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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by _raffaele_

  1. Suggestion Name: Truck Job Dispatcher - Custom Tonnage Feature Suggestion Description: For a future update, adding the possibility to chose a specific tonnage of the load for our custom jobs created with the Truck Job Dispatcher. Maybe with a specific range of tonnage that we can chose when creating the custom job. Any example images: None, suggestion for a future update of the already existing feature. Why should it be added?: Because i think it will add even more customization for the custom jobs that we can create with the new feature. Currently i think there is a specific tonnage when we create our custom job, or it's generated completly random.
  2. _raffaele_


    In single player, g_set_time xx (xx= value from 0 to 24, wich equal to the hour of the day), example if you want mid day: g_set_time 12 In TruckersMP you can't, because the time it's synchronized
  3. Tanti auguri! ?

  4. Congratulazioni ???

    1. vldv44_


      Grazie mille!

  5. Thanks ? and happy bday to you ?

    1. FY96


      Np, Thank you ?

  6. With hookups, for more infos check the Save Editing forum section
  7. Thx for the follow mate ?

    1. Raymond_97


      You are most Welcome ❤️

  8. Nice and interesting to see where this project is leading ?
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