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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by TrademarkGamer

  1. I haven't played this game for like 2 years. Every time I come on here, I have about 50 notifications someones linked to my status update post ?

  2. Anyone remember Unite 2017? I'm trying to find some clips I made for it.

  3. Wow, looking back on a year or two ago, just thinking how much this place meant to me back then. Been so busy the past year trying to get my dream job (nearly there)

    1. SupiUK


      Hopefully all your hard work pays off! :) Wish you all the best getting your dream job, good luck! 

  4. Well, it's been a while since I've been here... :lol:

  5. I'm making some stuff. Come and keep me company! http://twitch.tv/trademarkgamer1 

  6. I'm probably late to the party but, dark mode is back

    1. sshadmin


      Just a tad late ;) 

  7. Looks like the forums have become more mobile friendly. Nice

  8. Cheers, I'll just clear my diary then! - ""Your estimated delivery time will be between 08:00 and 17:00"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TrademarkGamer
    3. TrademarkGamer
    4. Encrypted_


      they always do that, once they pack the van the system then gives you a better time slot :wesmart:

  9. Yo, we playing pubg. Come join the stream and the game


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TrademarkGamer


      God sake pillow. You've changed with that role :troll: 

    3. tfmpillow


      In a good way though. ;)

    4. stilldre1976


      get some chicken dinners bra :P

  10. So... I just ordered a Pixel 2 XL. Can't wait!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Small  Gao

      Small Gao

      Huawei P20 just came out,I think huawei is goodMy elder sisterHuawei in use

  11. I made a funny tweet. You lot might appricate it as well so :P [Tweet embed... obvs]



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tfmpillow


      I'll sort with him.

    3. Positivetrucking168


      No problem, we can delete his reply jks


      Anyways, passports can be a real pain to renew, so many chores related to the application. 


    4. TrademarkGamer


      If you think they're a pain to renew. Try getting a first time passport in a different country. Have to prove your right to citzenship and get my mums birth cirtificate on top of proof of identity and address

  12. Interesting. The social media team is the only team that on player history to have the "Member" sufix :thinking:


  13. The whole rejecting something because it has been suggested before is a bit ridiculous. Surely if enough time has passed from the original suggestion, mods could pass it to the relevant people for another look at it. (I would open a feedback, but have one open on a different issue)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joe_
    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      If it was suggested and rejected before why suggest it again in the first place :P:wacko:

    4. Guest


      @Killua // Ireland ^_^ Because the reason they used for suggesting at the first time was not convincing. The moderator rejected the whole idea without giving a proper explanation. However, we suggest the same idea from a different perspective, they should try to re-think about this instead of checking whether the suggestion is suggested before or not. Maybe TMP didn't really this suggestion at that time but now it should be needed. The priority of handling suggestion is completely non-sense. That's why I said @TrademarkGamer has a point here.


      Or we could destroy the suggest system easily by using bad reason, to letting them reject our suggestions. So no one could use a better reason to suggest the same thing again (even if it is needed). Rejected before, search before posting. Being a moderator seems to be pretty easy here. I am not tended to be so mean here but this is a real problem if the moderators don't think the current method of handling suggestions is a problem.

  14. First time England has reached the semi finals in my lifetime. We've played a hell of a game!

  15. One month till I'm 18. Can't wait!

    1. FBTC Tião

      FBTC Tião

      happy early birthday

    2. BarryGB


      happy birthday, bud. time goes so fast from when you're 18 lol


  17. So, for my final major project at school I made a fictional radio station for TMP. go check it out if you like http://benedmonds.co.uk/fmp



      should of called it tfm

    2. TrademarkGamer


      No, because that's palgerism and I would have failed.

  18. Oh Damn, yesterday was my 3 year forum anniversary. Time files!

    1. Rev.


      Mines coming up in August. Didn't even realise.

    2. TrademarkGamer


      Only realised because I posted and saw Vet III come up :P

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang
  19. Surely the roadworks defeats the point in it being a challenge?

    1. Davnoz


      The road isn't designed for 2 way traffic and trailers, this was needed because of the congestion it was causing at the junctions

    2. TrademarkGamer


      @iHobbit That wasn't the point I was making. Even if there is traffic, it defeats the point of the challenge.

    3. Davnoz


      I agree however it as needed for TMP, and I'm glad the add-on team are capable of this. GM's were sat there directing traffic and iirc some GM's were doing it for 12hrs straight so its allowed them to take a rest form that XD

  20. 5 - 0 Where the hell has England pulled this out from?

    1. Mirrland


      Well - Panama.

      Enough said.

  21. When you have admin work to do but you're feeling the beat. Ft @Krewlex



    1. NotTooSureYet
    2. IpilkAlaus


      Why did I never think of this

    3. Krewlex


      "YOU GUYS WON'T BELIEVE WHO I JUST BANNED...." *music plays*

  22. It's half 6 in the morning and I've already broken one of my monitors. It's gonna be one of those days

  23. I googled my name and this came up.


  24. Damn, my account's been viewed nearly 30,000 times.

    1. NotTooSureYet


      Send some over to me. 

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