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Veteran Driver IX
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About RecterX

  • Birthday 02/14/2002

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Interests
    Music, Anime, eat, sleep a lot.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Kiel
  • Known languages
    Spanish, English, thin little of Brazilian Portuguese/Portuguese and little basic Russian

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  1. Hey!
    Thanks for the follow :wub:

    1. lukabrazi


      Figured that I should follow nice people ;)


  2. @Oralos The parameter line "g_save_format" must be "2" and not "0". Make sure it's like that. After changing the parameter, save the game and use the tool. (You need activate the console) Or with the file "config.cfg": (game must be closed to do it by editing the file.) @super37s Yes, you can do it, isnt complicated (Maybe a bit). A few days ago I did it with my own trailer. Now I cann't explain how, but if I have time, I'll tell you how ? Maybe you already know how, but in a few hours I tell you. If you want, add me on discord and within a few hours (5 or 6) I answer. Recter#0014 Regards
  3. ? Real Operations V8 ?
    ?¡Amazing event!?

     looking forward for the next

    Good Night:wub:


  4. Happy  birthday!  ^_^



  5. Happ birthday!  :wub:
    Have a great day

    1. [C-S]  Spat91

      [C-S] Spat91

      Thank you very much buddy:love:

  6. Hey! From what we see, seem like you have a good PC. This happens if you want to play in SinglePlayer? That happen in other games (if possible demandant)? Have you tried playing with Dx11? Although it is not in a final version, maybe you can play easily. Try to play with a new profile. The first thing you should check. if it is not your Eye Tracking problem, if possible, uninstall or weaken this feature, as well as the plugins (telemetry). Verify that you have the latest updates, both from Windows Update, and from your graphics driver. Try reinstalling Directx 9 (features versions less than 11) as well .Net Freamework (4.8). Try cleaning your PC of temporary files, registries and junk files. You can also verify that your hardware is not failing, both Ram memories and the video card. There is a lot of informatión on internet to how do it, but if you want I can give you a hand. Although it may a bit tedious. Also like a last option, if a "patch version" does not appear, you can try to undo the question update about you think has been the problem. (I would show how do it, but I use another language in my Windows, so, could be a bit confusing) Regards
  7. ?    ¡Congrats!    ? 

  8. Hey! Here i want to drop some possible solutions: - Re-install Truckersmp Launcher. - Re-install .Net Framework (4.8). - Reboot your PC. - Run TruckersMP launcher as administrator. - Verify have the latest Windows Updates. -Open CMD as administrator from the search engine. Or press "Windows+R" to open the "Run" box. Type “cmd” into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to open it as administrator). -Execute these codes: ipconfig /flushdns nbtstat –r netsh int ip reset netsh winsock reset - Restart the pc If you cannot execute the codes, verify that you have opened CMD as administrator, and antivirus does not interfere. - Try opening the specific ports: 42860, 49200, 42890. Also configure Google DNS, and - Make sure Windows Firewall is not blocking the connection. Start by opening Windows Firewall and Restore Defaults. - If your router has a firewall, you should also disable it. -If you do it and nothing happens, contact your ISP asking to enable the ports. If nothing works, try: - Open any VPN program and try connect.(ex: UltraSurf or ProtonVPN) - Turn off firewall and anti-vuris programs. - Disable your router firewall (if it has one). - Try clearing your DNS cache, follow this link for the guide https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+To+Clear+Your+DNS+Cache . Open TruckersMP as administrator, Install the available updates (only the first run with VPN), wait for it to finish and the Start button will appear, Finish your VPN program. This tool maybe helpful. use it by checking the options shown below in this image. If you need help, you can request it in your main language here Regards
  9. Happy Birthday ^_^


