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Dear truckers, In this guide I want to help especially convoy newbies to find convoys, to prepare for convoys as well as finally to take part in convoys. Maybe some experienced drivers can also learn one or two things, who knows? If you have any criticism, feedback or additions, feel free to comment under this thread or contact me directly via the forum / our Discord server. ========================= Agenda: General Information: - What is a convoy? - Difference between official convoys & community convoys The beginning: - Where can I find convoys? The preparation: - What do I have to do when I find an interesting convoy? During the convoy: - What do I have to consider while participating in a convoy? General Information What is a convoy? In general a convoy is an organized event of many different drivers following a specific route together. The goal of such a convoy is to have fun by driving together, to maybe have a talk and of course to meet new people. For VTCs convoys are also a good opportunity to get known in the TruckersMP community. There are of course convoys, which are smaller (< 50 participants) and some that are bigger (> 50 participants). As soon as a convoy has more than 100 participants, the organizer can request an event-server for this event: Difference between official convoys & community convoys First of all I want to say that there is not a big difference between those two types of convoys. The official TruckersMP convoys are organized and managed by the TruckersMP Staff and therefore they always take place on an event-server. Additionally official convoys will get announced on our website as well as on our Discord server, our forum and our Twitter profile. Furthermore, Convoy control is always 100% guaranteed and provided by the TMP Event Team. Community convoys are organized and managed by the community. For this reason they mostly happen on one of our Simulation servers, but could also take place on an event-server in the case of having enough participants. Compared to official convoys, a community convoy doesn't guarantee convoy control but some VTCs have their own convoy control or they engage a specific virtual company that specializes itself on doing convoy controls. Those convoys get announced on the respective VTC page, on our Discord server or on the TruckersMP Event System. The Beginning Where can I find a convoy? Thankfully, there are many possible ways to find a convoy if you have time and just want to drive with others! As mentioned above you can always have a look on the following platforms for getting informed about upcoming official convoys: TruckersMP website: TruckersMP forum: TruckersMP Discord server (#announcements): TruckersMP Twitter: Regarding community convoys, you can have a look on these platforms: TruckersMP Discord (#event-advertisement): TruckersMP Event System: In most of the cases you can find all the relevant information you need for being able to participate in the convoy: server, date, time, start location, rules, etc. The Preparation What do I have to do when I find an interesting convoy? After you have found a convoy that interests you, you need to use the different information provided in the convoy announcement. That means that you should make sure that you are in the right place at the right time. I personally recommend to do the following things, before driving to the meeting place: • Repair your truck (you can also use /fix in the in-game chat as long as a trailer is attached) • Refill your tank • Make sure to use a trailer you can handle - Mostly singletrailers are used in convoys, as doubles / triples either get prohibited in the convoy rules or people tend to get stuck / cause accidents with them and hinder the whole convoy • Turn off the speed limiters - sometimes it is necessary to speed up in convoys to close gaps caused by accidents / technical issues • Turn off the realistic fuel consumption in your game settings - so you don't get in trouble with you fuel tank during the convoy • [In case you have a weak PC] Set down your graphic settings - Especially in convoys with many participants, your FPS will go down and your computer could reach its limits and this could cause a disconnect you from our server • Personal hint: don't forget to turn on some of your favorite music During the convoy What do I have to consider while participating in a convoy? The most important thing is, that you need to be patient and careful. Mostly there will be announcements in the in-game chat about things like the department order, instructions where to drive and so on, so try to always keep a look on the in-game chat. In case there is no specific department order, you need to leave the meeting place just one by one. That means you need to respect the other drivers and rather wait until other drivers left the place, before you try to get near the convoy lead and probably cause an accident right at the start. As soon as you left the start location, you need to follow the player in front of you and (in case a convoy control is present) watch the in-game chat for further instructions where to drive. I recommend to keep a minimum distance of 50m to the person in front of you as there can always be lags or technical issues, so you have enough time to react! But the distance to the person in front of you shouldn't be longer than ~80m, so the convoy doesn't get big gaps. Now it is time to sit back and enjoy the convoy until you arrive at the planned destination. Alright, by following the advice above you should be ready for your next convoy ! ----- //Last edit: 27.03.2024 - re-added smileys.
