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Fluffy Bunny

Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Fluffy Bunny

  1. Thanks for following me! ?

  2. Thanks for following me! ?

  3. Thanks for following me! ?

  4. Thanks for following me! ?

  5. Thanks for following me! ?

    1. TaFsEaL


      You're Welcome! :) 

  6. How is everyone’s mood today? ?

    1. Aspеct


      Bit tired and you?

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      bit tired but goo, you? :) 

    3. Fluffy Bunny

      Fluffy Bunny

      @[Demir] 'Denizlili. @Killua // Ireland ^_^, I am good too, thanks!

  7. Thanks for following me! ?

    1. ReacherK


      Likewise, thank you ?

  8.                   What are your thoughts? ?


    1. Aspеct


      Looks Very Nice!

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Nice Volvos, that first ones a really nice blue colour ?:wub:

    3. tuyp1k


      Cool Volvo BTW 

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  12. Congratulations buddy!

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