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Game Moderation Leader
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Stormboi

  1. Rejoin GM team when? ;wesh;

    1. DarkScream


      Hey uhh honestly I also don't know, the time will show that. Time is the biggest issue unfortunately because currently I believe that I don't have enough time for the tasks and stuff like that...

  2. Daddy Justin nooooooooo 😭

    1. PinkNub_


      Nooo 😞 hope you will come back


  3. Happy Birthday Bogs ?

  4. Happy Birthday Admeen ?

  5. Thanks for the follow ?

    1. Nordic.


      You're Welcome mate!?

  6. Happy Birthday Admeen ?

  7. Happy Birthday Admeen ?

  8. Happy Birthday Ceejee ?

  9. Thanks for the follow ?

  10. Happy Birthday Admeeeeeen ?

  11. Happy Birthday Admeen ?

  12. Happy Birthday Jamesssssssssssss ?

  13. happy birthday admeen ?

  14. how the hell was july 29th the last time i was active on here

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