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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by KOZIK_

  1. Shadii chodzi o zakończenie bana. Nie nadanie. Czyli jeśli bana dostałeś 17 maja 2018 zakończył się 20 maja 2018 czyli 20 maja 2019 roku ten ban nie będzie brany pod uwagę.
  2. Gratulacje Natii :-P

    1. Nataliia


      Dziękuję  Kozz <3 


  3. why a moderator punishes Poles with warnings without breaking the rules????? @Chris - TFM you can answer?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KOZIK_


      I wrote to Scar, he does not take care of it and the leader of the moderators will reward him ;)

      on feedback I can not write because since March 17 I am waiting for a reply

    3. Smalley


      Sufficient answer has been given.



    4. Guest


      I also need links, a screenshot with a bit of text is not enough to gauge the situation.

  4. Witam wszystkich. Hello all. Have a nice day. :D

  5. Zdrowych, pogodnych Świąt Wielkanocnych, pełnych wiary, nadziei i miłości. Radosnego, wiosennego nastroju, serdecznych spotkań w gronie rodziny i wśród przyjaciół oraz wesołego Alleluja. 

    Życzy KOZIK

  6. Bandero is not just a team mate. is a person who helped the entire Polish community and team members. he will not come back to the team. there will be no agreement. 

  7. interesting thinking. write to the whole community that we are trying to talk. behind the back of the Polish community, the Polish section on the forum disappears. Good job. 

  8. we tried to talk. what did the conversation lead to? to leave the team for thirteen Poles. yes I know. part broke the rules (4) I admit it.
  9. we have no respect? lack of respect for the Polish community works the other way round. which is why Poles have no respect for you @scarface0359 and @konfig0
  10. I greet the entire Polish and Turkish community. Thanks for  your support. I'm Polish, close this status @Smalley

  11. Why is it planned to ban Poles in the game? GM are waiting for the end of the convoy. Good job TruckersMP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kap.


      Looks like first time using feedback

    3. El1teZombiezHD


      I can’t believe people are so ignorant 

    4. Smalley


      And locked :) if you have an issue with game moderators then you should know what to do. Contact feedback instead of addressing it on the forum. You should know the forum is not the right place. 

  12. why do you write that all Poles have broken the rules? it is nonsense and a lie @konfig0
  13. Hello, LoG! Why aren't you with other upper staff telling the truth and you lie? Why do you still lie to the TruckersMP community? How many people from Poland has been removed from the team for any violation of the rules? I'll give you an answer to all - 4. But how many people have left? The amount of the people that have left recently is 11 (during the week - 13 Poles). They have left because "upper staff" didn't have respect and they were bad about somebody's different opinion. And such people will not find any place in the team. Ofc thw post will be hidden soon 'cause the truth for the team is not uncomfortable.
  14. please do not delete the truth!!! @konfig0 are we in the European Union or in North Korea

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. konfig0


      You tell me.

    3. Penguin


      @KOZIK We're just trying to prevent a flame war.


      At the moment, you very much know that some people are being a bit quick to jump on a bandwagon. If we keep these posts open, it just allows fuel on the fire.

      Therefore, please refrain from creating status updates like these. They don't help anyone.

    4. H&V I Vaiarek

      H&V I Vaiarek

      Call it magic.

  15. Wszystkiego najlepszego spełnienia marzeń

  16. Jeśli w dwa dni składasz prawie 25 reportow wszystkie z DC road i wszystkie po 2-5 seksund oraz 80 procent tych reportow to niewłaściwe wyprzedzanie to zostałeś zablokowany za spam
  17. Witam wszystkich Hello Salemun Aleykum ;)

  18. Welcome back ;)

  19. Pierwszy pytanie czy jeździsz skoda? I drugie pytanie czy nie masz dolnych ledów niebieskich zamontowanych? Akcesoria do skody dla policji są tylko i wyłącznie do używania dla game Moderatorów
  20. Tutaj masz wszelkie informacje jak zostać Game Moderatorem rekrutacji na GM nie bylo. Najpierw trzeba zostać supportem lub moderatorem potem można awansować na Game Moderatora
  21. Nawet nie wiecie ile dziennie banów permanentnych leci za speedhack ncz hack no clip hack czy jump/flip hack. Nawet do kilkudziesięciu dziennie. A co do blokowania przez deweloperów są blokowane powstają nowe zabawa w kotka i myszke
  22. gratulacje. Witamy w zespole game moderatorów

    1. BoSsik2


      No Elo Kolego :D

  23. Happy New Year 2018

    Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2018

  24. Merry Christmas for the  truckersmp community. 

    Wesołych pogodnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia spędzonych w ciepłej miłej rodzinnej atmosferze

  25. I'm remind about new rules:

    §2.1 Hacking/Bug abusing - PERMANENT BAN

    Using any kind of tool to change gameplay, using cheat engine in order to bypass the speeding limiter or anything similar.

    before: first ban - 1 month, second 3 month, third permament 

    now: only perma

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