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The Josh

Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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About The Josh

  • Birthday 10/28/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in England
  • Interests
    Gaming, Video Editing and Photography
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Manchester
  • Known languages

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The Josh's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Happy Birthday, have a great day and enjoy yourself :)

    1. The Josh

      The Josh

      Cheers. I will try to :P 

  3. Happy Birthday mate! Have a good one ;)

    1. The Josh

      The Josh

      Cheers Breadstick. :)




    1. The Josh

      The Josh

      Thank you Harv! ;)

  5. Happy birthday, bud :)

    1. The Josh

      The Josh

      Thanks Mirrland! :D

  6. Haven't skinned trailers in a while.


    Hopefully, this will be first of many to come. 






  7. Thanks for the update!
  8. Hi there, The reason why the automatic parking was disabled was because trucks and trailers usually flew across the yard. When I started the game I was rubbish at reverse parking so the only thing I can suggest is practise, practise, practise and sooner or later you will be able to do it. Regards, Josh
  9. Hey there, Currently Truckers Mp doesn't support the latest version of Euro Truck, so you will need to downgrade. If you follow the steps below it will help you downgrade to the correct version. 1. Open Steam, go to LIBRARY and GAMES. 2. Right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 and open Properties. 3. After the Properties window has opened click BETAS tab. 4. In BETAS tab select temporary_1_25 - 1.25.x for incompatible mods 5. Now it should be downloading the version. You can now close the Properties window and wait for the download to finish. 6. When the download has finished you're good to go. Hope this will help you and you will be able to get trucking soon. Regards, Josh
  10. Hey there, Currently Truckers Mp doesn't support the latest version of Euro Truck, so you will need to downgrade. Here is a guide that will hopefully help you downgrade to the correct version you need. Hope this will help you and you will be able to get trucking soon. Regards, Josh
  11. Thanks for the follow m8

  12. Hello, Unfortunately Truckers mp can't edit the map, instead you would have to suggest it to SCS.
  13. Unfortunately you can't do anything about the time as the server is on 24/7 so the time will carry on regardless. If you want to stop this from happening I would recommend using two profiles one for single player and one for multiplayer.
  14. You will have to wait for the admin to come online to see your ban appeal. All admins volunteer and have personal lives. So please be patient.
  15. Hello, unfortunately you can not use custom made trailer skins on multiplayer as everyone would have to download your trailer skin mod for it to work. They only way to have a custom trailer skin is to use forerunner's painted trailer mod which uses save editing. Coloured trailers: http://forerunner-mp-mods.weebly.com/ets2-painted-trailers.html I hope this helps.
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