A tool for editing save files and synchronising jobs on Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Simulator. It's easy to use. All features are provided as a tick. Random routes are generated every 2 hours. Everyone is welcomed to join our random convoys on Multiplayer! Important This program is still in alpha state and MAY BROKE YOUR SAVE FILES. A backup file (game_bak.sii) will be created in the same directory before saving. If you encounter any problems, please post a reply or create a github issue. Features Edit money Edit player level Unlock all player skills Unlock all cities Unlock and upgrade all garages Unlock all truck dealers Fix all vehicles and trailers Fill up all vehicles Choose a listed job to sync Teleport truck to the starting place Compability ETS2 & ATS v1.53 OS Windows 10/11 x64 Download Official Website How to Use Preparation: Start the game --> choose the profile you want to modify --> Edit --> Disable 'Use Steam Cloud' Step 1: Save a savegame in the game Step 2: Open ETS666 Tool --> select the profile and savegame you want to modify --> tick what you want --> save Step 3: Back to game --> load the modified savegame --> done, the convoy job could be found in the freight market Credits xiaosi for client development Mingran7 for UI design GiGiKing for providing server DoruqTV for Turkish translation Jordan. for Spanish translation IU - KOR for Korean translation Lineage for Janpanese translation Ricky {19} for Italian translation Danming for Polish translation Вовка & Jonny_Bro for Russian translation Lukas & HWA & berechtigter for German translation Sniper for SII Decrypt
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Suggestion Name: Some Painted Trailers with Direction Indication That Can Be Used in Event or Convoy on TruckersMP? Suggestion Description: Some Painted Trailers with direction indication may be useful in event on TruckerMP. They can direct players to the route in the event, going straight or turning left or right. Any example images: Why it should be added: As we all know, we can only use some painting job provided by SCS or TruckersMP in the server. But the trailer with the painting which can indicate direction may be useful in the event or convoy, when they are used by cc. I know that making these trailers may require a lot of time and effort, and I would like to inquire if TMP is interested in providing paint for these trailers.
Hello, My Names Felix With The Handle Of Pugsley. Here I'll Be Sharing My ETS2 & ATS Photos & Videos That I Get While Trucking! I Hope That You Enjoy!
Buonasera a tutti, chi vuole partecipare a un convoglio questa sera, siete invitati -Ritrovo: Cluj-Napoca - Fallow Cargo -Arrivo: Pitesti - Spinelli Altre informazioni -> Link all'evento:|-february-convoy
Ecco alcune foto dei convogli a cui abbiamo partecipato questo gennaio 2023 -- Here are some photos of the convoys we participated this Januart 2023 15 Gennaio: Convoglio Adiora Logistics [Szczcein -> Graz ] 19 Gennaio: Convoglio Logis 2.0 [Katowice -> Cluj-Napoca ] 21 Gennaio: 2 Anniversario Emitransport [TruckersMP -> Hannover ] 22 Gennaio: Convogli Flande Normande Logistique 24 Gennaio: Convoglio Team Legend Italia [Glasgow -> LeMans ] 28 Gennaio: Convoglio Les Trevors Des Belges [Pitești -> Zgorzelec ] 29 Gennaio: Convoglio Adiora Logistics [Barcelona -> A Coruna ] 31 Gennaio: Convoglio Euroitaly Transports [Leida -> A Coruna ] Se volete partecipare ad altri eventi come questi, o avere compagnia: Discord -> Link alla VTC --> Instagram ->
there is a problem for me. when i had started playing ets2 i had taken 2 of 100,000 euro loans from the bank of the game and i still could not give it back to them, my truck is 73% damaged cuz at first i used to drive like a creep. my that account is going back and forth to either 12000 euro to -6000 euro. now i am not being able to get good profit becuz of giving the bank those loan installments. And by 12th of january, that is like 4 days from today, i have a convoy to attend where all of us will show off our trucks. now i am completely clueless and frustrated that what should i do. becuz for the convoy, i have to get my truck at 0% damage and also i have to make modifications to my truck so it looks cool. what should i do
