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World Of Trucks


  1. Hi! Exist the possibility in the future to have an event server for the american continent? Or change the "us sim" for that purpose during events? "US Sim" is a deserted place, maybe can be used during official event as an alternative event server for us. I don't know why, but some of us can barely play during events, some south americans doesn't have problems, 400ms but "playable", other can't play at all. Can we do something, like a petition or something? I don't know how this works, don't know how many of us want or need this, we don't have a very united community nor a "loudly" one, for that this is more a question than suggestion.
  2. Suggestion Name: as the title Suggestion Description: This is the system that you think would be better if you added it from the event server. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: I've always thought about it for a better escort while holding many events. Here's an example I've been thinking about. 1. Request for change of nickname color to event server requester. - When requesting an event server, according to your manager, Manager want to know the event staff clearly. So, in the case of event staff, we usually write "Event Staff" on the tag. However, if you see the event staff without stopping, it is difficult to determine exactly. If you're not an event staff member of each team, I hope that at least as many nicknames as the event server requester can be colored so that the participating team, individual participants, and administrators can recognize them. 2. Added notification commands only from the event server. - Event servers often have server requests centered around them, guiding them through server notifications. But sometimes, it's hard to command a regular chat. ( ex. If the port of Calais is the origin, no chat is visible in the city of Calais. ) To supplement this, I would like to grant permission to event server requestors to write down announcements. (not red announcements like Game Moderator, but a system that can notify all users) You usually do events of the server, free roaming is prohibited. But when you lead a convoy, you often see Free-Roameras, so it's hard to control them. I hope that this will add further notice. 3. I hope that Tab will show all users who connect to the server only for the event server - As I mentioned earlier, Free-Roaming is prohibited on most event servers. In order to find these users, I want to know the location of all users on the server. (Press Tab to check the distance of all users, not just users, within 1km. ) Once the system is introduced, it will not only prevent Free-Roamer but also provide more accurate information about users who have broken the rules. 4. When connecting to an event server with temporary rules, I would like you to let me know more about temporary rules, such as the notification that comes when the TrucksMP Rule changes. - Many event staff, or the master of each team, often write temporary rules when requesting an event server. However, there may be users who participate in events without reading these temporary rules properly. To warn you of these users first, we would like to have a temporary rule alert issued. 5. kick system modification - Kick automatically for user when a large number of reports are received. - For the first team to host the event, you may not be able to obtain support from the Game Moderator. TeamAudi's Alliance Clan Team Coupang also didn't get support because they didn't know how During the escort, the troller may interfere with the escort. Of course you can call us web-report, but at that time the escort event must be in progress, and we can't cut it off in the middle. In order to prevent this, I hope you can change the kick system and automatically click the user on the server if you receive a lot of reports. Although not all of the parts I requested can be reflected in the event server, I thought it would be nice to have this added, so I came up with a suggestion. Although my proposal may not be possible, I hope it will give you a chance to think about it. I would like to thank you for all the TruckersMP Staff's efforts to keep TruckersMP clean. Always have a good day.
  3. Suggestion name: Promods Rally Championship Suggestion description: It could be a new event for Promods. There are lots of dirt roads with big turns, icy snow roads and narrow challenging asphalt roads that I think could be really fun and cool for Truck rally. There could be 3 or 4 stages with differend routes and Players with best times would qualify and continue to differend stages. For the qualyfying for all players who would want to join it could be either a drag race or a simple quick race basicly anywhere with maybe jumps like in RallyCross. After Like more or less then 50 players they would qualify and for exemple on the first route players would have to get their time to atleast top 50 or less, depending on how many players would be on the event. then on stage 2 to maybe top 30, stage 3 top 15 and on stage 4 maybe top 7 (It's just my quick idea it doesn't need to be exectly like that ? ) Rules: Any Trucks with no trailers would be allowed. If anybody gets stuck either he gets disqualified (or if admins would watch they could teleport him back on the track.) For the Rally, players would have to line up behind each other for the rally starting point. After a player gets far enough or after few seconds another player can start behind him. Few routes for exemple: On this One in Iceland there could be many types of the rally routes. Then there is Kirkenes, in high speeds it could be really challenging and if you wouldn't be carefull enough you could fall of the mountain. There could also be a asphalt road for exemple like this one with these serpentines. if it would be posible it could be edited and added fence to make it even more narrower. There are lots of more posible routes with dirt roads that i probably didn't even discover yet but i don't want to spam this topic with so many screenshots. Why should it be added?: Well I think it could be a really fun new event that many players would enjoy and it could be done on Promods that never had any official events yet. Players could show their skills behind the wheel on challenging dirt roads, slippery snowy ice roads or in high speeds on narrow asphalt roads and try to get their best time and also try not to crash.
