There are some ways to do this.
The most "simple" if you want everyone to use the same colors (regardless of paint modeling) is to use "user_colors" through SaveGame edit.
You define a color, either by defining it within the game as a "preset" or by editing the SaveGame by entering the number of the color you want.
Then that number, you pass it to the other person so that he enters it in one of his "user_colors" slot and that the inside of the game adjusts his paint skin truck as he wishes having the colors that you want him to use.
- Use "SII_Decrypt" to decrypt your "game.sii".
- Open it with Notepad o similar.
- Look for "user_colors".
- There are 8 slots starting from 0 ~ 7 which explains the color you saved in preset.
- If the color code is 0, that means you had never saved a color preset on that slot.
- Replace that number in any of your slots, for ex. "4278241535".
- Save it.
This would be the easiest way.
Another way may be to search for the specific truck and its value "vehicle_paint_job_accessory", make a copy of the 'thread' and send it to whoever you want to share your painting.
("Data_Pach" should vary depending on the truck and paint style in which it will be used. It will be the same if used for the same truck model)
A simplified way to do this can be using the unofficial profile editing tool "TS SE Tool", although to do this, you should send your "Game.sii" so that he can make a copy of the painting options.
Note: The tool is under development and in alpha phase, may have defects that can cause damage to your SaveGame. I am not responsible for the mode of use. Make a backup of your SaveGame first.
Another way to do without having to pass your SaveGame, is by converting RGB colors to Float and from Float, to Hex.
Note that when you enter the Hex value, it replaces the "0x" with "&" at beginning.
Here you have some tools to do this, as well as a post.
The post ahead, will be very useful.
There are many other ways, some that I don't know and others that I don't remember right now.
But here I leave you some nothing more. If there is any inconsistency, I apologize for that, because at time I write this is a bit late.
If something is isn't clear, let them know to provide a better explanation than this.