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Status Replies posted by Ratcho

  1. Happy birthday!

    1. Ratcho


      Thank you! (apologies for late response)

  2. Happy birthday :)

    1. Ratcho


      Sorry the late response, thank you!

  3. Happy Birthday :P

  4. 69caSgB.jpg

    First time managing FSE's convoy control, hopefully it went well :P

  5. There is something very strange and funny enough :)







    It's really something to think about :rolleyes:

    1. Ratcho


      I know ;) I was just saying the difference :) and I see why it can be confusing and it sometimes a bit stupid but hey ho.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. There is something very strange and funny enough :)







    It's really something to think about :rolleyes:

    1. Ratcho


      These are different. The top image is a rank which changes depending on the number of reputation points you have. The second image shows which Group you are part of. You will be added to the Veteran Driver group once you have been registered for a year :) 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I hate seeing favoritism in action. Just because it's closed-source doesn't make it harmful. A mod for TruckNet is a mod for TruckNet. I show a mod I wrote and get shot down because I can't include a copy of TruckNet in my mod?? Or you just want to see the trip logger code I wrote? Okay. Let's see WOTRDB...their source is merely the Telemetry Server source with none of their own in the zip file. Surrreeeeeeee......that's valid.

    1. Ratcho


      On before of everyone at World of Trucks Database, we are extremely sad that you feel you have to post something like this. We created this project for the community and therefore it's down to the each individual member in what software they decide to use.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. This moment when you realise that you wiped out your whole database because you messed up code. :mellow:

    1. Ratcho


      All time join dates were reset back in November of 2014 I believe when they launched a new website update :) 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. I was thinking of installing linux on my main cumputer but my question is would i still be able to play eurotrucker (on linux) ,, i know steam works on linux

    1. Ratcho


      As MasterDimz stated above. Euro Truck Simulator 2 will work on Linux. However, the Multiplayer Mod will not. You could always Dual Boot and therefore every time you wanted to play multiplayer you could just boot into windows. However, that would require you to restart your PC every time. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. I wish to wish @I<3VODKA the best of luck with his future endeavours and wish to thank him for his many years of service to this community with his work as Project Manager.

    1. Ratcho


      Best of luck @I<3VODKA thank you for everything you have done.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. for some reason if i buy a car in online and i want to drive it in offline it goes back into a truck ??

  12. for some reason if i buy a car in online and i want to drive it in offline it goes back into a truck ??

    1. Ratcho


      My antivirus didn't pick up anything when I downloaded the file? What antivirus you using? Some are a bit funny when downloading from sites like that.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. for some reason if i buy a car in online and i want to drive it in offline it goes back into a truck ??

    1. Ratcho


      I will download it again to double check, but when I used it before I had no issues :/ 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. for some reason if i buy a car in online and i want to drive it in offline it goes back into a truck ??

  15. for some reason if i buy a car in online and i want to drive it in offline it goes back into a truck ??

    1. Ratcho


      There is a mod which enables you to have the car in single player which can be found here: http://uploadfiles.eu/dq5n8bxeprpu/skoda.7z.html 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. WOTRDB 1.2.0 update finally released :) Check it out at http://wotrdb.com 

    1. Ratcho


      No worries, I will look into this. Thank you :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. WOTRDB 1.2.0 update finally released :) Check it out at http://wotrdb.com 

    1. Ratcho


      Hello @El1teZombiezHD, can you try copy the password then put a backspace, then try entering the password?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi everybody, i'm very happy, why ? ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY :D:);)

    1. Ratcho


      Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day :) 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. How many of you use Trip o Matic ? i love it it is the easiest way to log jobs would highly recomend to any VTC's


    1. Ratcho


      The Development Team have been working very hard on the new update which includes a Trip logger and soon a live tracker, but Trip o Matic is still a good logger.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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