  4. Suggestion name: Event server rights | Ban/Kick/Tpr rights for players Suggestion Description: Hello dear trucking community! I thought of sharing my suggestion and idea with you. Every VTC leader has the possibility to get an event server as soon as the requirements fit. How about giving certain people of choice kick/TPR/ban rights to the server? That is, as soon as a player does not follow the rules, he will be kicked or banned. Note that the player is only banned for the event server. Any example pictures: / Why should it be added? Convoys are always in the evening, there is also a lot of activity on simulation 1 or other servers. This would allow the game moderator team to concentrate on the most important things in the evening. Kind Regards, CorniTv0100 | Dream Logistics
  5. First of all i am using google translate Proposal name: TMP original delivery event Proposal Description: delivery to all cities Image example: N / A Why do I need to add it? : As you know, the number of TMP players has decreased since V1.41, and there are only people on the CD route. I think that if you deliver to each city like the SCS Christmas event, people will be dispersed and people will return to TMP. Many convoy events are held, but many people cannot participate depending on the time of day. I myself too As a reward, you can put a badge on the TMP profile according to the number of deliveries. I think I can do my best at the event if I have a purpose
  6. Niuro


    Hello, after a somewhat misunderstood conversation over Discord a couple of days ago, you gave me a great idea: Suggestion Name: Unaffiliated with World of Trucks weekly / monthly events/convoys and in time zones with rewards. Suggestion Description: Because of the way the MP mod works almost all of the great content of Steam workshop is locked. But what IF we could have some (not all) custom paint jobs, accessories, etc. as in the begger events arround the year? How does it work?: 1st of I would like to explain why not WoT - it does not support ProMods. We are well aware that most players are either cheap (unwilling to get the extentions upon promo days and yes the game is not that expensive), just got too many bans for bad driving skills or just lack the time and motivation for something more than a 1 hour drive . As SJMAXiK suggested he could close C-D line if need be. Where am I going wit this? - It's rather simple and will envolve everyone. An event may be ran in 3,5 steps: a./ vote for a reward type; b./ set the goal and rules of the event (the fun part); b1./ use only one radio station or Discord; c. / execute the deed. One thing is missing at this point - what is the role of time zones in all this? As we know, not only Europeans play here. Much of the Asian community is still in Europe because they play mostly on the ProMods server, as mentioned in the conversation. Therefore, UK time is not the best solution for events. At least 2-3 groups / time zones should be given a chance. Why? Let's look at it this way -> East Asia plays online in EU morning to late afternoon. This means that they do not have access to UK events (later hours). The situation with Eastern Europe is similar, but mostly time specific. The time difference dramatically reduces the involved. In this order of thought, the three groups are a wiser choice. Of course, this means that there will also be 3 separate event locals, but there is no lack of servers. "Companies" focused on escorting convoys will be pleasantly busy. Any example images: There is no other such game and it's not possible to provide such assets yet. Why should it be added?: Well... there is a reason for that - only fractions of both maps are used per server and just 2 places to be C-D or Kirkines. It needs to change and this is the way (IMO). I stil don't know why C-D is prefered though, but I know why the other one is adored - dirt track; tight road; steep ups and downs; fun element; hard to master. Where elsewhere can we have this FUN? - answer - Everywhere, but not alone. The reward at the end of such a jorney would be really good, not just the satisfaction of been in one piece. P.S.: I don't mind doing the paper work. I do something similar in my life job place.