    Have a good week

  10. Hey! There are some ways to do this. The most "simple" if you want everyone to use the same colors (regardless of paint modeling) is to use "user_colors" through SaveGame edit. You define a color, either by defining it within the game as a "preset" or by editing the SaveGame by entering the number of the color you want. Then that number, you pass it to the other person so that he enters it in one of his "user_colors" slot and that the inside of the game adjusts his paint skin truck as he wishes having the colors that you want him to use. - Use "SII_Decrypt" to decrypt your "game.sii". - Open it with Notepad o similar. - Look for "user_colors". - There are 8 slots starting from 0 ~ 7 which explains the color you saved in preset. - If the color code is 0, that means you had never saved a color preset on that slot. - Replace that number in any of your slots, for ex. "4278241535". - Save it. This would be the easiest way. Another way may be to search for the specific truck and its value "vehicle_paint_job_accessory", make a copy of the 'thread' and send it to whoever you want to share your painting. ("Data_Pach" should vary depending on the truck and paint style in which it will be used. It will be the same if used for the same truck model) A simplified way to do this can be using the unofficial profile editing tool "TS SE Tool", although to do this, you should send your "Game.sii" so that he can make a copy of the painting options. Note: The tool is under development and in alpha phase, may have defects that can cause damage to your SaveGame. I am not responsible for the mode of use. Make a backup of your SaveGame first. Another way to do without having to pass your SaveGame, is by converting RGB colors to Float and from Float, to Hex. Note that when you enter the Hex value, it replaces the "0x" with "&" at beginning. Here you have some tools to do this, as well as a post. http://www.dodero.eu/scs/color_converter/ https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/floattohex/ The post ahead, will be very useful. There are many other ways, some that I don't know and others that I don't remember right now. But here I leave you some nothing more. If there is any inconsistency, I apologize for that, because at time I write this is a bit late. If something is isn't clear, let them know to provide a better explanation than this. Regards
  11. RecterX

    how to use cb?

    Hey! To talk press and hold "X" and then talk Lower in the right, an indicator will appear informing you that now are talking. Be sure to have your microphone and in game options properly configured (in the Tab menu> Options) Default channel of CB radio is 19. Other people who aren´t on the same channel as you will not be able to listen to them. Maybe this post is useful for you: Regards
  12. Hey! First of all try restarting the computer and your router. Verify the time and date of your computer is correct Make sure you have the latest .Net Framework (4.7), DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Check if you have the latest updates of your graphics driver and Windows. If that didn't work, then I recommend you to follow this solution: - Open Windows Date & Time Settings or Prest "Windows + R" and type "inetcpl.cpl". - Later, follow these steps: - "Automatic time setting" → ON - "Set time zone automatically" → OFF - Select a time zone (for example, UTC + 01:00) Restart your computer to test and try again start the game. Open CMD as administrator / Press "Windows+R" to open the "Run" box. Type “cmd” into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to open it as administrator). - Type the commands in this order: - ipconfig /flushdns . nbtstat –r . netsh int ip reset . netsh winsock reset Restart your pc. Try also reinstalling TruckersMP. - Enter "%programdata%" and press the Enter key. (You can do it with Run) - Find the "TruckersMP" folder and delete this folder. - Go to C:\ Documents\ and delete the "TruckersMP Launcher" folder. - Visit the website (https://truckersmp.com/download/) and download the client. - Start as administrator. Try driving a few minutes in singleplayer. - Go to ETS 2 / ATS. - Click "Play" . - Choose "Launch with DirectX (64-bit). - get in your profile. Then try to play in multiplayer/TruckersMP. https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/148 If nothing works, try: - Open any VPN program and try connect.(ex: UltraSurf or ProtonVPN) - Turn off firewall and anti-vuris programs. - Disable your router firewall (if it has one) - Try clearing your DNS cache, follow this link for the guide https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+To+Clear+Your+DNS+Cache Try a last one time. - Go to "C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP" or "%programdata%" And enter the folder "TruckersMP" - Delete the file "core_ets2mp.dll" - Open CMD as administrator / Press "Windows+R" to open the "Run" box. Type “cmd” into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (to open it as administrator). - Type the comand "netsh winsock reset" - Once it is complete, you will see the message “Winsock reset completed successfully”. - Restart the computer and run the TruckersMP Launcher as administrator. Regards
  13. Hey! You could send a screenshot of the "license_plate:" line of your SaveGame. Or copy it here. Like this (I know there are shorter ways to write my license_plate.) Maybe there is something wrong Have you verified that you have loaded the correct SaveGame, that you have saved it correctly, and have loaded it correctly? Remember to enter "FF" after "<color value =" and after "FF" the code of the color you want intercalating the red channel with blue channel to get the color you want. Example <color value = FF00C8FF> = "yellow" Regards
  14. The days that will be necessary That take a little of time. Also been a big update to ATS be patient
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