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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by rektbro

  1. Grats on Moderator man, been a while since I've been out with LKW. How's the team doing?

  2. Happy Birthday :) Have a great day :)

  3. Happy birthday, Ryan! :D 

    1. rektbro


      Cheers Mirrland!

  4. I need some serious help with ets2. Everytime i try to load my profile it says unable to open profile.sii in truncate mode and neither is my game auto saving. 

  5. I need some serious help with ets2. Everytime i try to load my profile it says unable to open profile.sii in truncate mode and neither is my game auto saving. 

  6. I need some serious help with ets2. Everytime i try to load my profile it says unable to open profile.sii in truncate mode and neither is my game auto saving. 

  7. Hello, If you would like to see some pictures that I took at LKW & TTH's Memorial Convoy - They are here: http://imgur.com/a/wsFuG


  8. Hello, If you would like to see some pictures that I took at LKW & TTH's Memorial Convoy - They are here: http://imgur.com/a/wsFuG


  9. Sad to see you leave the team :( you was an amazing admin and good luck in the future!

  10. Congratulations Man!!!

    1. rektbro


      Gotta update that Forum Background Picture aye! Haha

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. I have a problem an hour ago I was playing in ets and everything was okay, after an hour and pops wants to enter such a mistake, someone knows what's going on? pcUXsLg.png


    1. rektbro


      You must downgrade your game.

      Follow this guide:


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. @[LKW Tr.] Predator [LET] Convoy in Viva la France was great :D Great roads and beautiful scenery :) Love the villages and forests you drive through in Viva la France :) I still have so much of it to explore :) Unfortunately I missed the end of the convoy :( Hit f7 when near a town so I could repair but convoy passed and I got lost :unsure: then the internet went :( 

    @Forerunner @[LKW Tr.] Scorpion @Forerunner  @MattTrucker1 @DZG Ryan @DZG - OverLord | BlackHawkz @Truckerleo29












  13. Installing Vive la France DLC! LETS GOOO!!!!

  14. Christmas Trucks :D Once I get the lag issue sorted I'll be driving these mostly :D;)

    Bought these months ago :)


    Bought these a few weeks ago :)


    Bought these today :)


    This has the 730hp V8 Scania engine :)


  15. First day as an admin went pretty well I'd say. :D 




    Other than a couple mistypes...

    Lets not talk about those

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