatcher for ownable trailers Suggestion Name: job dispatcher for ownable trailers Suggestion Description: job dispatcher for every ownable trailers whereever you want (also hct and doubles etc.) Any example images: / Why should it be added?: because then players have more fun and can drive together with ownable trailers ???
  9. Moin Moin, Eine kurze Frage an euch, Gibt es Trailer Mods die Von TruckersMP erlaubt oder spielbar Online sind ? wäre schön mal mit was anderen als der Standart Lackierungen oder andere Trailer zu fahren oder die Welt unsicher zumachen ? Villt. Habt ihr Seiten oder Workshop Links von Steam wen es überhaupt möglich sein sollte. Ich bin euch für jede Antwort sehr Dankbar. Bis dahin wünsche ich euch enspannte und Stau freie Touren ? Lg. Zim0505
  10. hello! i am kinda new in this community, but the reason is that i want to buy a car trailer for my car, but the game crashes when i want to buy it, i even switched from OpenGL to DirectX11, still didn't worked, i need help from professional players, thank you! i will come back later to check if you sent any replied
  11. Ich habe probiert mit Tedit, mein HCT-Trailer anzupassen, also die Lackierung und zwar wollte ich vorne wie hinten die normalen Lackierungen aus dem Frachtmarkt haben, ... also LkwLog GmbH, TransiNET etc... hier mit Bildern zum Verständnis! So sieht mein Versuch aus: Es soll aber so aussehen (die Lackierung ist zwar ein anderes Unternehmen, aber Prinzip ist das Gleiche!) : ich entschuldige mich falls, ich hier falsch bin, aber ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen und kennt sich gut mit Tedit oder hat eine gute Modifikation die hilft Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus!
  12. Hello. Some players are experiencing problems with the search for the white trailer. How to find this: 1. Download this mod http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/1-ton-beyaz-dorseler.html 2. Copy file 33balabolTent.scs from downloaded archive to ETS2 mod folder. 3. Open single game and enable this mod in your profile. 4. Select cargo with coloring which is not found in the game. 5. Save game and quit. 6. Open multiplayer game and load your save. Your trailer is white. I recorded a video to make it clear what cargo you need to take. Some coloring of the trailers that you need to look for: Mod files to trailers: 33balabolTent.scs You can find in the following companies: Treet-ET, SellPlan, Norsken, Kaarfor, Drekkar Trans, Nordic Crown, San Builders, Sag & Tre, Konstnorr, Nordic Stenbrott, Bjork, GNT, FCP 33balabolreefer.scs I have found it in the company NBFC. 33balabolCL.scs This trailers I came across only in Stein Bruch. Tested on ETS2 v. I hope this guide will help you. Good luck on the road.
  13. Video tutorial on how to use the color codes: Information (You should read): Refrigerated and non-Refrigerated trailers can be swapped because they use the same colors.(some other trailers may be apply to this too. Report any errors in this topic with an image and name of trailer I am looking for a C# programmer I started on a program to do this automatically for your but I have very little knowledge of C# because I am still learning. More Trailers will be added every week Trailers Part 1: Trailers Part 2: Trailers Part 3: Trailers Part 4: Trailers Part 5:
  14. Und zwar hab ich ein wenig mit Save Editing gespielt und mir einen Trailer gezaubert wie unten im Video zu sehen. Nun meine Frage, ist dieser eigentlich erlaubt oder bekomm ich dafür nen Ban (da dieser ja in meine Räder geht) ?! ^^ {Es geht also nur darum ob das okay ist mit meinen Rädern oder ob ich irgendwie schauen obs da was anderes gibt.} An alle Leser: Vielen dank fürs drüber schauen und helfen LG: HandOfClash [GPE] /André\ GoldenPhoenixExpress Owner
  15. English: Hello, Today, I earned enough money to buy my first bi-train trailer. So I have a question: Are some trailers better than others? Whitch is the whorthest ? ... I am Lvl 30 (max everywhere exept in eco-driving) Ty for your answers. Francais: Bonjour, comme je suis francais, je préfererais avoir des réponses francaises mais des réponses anglaises me vont tres bien aussi. Je m'explique: j'en arrive au moment dans le jeu où j'achette ma premiere double remorque et j'aimerais savoir si il y a une différence entre 2 remorques (par exemple bachée et réfrigérées (mais toutes les remorques en général)) au niveau de la rentabilitée et (Si oui) laquel serais la meuilleur ? Sachant que je suis lvl 30 (maxée partout sauf dans l'éco conduite). Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses
  16. Guest

    Cargo Mass

    Hello! Is there any way that you can edit your trailer mass? I heard from players that you can but nobody answered how. I tried searching YouTube but didn`t found any videos. Can somebody help me?
  17. As I understood from the updated rules, triple trailers are now allowed. However, I did not manage to find any mod/tutorial to install triple trailers. How to do it? Somebody suggested this before, but it's not available for me. How to use triple trailers? Thx in advance ?
  18. hello ı coming new suggestion in my opinion double trailer should be banned You ask why when turning right or left or or during overtaking trailer hitting other vehicles and close the trafic and limiting maneuverability it should only be banned on busy roads and cities, even if not completely banned how do you think
  19. Bamp

    3 Trailer

    Hallo, in letzer Zeit habe ich es öfters gesehen, dass andere Spieler mit 3 Anhängern, womöglich ein Kombi aus HTC und Double, fahren. Aber wie macht man das? Danke schon mal. Grüße
  20. How do I buy a low chassis trailer ? I can't find.Please help me.
  21. Hello there! In this guide I will show you how to change your trailer skin. Create a folder named "extern28" in the folder "C:\Users\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2", you can also put your own name. Then copy the file you download from it into the folder you created, but if the name of the folder you created is different, open the file, edit it, and write your own name. In this section, we will change the skin by editing the file you download from here. You will need Paint.Net program to download the file. First open your file with the Paint.NET program. Paste the image you copied later by "ctrl + v" (pop-up window, press "keep canvas size") Place it on the part of the vestel by shrinking it from the edges of the picture you paste. Then press enter. Then save the file: Finally, run the program "tobjEdit.exe" in the file you download from here. Fill in the opening window with "/home/extern28 (your own file name)/transinet.dds" and save it into the folder you created by saying "File> Save As". Name the file "transinet.tobj". Then go into the game, take a trailer and open the save file, find the part where the trailer is located.We delete the code "/def/vehicle/trailer/krone/profiliner/company_paint_job/transinet.sii", then paste the code "/home/extern28 (file name you created)/transinet.sii" where you deleted it. Your transaction is complete here. Remember, MP will only appear in you.
  22. Suggestion Name: Vehicles carrying trailers shown in the GPS. Suggestion Description: Nowadays in the GPS it only appears a circle of the vehicle and what I suggest is to add like a rectangle showing trailers behind the circle. Any example images: No, sorry. Why should it be added?: It would be very helpful for admins and players in general to see where there are trailers left away in the middle of the freeway, whether if a truck has or not a trailer or even cars, avoiding many accidents.
  23. Triple trailer its allowed? (From left)
  24. HCT B-triple made by Additional Customisation Mod, after the new update of July 3rd, the rules do not specifically mention B-Triple trailers, only size, it means that it is forbidden? I have a b-triple that I have always used without any problem today when I was playing some users threatened me with a report for using a b-triple. The photo of the trailer that I use I put in attachment. Sorry for my english, I used google for this. XD
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