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049David [GER]

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About 049David [GER]

  • Birthday February 7

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München
  • Known languages
    German, English

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  1. Hello @AlphOneJ, in order to play the Multiplayer on the downgraded version you have to select a save that has not yet been played on the version 1.40 Just try scrolling down through the available list of saves until you are able to select one again. If you cannot select any save you sadly have to start a new one to play again. Once 1.40 gets released for Multiplayer you can then continue playing with your save from the 1.40 version. Hope this helps you out.
  2. Hello @proilhan, you mentioned above that you set the force feedback before starting the game. I suppose you did that in the Logitech G Hub Application. Just to make sure, did you also set the correct force feedback settings ingame, in the "Controls settings" and tick the force feedback checkbox? Maybe there are conflicting settings between G Hub and the ingame settings that caused your problem. Hope this helps you out.
  3. Hello @Mr Ellis, currently we don't have a certain release date for 1.40 support. However the Team is working hard on bringing the update to the Multiplayer as soon as possible. I hope this answered your questions
  4. Guest

    Wishing you every happiness on your special day.

  5. Thank you so much for your follow!?

  6. Hallo Boomer73, die 1.36 Savegames sollten auch wieder im 1.37 funktionieren, also musst du nicht wieder von vorne anfangen. TruckersMP ist außerdem kein Subunternehmen von SCS. Es ist eine eigenständige Mod und hat keine Verbindung zu SCS, so schreiben sie es selbst auch in den Terms of Service: "TruckersMP is not in any shape or form affiliated with SCS."
  7. Thank you so much for the follow!?

    1. Russian Dragon.

      Russian Dragon.

      Thank you very much, too.1-1-64

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