Federal Transport #5 | November Public Renault Trucks Convoy If you want to reserve a slot for your VTC, please go to our Websit ----- Information ✪ Date: November 26 , 2022 ✪ Departure: Milan Slot ✪ Destination: Paris FLE ✪ Distance: 1073 KM ✪ DLC : None ✪ Fleet Control: Yes ✪ You can only use Renault Trucks in our Convoy (Except Event Staff) ✪ Server: Event Server ----- Time Meeting time: 12:00 UTC / 20:00 CSET Departure time: 13:00 UTC / 21:00 CSET ----- Parking  ----- Event Rules for Participants: The Event Staff are recognized as; “FT Event|CCT/CCC/Support/Media“ or similar Beacons are prohibited. (Except Event Staff) Advertising is prohibited. (Except Event Staff) Overtaking is prohibited. Cars are prohibited except for Event Staff showing a clear tag. Double trailers, Triple trailers, HCT trailers and Heavy Haul configurations are prohibited. (Except Event Staff) Free roaming on the server is prohibited. Participants with consistent lag must remain at the back of the convoy. Participants must follow Event Staff instructions. Participants should park at their designated slots. If you don't have a designated slot you are required to park at the 'Public Parking' Convoy participants must only leave the starting location when instructed to do so in an orderly (one by one) manner. All other TruckersMP rules apply. Event Rules for Event Staff: Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier only. In accordance with the rule above. Event Staff can block junctions and roads approaching junctions in order to direct the convoy. Event Staff can park out of bounds. Providing this is on the ground and not on top of buildings or other inappropriate places deemed unsuitable by TruckersMP Staff. All other TruckersMP rules apply.
Saudações caminhoneiros! Você já dirigiu por uma estrada vazia e escura e sentiu que estava sendo observado? Não tem certeza se aquela figura em seu espelho era apenas sua imaginação? Aquele barulho de raspagem era um arbusto ou algo mais sinistro? Se você está procurando uma experiência de transporte surreal para o Halloween deste ano, estamos hospedando um comboio para levar sua bravura ao limite! Completo com modificações personalizadas para levar o fator de susto ao máximo! Junte-se a nós neste sábado, 31 de outubro de 2020 às 18:30 UTC (Fusos horários alternativos)! Nosso comboio assustador começará na cidade de Bakersfield, California. Infelizmente, caminhoneiros que têm medo da escuridão não devem esperar ver muita luz ao longo da experiência… Para aumentar o terror, o destino não será anunciado! Tente ficar junto e sempre siga as orientações / instruções da equipe do evento. Você não quer se perder sozinho aí fora, quer? A duração do comboio é estimada em 120 minutos. Pode ser mais longo se você estiver na parte de trás do comboio. Não estão programadas pausas, mas você é bem-vindo para entrar em um lugar seguro caso precise descansar (Se você não estiver com muito medo). Partida: Cidade Bakersfield, California Informações adicionais do evento: Regras do evento | DLC: Não Necessário | Servidor: Official Halloween Convoy Desejamos-lhe uma feliz e segura viagem, e esperamos vê-lo lá! Equipe TruckersMP
If you want to book a place for your company, visit our website here!
CologneCargo lädt euch recht herzlich ein zum Konvoi am 29.10.2021. Motto für diesen Konvoi: Großauftrag - Container nach Nürnberg Der ein oder andere mag sich noch erinnern. 2019 habe ich bereits so einen Konvoi mit folgendem Motto durchgeführt. Nun rufen wir das ganze wieder ins Spiel. Start: Berlin Pause: Nürnberg Ende: Luxemburg Treffen: 20:00 Uhr Beginn: 20:30 Uhr Weitere Infos und Anmeldung:ßauftrag-container-nach-nürnberg-freitag-10-september-2021-20-00-22-00/ TruckersMP Event: Wir freuen uns auf einen geselligen Abend!