  7. Je nám potěšením vám oznámit a pozvat vás 1. srpna na vydání našeho DLC Oklahoma pro hru American Truck Simulator a zúčastnit se tak naší nové akce pro World Of Truck - > Cestování Oklahomou. Prozkoumejte tedy rozmanitou krajinu a hospodářství dané země tohoto neuvěřitelného státu – a to od horských pásem a lesů, přes prérie a savany, až po řeky a potoky. Žádáme vás, naši nejlepší komunitu #BestCommunityEver, a to o splnění vzdálenosti o celkovém počtu 111 000 000 mil (178 637 184 km) při doručování Wold Of Truck zakázek po státu Oklahoma. Při #projížděníOklahomou a užívání si krásné krajiny také stojí za to vědět, že ji tvoří široká škála živočichů a hmyzu. Vyskytují se zde například včely medonosné a černé vlaštovky, již tvoří dva národní symboly důležité pro rozmanitost státu. Oklahoma je také známá jako „Sooner State“, který pod tímto významem skrývá energického a pokrokového ducha. Řidiči se zde mohou těšit na poznávání mnoha nových odvětví, jako je dodávání jednotlivých součástek pro žluté autobusy, pneumatik pro stroje pracující v továrnách v Ardmore a Lawtonu nebo nákladních vozů Yard Trucks, které jsou nedílnou součástí prací na letišti v Tulse. Stejně jako při mnoha eventech dříve, můžete pro cestu používat svůj vlastní návěs. Oklahoma DLC nabízí 10 fantastických nových měst k prozkoumání a po jejich prozkoumání pro vás máme speciální odměnu za splnění tohoto cíle, který vyžaduje doručení zakázek a to rovnou do všech 10 měst Oklahomy tam nebo z nich. Všechny zakázky pro správné zapsaní musí být minimálně 100 mil (161 km) nebo více. Během cestování po Oklahomě se můžete těšit na mnoho krásných výhledů a zajímavostí, jako jsou: - Státní park Gloss Mountain, jenž je přírodní památku státu Oklahoma - Tulsa - > metropole s energetickým centrem, leteckým a technologickým průmyslem. - McAlester, východní historické město Oklahomy, Státní park Beavers Bend (park, vyskytující se v hornaté oblasti jihovýchodní Oklahomy) - Hugo Lake Spillway - > přehrada na řece Kiamichi v jihovýchodní Oklahomě. Pravidla eventu: - Doručit za pomocí externích zakázek, nebo externích nákladů propojené s vašim účtem World Of Trucks do jednotlivých států Oklahomy a dosažení komunitního cíle 111 000 000 mil (178 637 184km) - Každý hráč má ke splnění svého goalu za úkol dovést 10 zakázek a to do jednotlivých států (10) Oklahomy - Všechny zakázky musí dlouhé alespoň nebo více jak 100 milí (161km) - Ke zkontrolování odvezených a zapsaných zakázek přejděte do World Of Truck logu na vašem profilu. Odměny Osobní odměny Všichni hráči, které dovezou veškerých deset zakázek do jednotlivých měst do nebo zpět a splní tak jejich goal, budou na konci eventu obdarováni krásným nátěr kamionu s motivem Wild Stampede. Komunitní: Jakmile naše komunita splní goal odvezení zakázek po státu Oklahoma a to o celkovém počtu 111 000 000 mil (178,637,184 km), každý z vás bude oceněn ozdobou černé vlaštovky do vašich inventářů. Tento event bude ukončen v neděli 1. října ve 23:59 UTC S napjatým pocitem čekáme, až se nám ozvete s vašimi prvními dojmy, dobrodružstvích z vámi oblíbených prozkoumaných míst. Myslíme si, že si tuto projížďku státem „Sooner State“ plně zamilujete. Od cest okolo starobylých horských masivů a lesů v oblasti národních planin, přes centrální prérie, savany a mesy až po nízké mokřady odhalující potoky a řeky. Těšíme se na pořízené fotografie z vašich cest, o které budeme rádi když se podělíte na našich sociálních sítích s #CruisingOklahoma Facebook, (dříve Twitter) a Instagramu a my poté z nich vybereme ty nejlepší a sdílíme v jednou z dalších příspěvku na blogu. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2209650/American_Truck_Simulator__Oklahoma/ Celý článek naleznete zde: https://blog.scssoft.com/2023/07/cruising-oklahoma-world-of-trucks-event.html Forum post: S pozdravem RedWolf [CZ]
  8. Vaše čekání je právě u konce #BestCommunityEver. Po tvrdé a pečlivé práci jsme se konečně dostali k finálnímu vydání DLC Oklahoma pro hru American Truck Simulator. Buďte tedy připraveni nastartovat váš truck a vyrazit na cesty, protože s námi vyrážíte na nezapomenutelnou cestu po státě Sooner. DLC Oklahoma pro American Truck Simulator bude vydána dnes krátce po 19:00 SELČ a to pro všechny ve službě Steam! Toto rozšíření Oklahomy vám přináší mnoha věcí k prozkoumání. Doporučujeme vám tedy si udělat dostatek času a vychutnat si každý okamžik objevení následující věcí: - 10 nových měst k prozkoumání včetně Tulsy a města Oklahomy - Užijte si jízdu s kamionem přes několik malebných měst - Objevujte a doručujte do jednotlých důležitých průmyslových oblastí, jako je továrna na