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Russian Dragon.

Veteran Driver IV
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About Russian Dragon.

  • Birthday 09/09/1988

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  • Location
    Republic of Komi
  • Interests
    Интересы. тока игры и телешоу
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  • EU Garage Location
    (PM) Ireland: Dublin
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  1. Thanks for Follow 🙃

  2. Хорошо быть Админом  так как сразу в бан кинул и всё. А когда ты простой игрок  приходится  терпеть и писать   КОМАНДЕ  TMP 0V2UVg3e0c8.jpg?size=1195x662&quality=95cibHOiowp30.jpg?size=1195x662&quality=95qEAW5eVh498.jpg?size=1195x662&quality=95

    1. Russian Dragon.

      Russian Dragon.

      Обидно конечно я уже репорт отправил на сайте. Полная картина  Вконтакте  https://vk.com/video-187283177_456240650

  3. Publication deleted by the author

    1. Russian Dragon.

      Russian Dragon.

      Publication deleted by the author

    2. L-DR@GO


      Ok bro 

      Take care of yourself too 👍 

  4. I'm back "Hooray" tired of everything. But today I decided to look at the Forum. And he took the pictures with him.



  5. TruckersMP


    Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day,
    I hope that everyone is just okay today.
    Let me say congratulations to real men,
    You are the reason why we do what we can.

    I wish for you stay strong and smart,
    Please, never meet with heart attack.
    Feel peace and freedom under blue sky,
    Live happy, very long good life!



  6. 1-4713-64


    1. Changas!


      what kind of flower is it??

    2. Russian Dragon.

      Russian Dragon.

      Hippeastrum Hippeastrum is a genus in the family Amaryllidaceae 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
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