║ ╠ ? Veranstalter: Elite ENTERTAINMENT [EE] ╠ ? Absicherung: ConvoySafeGroup [CSG] & Kusagari Security [KusaSec] ╠ ? Videoproduktion: Truck Recording Company ╠ ? Sponsor: SimNews ║ ╠ Datum: 22.05.2021 [Samstag] ║ ├ ? Start: 14 Uhr [UTC +1] ║ └ ? Ende: 23 Uhr [UTC +1] ║ ╠ ? Timeline: ║ ├ 14 Uhr - 17:30 Uhr*: Truck-Race ║ ├ 17:30 Uhr - 20 Uhr*: Truck-Tuning-Treffen ║ ├ 17:30 Uhr - 20 Uhr*: Drag-Race ║ ├ 20 Uhr*: Siegerehrung ║ ├ 20:30 Uhr - 22 Uhr*: Konvoi ║ └ 22:30 Uhr*: Abschlussfeuerwerk ║ ╠ Öffnungszeiten:** ║ ├ TruckersMP-Eventserver: 12:30 Uhr - 23 Uhr* ║ └ TeamSpeak-Server: 12 Uhr - 24 Uhr* ║ ╠ ? ACHTUNG!: ║ └ Bitte alle Informationen unter beachten und lesen! ║ Hier findet ihr detaillierte Informationen zum Event, der Parkleitsysteme und ║ Verkehrsregelungen, sowie der Teilnahme und deren Bedingungen. ║ Außerdem besteht auch hier die Möglichkeit zum offiziellen Registrieren. ║ ╠ ? Regeln: ║ └ Alle Regeln gibt es hier zum nachlesen. ║ Bitte beachten, dass das Renn-Reglement hier nicht mit eingefasst ist! ║ ╠ ? Außerdem erwartet euch noch... ║ ├ ...ein Livestream während dem Event, damit ihr vorne mit dabei sein könnt! ║ └ ...ein Jahresrückblick aus der Saison 2020/21 von Elite ENTERTAINMENT! ║ [17.05.21; 20:30 Uhr] ║ ╚ ? Links: ├ [EE Webseite] ├ [CSG Webseite] ├ [KusaSec Webseite] └ [SimNews Webseite] *Uhrzeitangaben dienen nur der Orientierung! Änderungen vorbehalten! **Nur gültig für den 22.05.2021! Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr! Änderungen vorbehalten! © 2020/21 Elite ENTERTAINMENT | Made by DeathSpider
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Datum des Konvoi´s: 16.10.2021 Treffen ab: 19:00 Uhr im TS Abfahrt: 20:00 Uhr Server bei TruckersMP: Event Server TS für den Konvoi: WD-Event Start Treffpunkt auf den Server: Twin Falls - Coastline Mining Ziel: Salmom Arm - Cande Benötigte DLC´s: Forest Machinery (nicht zwingend), ProMods Canada (zwingend) Absicherung des Konvoi´s: ConSec Streckenlänge: ca. 1.400 km Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung unter: Lieben Gruß Cronka
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Ihr wollt als Spedition am Event teilnehmen? Füllt das Formular aus: Anmeldeformular für VTC's (Anmeldeschluss für VTC's: 23.04.2021) Am 25.04.2021 findet das nächste öffentliche RSL-Event in Kooperation mit unserem Partner simulator1 statt! Immer am letzten Wochenende des Monats habt ihr die Möglichkeit, unseren Konvoi zu begleiten! Achtung: Alle Informationen werden durch unsere Absicherung während des Konvois via Chat bekanntgegeben! Attention: All information will be announced by our security during the convoy via chat! RSL-Konvoi Going East! ➽ SERVER: EU Simulation 2 ➽ START: Zugeteilte Gelände/Firmen in Strasbourg ➽ ZIEL: Katowice - Steinbruch OHNE AUFLIEGER!* ➽ STRECKENLÄNGE: ~ 1000 Kilometer ➽ ZEITPLAN: Treffpunkt + Aufstellung für alle Firmen und freien Fahrer um 15:30 Uhr (CET) // 14:30 Uhr (UTC) ➽ KONVOISTART: um 16:00 Uhr (CET) // 15:00 Uhr (UTC) ➽ DLC-GEBIET: GOING EAST! *Achtung: Um am Ende des Konvois schöne Bilder machen zu können, werden alle Fahrer dazu angehalten, ihren Auflieger separat abzustellen bzw. zurückzuschicken. Alle Fahrer können sich hier anmelden. Als Treffpunkt für die Fahrer ohne Spedition wurde vorab das Gelände der Werkstatt in Strasbourg festgelegt! Allen Speditionen werden in der Stadt - je nach Slotangabe auf der Website - verschiedene Firmengelände zugeteilt. *Nähere Informationen werden sobald wie möglich bekannt gegeben // Further information will be released as soon as possible