autobusy, pneumatiky, říční přístav a další. - Prozkoumejte si několik pamětihodností vyzdvyhující Oklahomu a to včetně mostu Skydance Bridge, Tulské univerzity a muzea Route 66. - Obdivujte a prozkoumejte státní parky Gloss Mountain, Beavers Bend - Zastavte se, natankujte si a odpočiňte si na 30 jedinečných odpočívadel pro kamiony - Odemkněte si jednotlivé achievementy pro Oklahomu ve službě Steam Od vydání tohoto DLC zde bude přístupný nový event #CruisingOklahoma na World Of Trucks, kde je za komunitní úkol splnění celkové ujeté vzdálenosti 111 000 000 mil (178 637 184km) po státě Oklahoma. Za splnění jak odvezení 10 zákázek, tak celkového goalu komunity můžete dostat jedinečné odměny. Veškerá pravidla týkající se eventu #CruisingOklahoma můžete najít zde v našem vytvořeném příspěvku na blogu. Konec eventu je 1. října v 23:59 UTC. Máme pro vás zde ale jestě jeden jedinečný dárek a tím je plyšová včelka, kterou obdržíte pokud vezmete jakoukoliv zákazku z nebo do města Oklahomy, kterou si poté můžete zdobit vaší kabinu. Včela medonosná je oficiálním státním hmyzem, takže byste rozhodně měli zvážit, zda ji nezískat a poté s ní jezdit po vašich dlouhých cestách. Přidejte se k našemu speciálnímu streamu na našem oficiálním kanále o vydání tohoto DLC, který začíná v 16:00 h. Připravte si otázky na naše vývojáře, postřehy a náhled na to, co pro vás Oklahoma chystá. Tešíme se a nemůžeme se dočkat až vás uvidíme brázdit silnice Oklahomy. Podělte se s námi o vaše první cesty za pomocí použití #cruisingoklahoma a nezapomeňte, že v Sooner State je vždycky víc, než se na první pohled může zdat. Další dobrodružství totiž čeká za rohem! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2209650/American_Truck_Simulator__Oklahoma/ Uvidíme se na cestách A když už mluvíme o nečekaných dobrodružstvích, tento snímek si zde s dovolením uložíme. Možná budete už tímto style brzy projíždět silnice Oklahomy. Nezapomeňte také sledovat naše sociální sítě (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok), tak aby vám neunikla žádná z přicházejích informací, včas se ale dozvíte, co daná upoutávka znamená. Celý článek naleznete zde: https://blog.scssoft.com/2023/08/oklahoma-release.html Forum post: S podzravem RedWolf [CZ]
  9. Buonasera a tutti, chi vuole partecipare a un convoglio questa sera, siete invitati -Ritrovo: Cluj-Napoca - Fallow Cargo -Arrivo: Pitesti - Spinelli Altre informazioni -> Link all'evento: https://truckersmp.com/events/13732-logis2.0|-february-convoy
  10. Suggestion Format: Event Suggestion Suggestion Name: Trailer Reversing contest. Suggestion Description: It would be a competition on diferent stages about parking trailers. It would show the skill of the driver. There are existing reversing contests in real life (for exemple Scania does it as a driver competition) and i think it would be awesome in TruckersMP. People with trailers would need to reverse in challanging spaces as fast as posible to a parking spot. People with the best time will win. Any collision will give +1 second penalty. There would be 3 Stages Qualyfying- People would need to reverse into a more simple parking space in a company between trailers or any objects under time. It shouldn't be too easy but neither too hard. They would have a maximum time to do this (enough time to reverse into the parking space) and if they couldn't do it in the time they would get disqualified. 1 Stage- Would be way more challenging, it wouldn't be a simple reverse but it would be longer with tight spaces and traffic cones. If driver would hit any cone more then 3 times, he would get disqualified. People with the best time would qualify for Stage 2 2 Stage- Now this would be a real challange. Driver will need to reverse into 2 parking spaces, with more challaneging spaces and after hiting 2 cones they would get disqualified. Drivers with the best time would get into finals to show their skills. 3 Stage- This would be the final stage where only a few will win. It would be way harder then any stage. (The stages are only my idea. It doesn't need to be exectly like that and can be changed) Rules- Players will need to use 3 axle Curtain trailer with no steering axles. Any collision with the truck or trailer gives +1 second penalty. There could be also 1 more championship about reversing Double trailers. Why should it be added?: it should be added because i think it's pretty good idea for another event. Right now there is Racing championship which is awesome but shows only racing skills. In this event people could show their skills in their truck, parking trailers and reversing in challangeing spaces.
