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[ATVTC] Med Ali

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About [ATVTC] Med Ali

  • Birthday 03/14/1998

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages

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  1. Arab Transport VTC 2nd Anniversary


    Arab Transport VTC Family would like to thank everyone who attended today's event, to celebrate Arab Transport's second year anniversary. It was a crazy day with more than 400 drivers today and more than 40 VTCs .

    I would like to thank all of our CC members for the clean and professional effort, and filled work today and for making the event well organized and of great quality, and on behalf of everyone I want to thank @-Elvis-  for Great and amazing work and planning for our Convoy .

    Greetings and thanks to all the media guys for volunteering today and providing awesome support for us .

    The TMP Staff Team cannot stress how pivotal your work was to the success of the event, from the acceptance of the event server to keep the convoy as seamless of an experience as possible, your support was good, with special thank to @Velo.  & @Smiddy1050 , He had a big part in the success of the event, thank you so much for your help.

    Today we tried to satisfy all the VTCs that were with us by providing some Prizes to some VTC's that were very impressive through their most attendance, their wonderful looking and the paint they use.

    • Best VTC attendance is Faraonii Truckers Romania Congratulations on Winning Iberia DLC!
    • The 2nd best VTC attendance is RomaniaElit Congratulations on Winning Road to the Black Sea DLC!
    • The 3nd best VTC attendance is Alpin Express Congratulations on Winning Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC!
    • The Best Looking VTC is Demir Logistics Congratulations on Winning italia DLC!
    • The Best VTC PaintJob is Project Tango Congratulations on Winning scandinavia DLC!
    • The Best Public Truck is Mingran7 (TMPID: 2683384) Congratulations on Winning Going East DLC!

    All prizes were distributed successfully to all winners

    If you have any remarks, or feedback, feel free to write on the form found in feedback on our discord server .

    I hope to see you guys next year on Arab Transport VTC 2nd anniversary , And if you are interested in everything new and our monthly convoys, I invite you here to get all the information you need .


    Kind Regards
    Med Ali | Event Manager


    1. -Elvis-


      thankyou sir ali ❤️

    2. Velo


      Always happy to help ❤️

  2. Med aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<3

    1. [ATVTC] Med Ali

      [ATVTC] Med Ali

      Ratuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul <3


  3. Food For Poor 2020 | Join us Today on 11 UTC in Stavanger 

    Myself and all the staff team can't wait to see you there! ❤️


  4. Arab Transport's 1st Anniversary

    I would like to thank all of our CC members for the clean and professional effort, and filled work today and for making the event well organized and of great quality.

    Greetings and thanks to all the media guys for volunteering today and providing awesome support for us ,on behalf of everyone I want to thank @B&Č Transport CraftMAN CZ, @Createrdo [BG] , @shodon108 and @TheWilliamTW You are at heart guys ❤.

    The TMP Staff Team cannot stress how pivotal your work was to the success of the event, from the acceptance of the event server to keep the convoy as seamless of an experience as possible. Although there was an TMP event At the same time our event, your support was good, with special thank to @DJ ccowie ❤, He had an big part in the success of the event, thank you so much for your help.



  5. ? Arab Transport VTC ?
    ❤️ My Family ❤️


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice convoy and photo ❤️ 

  6. Happy Birthday ? ?

    1. IethaI


      Thank you Med Ali!!

  7. I want to thank everyone for coming today to our Event, and all event staff member from Viva so great support today, all media staff and so thank for All TMP staff from Community Manager ,Event Manager and all Game Moderator for all support ?



    1. _Harsha_
    2. Geology Rocks
    3. DeYoNN [ BG / EN ]

      DeYoNN [ BG / EN ]

      I am glad to be part of the team of the event ❤️

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