Ihr wollt als Spedition am Event teilnehmen? Füllt das Formular aus: Anmeldeformular für VTC's (Anmeldeschluss für VTC's: 26.03.2021) Am 27.03.2021 findet das nächste öffentliche RSL-Event in Kooperation mit unserem Partner simulator1 statt! Immer am letzten Wochenende des Monats habt ihr die Möglichkeit, unseren Konvoi zu begleiten! Achtung: Alle Informationen werden durch unsere Absicherung während des Konvois via Chat bekanntgegeben! Attention: All information will be announced by our security during the convoy via chat! RSL-Konvoi West-Germany ➽ SERVER: EU Simulation 2 ➽ START: Zugeteilte Gelände/Firmen in Hamburg ➽ ZIEL: Dortmund - Steinbruch OHNE AUFLIEGER!* ➽ STRECKENLÄNGE: ~ 1100 Kilometer ➽ ZEITPLAN: Treffpunkt + Aufstellung für alle Firmen und freien Fahrer um 19:30 Uhr (CET) // 18:30 Uhr (UTC) ➽ KONVOISTART: um 20:00 Uhr (CET) // 19:00 Uhr (UTC) ➽ DLC-GEBIET: Ohne DLC *Achtung: Um am Ende des Konvois schöne Bilder machen zu können, werden alle Fahrer dazu angehalten, ihren Auflieger separat abzustellen bzw. zurückzuschicken. Alle Fahrer können sich hier anmelden. Als Treffpunkt für die Fahrer ohne Spedition wurde vorab das Gelände der Werkstatt in Hamburg festgelegt! Allen Speditionen werden in der Stadt - je nach Slotangabe auf der Website - verschiedene Firmengelände zugeteilt. *Nähere Informationen werden sobald wie möglich bekannt gegeben // Further information will be released as soon as possible
Name / Anlass: 2 Jahre L & T Spiel (ATS/ETS): ETS 2 Datum: 25.09.2021 Beginn: 19 Uhr Ende (ca.): 0uhr Strecke / Länge: 1119km Start: Turin Leitung bzw. Durchführender: L & T Transport abgesichert durch ConSec Wir laden euch zu unserm 2 Jahren Konvoi ein Folgende Infos: -> Datum: Samstag -> 25.09.2021 -> Treffen: 18:00 Uhr -> Start: Turin -> 19:00 Uhr -> Pause: Innsbruck [City] (15 min.) -> Ende: Mannheim [Großer Parkplatz] Streckenlänge: ca. 1119 km Regeln: -1 Überholen überholt wird nur bei Erlaubnis -2 LKWs Es werden nur mit LKWs gefahren. -3 Beleidigungen Wer sich nicht vernünftig verhalten kann muss mit den Konsequenzen Leben. -4 Geräusche Obszöne und unangenehme Geräusche wie Rülpsen sind zu unterlassen! Stimmenverzerrer ist auch nicht gestattet. -5 Werbung Werbesprüche oder Werbeslogans sind zu unterlassen. Das Nichtbeachten der Regeln führt zum Ausschluss des Convoys. Links: TMP Convoy Anmeldung : L & T Webseite : L & T Discord : E-Mail: : [email protected]
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Suggestion Name: Convoy rules update Suggestion Description: I have noticed that the topic of convoy management is discussed insufficiently in the TruckersMP rules. I therefore suggest to upgrade and supplement the corresponding paragraphs of the rules by the following information. Definition of the term "convoy": The term "convoy" describes a group of at least six (6) vehicles, excluding escort vehicle(s). Convoy assembly: A convoy consists of a head (first vehicle of a convoy), a trail (last vehicle of a convoy) and a main body (all vehicles between the head and the trail). Escort vehicles: A convoy must use at least one escort vehicle in the front (head) and one escort vehicle in the back (trail). Convoys with more than twelve (12) vehicles may use one or more escort vehicles in the middle of the main body for improved convoy control. Every escort vehicle must use the pilot scheme paint job for easy identification. Safety: Every vehicle of a convoy and every escort vehicle must use its headlights turned on for the entire duration of the convoy. The maximum speed of a convoy must not exceed 50 mph / 80 kph. Any example images: n/a Why should it be added?: Improve the road traffic safety for all road traffic participants and convoy members.