  11. Suggestion Name: Temporarily change the default location after loading the Realtime map for TruckersMP. Suggestion Description: I believe it is worth changing the default location in the map:https://map.truckersmp.com/ . Calais (now) near Wrocław(soon). So that after loading the map, the area around Wrocław showing the location of the new headquarters is visible. This has to do with an ongoing event: Operation HQ. More information: https://truckersmp.com/blog/265 I suggest changing default location on the following Euro Truck Simulator 2 servers: Simulation 1, Simulation 2, [US] Simulation, [SGP] Simulation and Arcade. Any example images: Why should it be added?: To be able to easily and quickly be able to preview the involvement of players on individual servers Additionally, increase the interest in the event for people using the map, if someone has not heard about it Due to the fact that in the past the default location of the TMP map also changed during the course of various other events
  12. Suggestion Name: Permissions for Event Management Suggestion Description: It would be great if the Owner of the Event who organised the convoy, Event Manager and Event Supervisor, who would have permission to use command /kick if anyone would breaking the event rules, like freeroaming, blocking or wrong way driving. Why should it be added?: Many times it happens that only one moderator comes to the convoy, the moderator is the one who checks everyone to see if the rules of the convoy are followed. Moderator is still a human and needs a rest sometimes. Right after the Moderator, the event management is the most responsible for anything what would happen on the convoy. It would help event organisators to have better organised convoy. Sometimes Game Moderator have to go away for a while... So he doesn't have enough time to watch the whole convoy, sometimes only 1 Game Moderator comes to the event. Thank you for your attention! -Regards Patrikos158
  13. 4 Jahre Simulations Jobbörse Das muss gefeiert werden Dazu lade ich alle deutschen Speditionen gerne herzlichst ein. Wir wollen an diesen Abend einen Abend haben, den auch wir niemals vergessen wollen. Über zahlreiche Anmeldungen würde ich mich sehr freuen. Datum: 28.11. 2020 Startzeit: 20:00 Uhr Eintreffzeit: 19:00 Uhr Server: Simulation 2 Abfahrtsort: Türkei; Istanbul (Garage, Werkstatt) Routenführung/Absicherung: ConSec Pause: Rumänien; Mangalia (Container-Port) Benötigte DLC´s: Road to the Black Sea Zielort: Rumänien; Jassy (Fa. Rimav) Steckenlänge: 946 km TeamSpeak-IP: ts.convoy-security.de Bitte beachten: Wenn möglich mit eigenen Firmen Trailer zum Konvoi erscheinen Keine Schwerlast, Doppeltrailer und HCT Anwesenheitspflicht der Firmen auf der o.g. TeamSpeak-IP Anmeldung der Speditionen per E-Mail unter: [email protected] Die Facebook Gruppe "Simulations Jobbörse" feiert Ihr 4 Jähriges bestehen. Wir freuen uns natürlich auch gerne über neue Gruppen Mitglieder! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550588678569552/
  14. 추수감사절을 축하하기 위해 해당 이벤트를 개최하고자 하였습니다. 의식주에서 "식"은 살아가는데 중요하기 때문에 이를 기념하고자 해당 이벤트를 계획하게 되었습니다. To celebrate the ThanksGiving Day, We decided to hold this event. In Korea, especially Rice is very important to live. Most People eat the rice to live the life. Therefore We planned this event. ◈ 이벤트 일시 : 2020년 11월 15일 (일요일) ◈ Event Date : November 15th, 2020 (Sunday) ◈ 서버 : TeamAudi Korea - ThanksGiving Event ◈ Server : TeamAudi Korea - ThanksGiving Event ◈ 서버 오픈 시각 : 19시 00분 ( 오후 7시 ) ◈ Server Open Time : UTC 10:00 ◈ 집합 시각(모임 시각) : 21시 00분 ( 오후 9시 ) ◈ Gathering Time : UTC 12:00 ◈ 출발 시각 : 21시 30분 ( 오후 9시 30분 ) ◈ Convoy Depart Time : UTC 12:30 ◈ 서버 종료 시각 : 16일 01시 00분 ( 새벽 1시 ) ◈ Server Close Time : UTC 16:00 경로 정보 ◈ 미결정 | 11월 초 발표 예정 ◈ 슬롯 예약 ◈ 미결정 | 11월 초 발표 예정 ◈ 이벤트 임시 규칙 [ Temporary Rules ] 이벤트 스탭은 반대 차선으로 주행하는 것을 허락합니다. 특히 미디어 차량의 경우, 추월이 필요한 경우가 있습니다. 해당 경우 및 CC, Event Supervisor의 이벤트 진행 상황을 명확하게 판단하고 성공적으로 실행할 수 있도록 해당 권한을 허용합니다. Allow to overtaking with the opposite roads only event staff. Especially Media Team has to overtake the convoy lane. like this case and CC, Event Supervisor also have to judge the Convoy status and processing work themselves. So allowed this permission. 이벤트 스탭, 특히 CC의 경우 이벤트 대열을 올바르게 이끌기 위해 부분적인 길을 막는 행동을 허용합니다. Event Staff, Especially CC has to permission to block the road due to lead the correct way. 해당 이벤트에 참가하지 않는 플레이어의 경우에는 해당 서버에 접속할 수 없습니다. If someone don't participated in this convoy, they can't use this server. Please choose another server. 이벤트 스탭을 사칭하는 것을 금지합니다. 이벤트 스탭의 사칭은 매우 큰 위험을 가질 수 있습니다. Do not impersonating the event staff. Impersonating of Event Staff caused the risks about this event. 이벤트 스탭은 해당 이벤트를 원활하게 진행할 수 있도록 Game Management/Event Management에 일부 사항(미확인 참여자, 지속적인 트롤링 유저) 등을 알릴 수 있습니다. So as to do processing convoy safely, Event staff can announce to Game Management/Event Management about information including the undefined player/trolling user. 이벤트 스탭 표시 (Tag/태그) Displaying the Event Staff (including the Tag) § Convoy Control : TG2020 | CC § Media Team : TG2020 | MT § 이벤트 주최자(Event Organizer) : TG2020 | EO § 이벤트 관찰자(Event Supervisor) : TG2020 | Supervisor § 이벤트 매니저(Event Manager, especially Convoy Team) : TG | CCM § 이벤트 매니저(Event Manager, especially Media Team) : TG | MTM ◈ 미결정 | 11월 초 발표 예정 ◈
  15. Hallo, Ich würde gerne Convoys im deutschen Forum ankündigen, allerdings brauche ich dazu 10 Forumposts. Ich habe schon deutlich mehr als 10 gemacht, allerdings stehen da nur 8. Ich bedanke mich im Vorraus für Hilfe. Ich habe für diesen Post jetzt noch einen dazu bekommen, allerdings beim Erstellen eines Themas bei Off Topic nicht.
  16. Event takımı için başvuru yapmıştım. Tekrar incelenecek adında mesaj geldi, bu inceleme süresi ne kadar sürebiliyor
  17. Cronka


    #5JahreCG Daten zum Convoy: Datum: 18.09.2020 Uhrzeit: 19 Uhr Treff Um 20:00 Uhr ist Abfahrt Bei Fragen kommt auf folgenden TS: community-gaming.eu TMP-Server: 5 Jahre Community-Gaming.eu TS auf dem der Convoy statt findet: convoy.germantrans.eu -Startort: Linköping -Pause: kurz vor Stettin an der Grenze -Ende: Kattowitz Steinbruch Maximalgewicht 24 Tonnen Hinweis: Bitte Keine HTC oder sonstige Gigaliner Achtung: Die Teilnahme ist nur mit persöhnlicher Einladung gestattet!
