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Veteran Driver X
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Status Updates posted by dean142

  1. errr 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Spooky :lol: I saw one yesterday :D 


    3. dean142


      only on that 1 truck


    4. Adrian McMaster Gaming

      Adrian McMaster Gaming

      I saw the same thing and though I was seeing thing when a trailer passed me with no cabin. I suspect it a bug in the multiplayer update.


  2. I want everyone's opinion on this, why is this giveway and not the road onto the motorway, this must be a error


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. immortal766


      @Mirrland lolz that means you should have been the one being banned. Here's an example of what can happen on this intersection:


    3. JarFull


      It doesn't make sense in my opinion, why should you have to give way to people pulling across your path? :S

    4. Mirrland
  3. f7 and this happens :P 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spieker


      Hahaha I actually used to this in Rotterdam xD

    3. Spieker


      *used to do this

  4. Just want to thank @Forerunner and millennium haulage for the race and the award for best fleet for HET!

  5. Gonna Grab popcorn and watch people fly in rotterdam xD

    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      I would do but I am on 5 FPS :/

    2. dean142
    3. Matt #CarLadMatt

      Matt #CarLadMatt

      i'm not even gonna risk it

  6. @MrCreeper Previous convoy controll experience "led my mate to college" xD

  7. Love the cover photo ;)

    1. jacoblovekw


      Haha me and Lee were doing about 150km/h in that shot 

    2. dean142
  8. Looking forward for #FCT24 leading the first shift :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beefy32659_YT


      I don't think I'll have time to join since I'm working on the Highway Code for TruckersMP and it's out public on Sunday at 9AM

    3. dean142


      Ok, just read about that look forward to it and good luck :)

    4. Beefy32659_YT
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