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous et bienvenue au convoi des 3ans de la TTFR ! La TTFR fêtera son 3ème anniversaire le 14 mai 2021 et nous serons ravis de vous accueillir sur les routes françaises. Serveur : SERVEUR EVENEMENT Lien évènement TruckersMP : (Inscription obligatoire pour avoir le serveur évènement svp (100 participants minimum requis)) Réservation slot : Départ du convoi à 21H00 à l'entreprise STEIN BRUCH à LYON en FRANCE (RASSEMBLEMENT À 20H30). Destination : REIMS à l'entreprise STEIN BRUCH. Ce convoi requiert Aucun DLC. Marchandise : Remorque d'entreprise Longueur du trajet : 978 Km Vous devez avoir votre REMORQUE prête pour 20H30 et pouvoir partir à 21H00. RÈGLES DU CONVOI - Etre à l'écoute des consignes du staff et escorteur. - Interdiction de doubler pendant le convoi sauf le staff ou si on vous l'autorise. - Respect des distances de sécurité de 50-100 MÈTRES en chaque chauffeur. - Politesse, sérieux et rigueur sont exigés pour le bon déroulement du convoi dans une ambiance cool sans prise de tête. - Avoir le plein d'essence. DISCORD : Pour toutes questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter sur le serveur discord. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer au convoi, L'équipe TTFR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone and welcome to the 3rd anniversary of the TTFR ! The TTFR will celebrate its 3rd anniversary on the 14th of May 2021 and we would be delighted to welcome you on the French roads. Server : EVENT SERVER TruckersMP event link : (Registration required to have the event server please (100 participants minimum required)) Réservation slot : Departure of the convoy at 7:00 pm UTC (21:00 UTC+2) at the STEIN BRUCH company in LYON, FRANCE (MEETING AT 6:30 pm UTC(20:30 UTC+2)) Destination : REIMS at STEIN BRUCH company No DLC is required. Merchandise : Company trailer Length of the journey : 978 Km You must have your TRAILER ready by 6:30 pm UTC (20:30 UTC+2) and be able to leave by 7:00 pm UTC (21:00 UTC+2). CONVOY RULES - To listen to the instructions of the staff and escort. - It is forbidden to overtake during the convoy except for the staff or if you are authorised to do so. - Respect the safety distances of 50-100 METRES for each driver. - Politeness, seriousness and rigour are required for the smooth running of the convoy in a cool atmosphere without any headache. - Filling up with fuel. DISCORD : If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on our discord server. Looking forward to meeting you at the convoy, The TTFR team
Queridos camioneros, En esta guía me gustaría ayudar, especialmente a novatos en los convoyes, a encontrar convoyes, prepararse para ellos, así como participar en ellos. Tal vez algunos conductores experimentados podrían aprender una o dos cosas nuevas, ¿Quién sabe? Si tienes alguna crítica, retroalimentación o adiciones, siéntete libre de comentar debajo de este hilo o contáctame directamente vía el foro / nuestro servidor de Discord. ========================= Temas a tratar: Información General: - ¿Qué es un convoy? - Diferencia entre convoyes oficiales y convoyes de la comunidad El inicio: -¿Dónde puedo encontrar convoyes? La preparación: -¿Qué debo hacer cuando encuentre un convoy interesante? Durante el convoy: ¿Qué debo considerar mientras participo en el convoy? Información General ¿Qué