  18. Suggestion Name: ETS2 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EVENT Suggestion Description: On the week of the 10 year anniversary of ETS2, open a server that only supports version 1.0 of ETS2. The server would be freeroam with collisions (speed limit of 150km/h), however all standard tmp rules would apply. Any example images: Why should it be added?: This event would help all tmp players to appreciate how far truckersmp and euro truck simulator 2 have come, and also would provide some great nostalgia and retro vibes.
  19. ¡El evento #OperationGenoaBridge es un éxito y no podríamos estar más orgullosos de nuestra comunidad! Esta tarea no era de ninguna manera pequeña, sin embargo, conductores de todo el mundo unidos en Euro Truck Simulator 2 para ayudar a completar un nuevo puente de vanguardia en Italia. Con balizas ardiendo y con la meta en mente, usted se dispone el 4 de junio para entregar materiales, combustible y vehículos de construcción de ida y vuelta desde cada uno de los depósitos oeste y este. Sólo 24 horas después de que el evento comenzó, ya habías llegado a 200.000 entregas, y 72 horas después de eso, ¡nuestra comunidad había atravesado la mitad de la mitad de las 500.000! Sin embargo, armar este evento no fue de ninguna manera una tarea fácil. Desde la creación de cinemáticas, empresas especiales para el evento hasta la búsqueda de una solución de red de carreteras que permitiera a todos participar; este fue uno de los eventos técnicamente más desafiantes que nuestro equipo ha creado. Estamos muy contentos de saber que realmente disfrutó del esfuerzo y el detalle adicional que se instó en este evento, especialmente las escenas cortadas y la forma en que el puente se iluminó por la noche en los colores de la bandera italiana. También inundaron nuestros canales de redes sociales con muchas fotos y videos, con cientos y cientos de publicaciones en Twitter e Instagram con el hashtag #OperationGenoaBridge. Fue genial ver a empresas de camiones virtuales [VTC], Streamers y camioneros de todo el mundo participar en la realización de este evento. Los conductores que participaron en TruckersMP estaban entre algunos de los camioneros más pacientes, donde se informaron atascos de hasta 3 horas! Muchos conductores incluso hicieron un esfuerzo adicional al completar más de la meta personal requerida. Algunas personas incluso lograron más de 100 entregas personales durante el evento, ¡increíble! A todos ustedes os damos las gracias, no importa cuán grande o poco sea su aportación, han ayudado a completar y traer el nuevo puente de Génova en el mundo Euro Truck Simulator 2. Mientras que el puente de la vida real de Génova todavía está listo para abrir en julio de este año, estamos emocionados de abrir su contraparte virtual para que los camioneros en ETS2 para conducir. Este nuevo puente de última generación es auto-monitoreo usando energía solar y tiene un aspecto elegante y moderno. ¡No olvides reclamar tus recompensas si lograste tu objetivo personal para este evento! Puedes reclamar tus recompensas de WorldOfTrucks.com yendo a "Mi página" y luego haciendo clic en ''Events''. Esperamos que disfrutes usando tu pintura y colgando accesorio con orgullo como recordatorio de este evento. Esperamos ver sus imágenes en el juego con este puente recién completado que puede compartir con nosotros a través de nuestros canales de medios sociales (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Nos gustaría agradecerles una vez más, a nuestra #BestCommunityEver, por escuchar el llamado a ayudar a participar en este evento especial de World of Trucks. Algunos de los post de Twitter e Instagram que se vieron durante el evento Datos finales del evento Información del blog de SCS Software.
  20. Hallo liebe Ets 2 Comunity, wir Salat Mafia und @LPmitElias veranstalten ein Event mit einigen Besonderheiten. Hier haben wir grundlegende Informationen: bitte hier Anmelden: https://forms.gle/N7QcXuZ5JqJXUXy87 https://ets2c.com/view/85629/salat-mafia-paris-service-station Datum: 15.05.2020 Uhrzeit: Treffen ab 18.00 Uhr. Start ab 19.00 Uhr. Treffpunkt: Paris ( mehr Infos folgen durch das Convoy Management ) Zielort: Milano ( Parkmöglichkeiten bei IKA ) Streckenlänge: ca. 1500 kilometer Route: Absicherung durch: ConSec Server: Event Server Convoy Team: Salat Mafia | LpmitElias | ConSec wenn Ihr fragen habt könnt ihr uns gerne fragen. Danke für eure Zeit, Der Veranstalter Englischer Beitrag:
  21. I want to request an event server for a german event: DHT-Convoy / 08.05.2020 (Thema : Geburtstags - Convoy) Date & Time: 08.May.2020 at 17:00 - 22:00 UTC Organiser: Profi_Kartoffel (Timo Wagner) Participants: Über >100 Server Name: DHT-Convoy Game: ETS2 Max Players: 500 AFK Kick: No Speed Limiter: Yes Collision: Yes Cars for Players: No Temporary Rules in English: Rules for the convoy: -Overtaking for participants isn't allowed without an approval from the event staff ( DHT- Dark Horizon Transports / ConSec ). -Participants must have a trailer. -Follow the instructions from the convoy control (ConSec): indicator and chat signals. -It is allowed to block roads with the convoy at the start, break and destination. -Convoy control (ConSec) is exempted from §2.3 (to block roads for showing the right route) and §2.4. -Beacons are only allowed for the convoy control. Temporary Rules in German: Rules for the convoy: -Das überholen für Teilnehmer ist, ohne Einverständnis des Veranstaltungspersonals, nicht erlaubt ( DHT- Dark Horizon Transports / ConSec ). -Jeder Teilnehmer muss einen Auflieger angehängt haben. -Den Anweisungen der Konvoiabsicherung (ConSec) ist folge zu leisten: Blink- und Chatzeichen. -Der Konvoi darf während dem Start, der Pause und des Ziels Straßen blockieren. -Die Konvoiabsicherung (ConSec) ist von der Regel §2.3 (zum blockieren von Straßen für das anzeigen der richtigen Route) und §2.4 freigestellt. -Das anschalten der Rundumleuchten ist lediglich für die Konvoiabsicherung zugelassen. Participants list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nk8BL9Vv7_EG1IIJgs22u3l-vtjK6vtVPsFl4P13XC8/edit?usp=sharing Link als Nachweis der Teilnehmer Let me know if you need something else. Thanks in advance. Profi_Kartoffel (Timo Wagner)
  22. how to become Event Team, Moderator or Support Team ?
  23. Suggestion Name : At Request the server, the event organizer can put an account link for some of the event's Staffs ( temporary role on the Event Servers )so that they can be in the role of the game Moderators . The most important of these things that the event organizer needs are as follows: 1 : announce inside the server ,like everyone is in the starting place of the event, announcing the time of the start the TruckFest and its results, and the time of launching the event etc ... 2 : He can kick bad people who cause trouble and stop the event and don't Cares about with the ban (some of these things spoil a whole event) 3 : Using the free camer to move between the whole convoy will make it more comfortable than overtaking the whole convoy 4 : Using the police car (only the event staff , the rest the server kicks them automatically) Any Image?: N/A Why this should be added?: 1 : Make the event more quality 2 : The event organizer doesn't need the Game Moderators anymore 3 : No problems after that
  24. Hello everyone, I have a problem about receiving my event gifts. I have an Wot account. As you know there is an event and finally, I have done it. However, when I clicked on the redeem on the steam button an error has appeared. I add a screenshot of it as a file. The error says that I don't have the game but is it possible? Because I have an account, also I have finished the event. Is there any solution for that? I m looking for your reply. Have a nice day.
  25. Доброго времени суток. Наверное уже многие в курсе об ивенте от Worl of Trucks. Собственно в этом то и проблема. Отвезла 12 подарков. Забрала награду в личном кабинете на Worl of Trucks. Возвращаюсь в игру. На радостях ставлю новую красу... Выхожу из СТО, а там это... (смотрите скрин) Надеюсь исправят в ближайшее время. Ну и остальным игрокам предлагаю, пока что, воздержаться от установки новой краски, полученной по ивенту.
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