es un convoy? En general un convoy es un evento organizado por muchos conductores diferentes siguiendo una ruta específica juntos. La meta de estos convoyes es divertirse al conducir juntos, para tal vez tener una charla y por supuesto conocer nuevas personas. Para los VTCs, los convoyes también son una buena oportunidad para ser reconocidos en la comunidad de TruckersMP. Por supuesto hay convoyes que son pequeños (<50 participantes) y otros que son más grandes (>50 participantes). Tan pronto como un convoy tenga más de 100 participantes, el organizador puede solicitar un servidor de evento para dicho evento: Diferencia entre convoyes oficiales y convoyes de la comunidad Primero que todo me gustaría decir que no hay una gran diferencia entre estos dos tipos de convoyes. Los convoyes oficiales de TruckersMP son organizados y administrados por el TruckersMP Staff y por eso, estos siempre toman lugar en un servidor de evento. Adicionalmente, los convoyes oficiales serán anunciados en nuestra página web al igual que en nuestro servidor de Discord, nuestro foro y nuestro perfil de Twitter. Además, Control del convoy está siempre 100% garantizado y es proporcionado por el TMP Event Team. Los convoyes de la comunidad son organizados y administrados por la comunidad. Por esta razón la mayoría de veces estos ocurren en uno de nuestros servidores de Simulación, pero también podrían tomar lugar en un servidor de evento en el caso de tener suficientes participantes. Comparados a los convoyes oficiales, un convoy de la comunidad no garantiza control de convoy, pero algunos VTCs tienen su propio control de convoy o utilizan una compañía virtual específica que se especializa en hacer controles de convoy. Estos convoyes son anunciados en la respectiva página del VTC, en nuestro foro, en nuestro servidor de Discord o en el Sistema de Eventos de TruckersMP. El Inicio ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un convoy? Afortunadamente, hay muchas formas posibles de encontrar un convoy si tienes el tiempo y solo quieres conducir con otros! Como fue mencionado anteriormente, siempre puedes echar un vistazo en las siguientes plataformas para estar informado sobre próximos convoyes oficiales: Sitio web de TruckersMP: Foro de TruckersMP: Servidor de Discord de TruckersMP (#announcements): Twitter de TruckersMP: Con respecto a convoyes de la comunidad, puedes echar un vistazo en estas plataformas: Foro de TruckersMP: • ETS2: • ATS: • Eventos de Caridad: (también puedes encontrar convoyes anunciados en los subforos de diferentes idiomas) Discord de TruckersMP (#event-advertisement): Sistema de Eventos de TruckersMP: En la mayoría de casos puedes encontrar toda la información relevante que necesites para poder participar en el convoy: servidor, fecha, hora, lugar de inicio, reglas, etc. La Preparación ¿Qué debo hacer cuando encuentre un convoy interesante? Luego de que hayas encontrado un convoy que te interese, debes usar la información diferente proporcionada en el anuncio del convoy. Eso significa que debes de asegurarte de estar en el lugar correcto y a la hora correcta. Yo personalmente recomiendo estas cosas antes de conducir al lugar de reunión: • Repara tu camión (También puedes usar el comando /fix mientras tengas un remolque unido a tu camión) • Llena tu tanque • Asegúrate de usar un remolque que puedas controlar - La mayoría de veces los remolques individuales son usados en los convoyes, ya que los remolques dobles / triples están prohibidos en las reglas del convoy o la gente tiende a estancarse / causar accidentes con ellos y entorpecen el convoy entero • Desactiva los limitadores de velocidad - algunas veces es necesario acelerar en los convoyes para reducir los espacios debido a accidentes / problemas técnicos • Desactiva el consumo de combustible realista en la configuración de tu juego - esto es para evitar problemas con tu tanque de combustible durante el convoy • [En caso de que tengas una PC débil] Reduce tu configuración gráfica - Especialmente en convoyes con muchos participantes, tus FPS se reducirán y tu computador podría llegar a sus límites lo que podría causar una desconexión tuya de nuestros servidores • Un consejo personal: No olvides de poner un poco de tu música favorita ? Durante el convoy ¿Qué debo considerar mientras participo en el convoy? La cosa más importante es, que necesitas ser paciente y cuidadoso. La mayoría de veces habrán anuncios en el chat del juego como el orden de salida, instrucciones sobre dónde conducir y más, así que intenta siempre echar un vistazo al chat del juego. En caso de que no haya un orden específico de salida, debes salir del lugar de reunión uno por uno. Eso significa que debes respetar a otros conductores y es preferible esperar hasta que otros conductores hayan dejado el lugar, antes de tratar de estar cerca a la delantera del convoy y probablemente causar un accidente justo en el inicio. Tan pronto como hayas dejado el lugar de inicio, debes seguir al jugador en frente tuyo y (en caso de que control de convoy esté presente) mirar el chat del juego para instrucciones futuras sobre dónde conducir. Yo recomiendo mantener una distancia mínima de 50m a la persona en frente tuya ya que siempre pueden haber lags o problemas técnicos, para que tengas suficiente tiempo para reaccionar! Pero la distancia a la persona en frente tuya no debe ser mayor a ~80m, para que el convoy no tenga espacios grandes. Ahora es hora de relajarse y disfrutar el convoy hasta que llegues al destino planeado ?. Bueno, al seguir los consejos anteriores deberías estar listo para tu próximo convoy ? ! Publicación Original:
GLOBALNY TRANSPORT EUROPEJSKI Ma przyjemność zaprosić na swój pierwszy konwój urodzinowy firmy. Firma GTE powstała 04.04.2020 roku. Powstała z myślą o ludziach, którzy szukają miłej atmosfery oraz dobrze spędzonego czasu na drogach ETS2! Stawiamy na integrację firmową. Uważamy, że to klucz do sukcesu. Bardzo dziękujemy wszystkim firmom za chęć uczestnictwa w tak ważnym wydarzeniu dla naszej firmy. Mamy nadzieję, że jeszcze nie raz zobaczymy się na wspólnych drogach! Do usłyszenia! Informacje dotyczące konwoju: Data: 17.04.2021 r. Godzina zbiórki: 19:00 Godzina wyjazdu: Grupa 1 - 19:30 Grupa 2 - 19:40 Grupa 3 - 19:50 Miejsce początkowe: [BEL] Antwerpia (Antwerp) Miejsce docelowe: [PL] Rzeszów (Warsztat-Plac Manewrowy) Serwer: ProMods Discord: REGULAMIN: 1. Każdy uczestnik konwoju jest zobowiązany do przyjechania z naprawionym i zatankowanym zestawem. 2. Na miejscu zbiórki ustawione zestawy muszą wyłączyć silniki. 3. Odstęp miedzy innymi uczestnikami nie mniejszy niż 100m 4. Zakaz wyprzedzania bez wcześniejszej zgody pilota 5. Gdy dojedziemy na miejscu zbiórki gasimy swoje zestawy. 6. Nie wtrącamy się komuś w rozmowę. 7. Max prędkość 95-105 KM/H (Autostrada) 70-80 KM/H (Landówki) 50-60 KM/H (Miasto) 8.Zakaz wczytywania się podczas konwoju. 9.Zakaz reklamowania firm podczas konwoju. 10. Przeczytanie regulaminu nie zwalnia z przestrzegania go. TRASA: Pinezki: Grupa I Grupa II Grupa III ORGANIZATOR: KONWÓJ TYLKO I WYŁĄCZNIE DLA ZAPROSZONYCH FIRM: