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Veteran Driver VI
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About Sis'Luna

  • Birthday 11/04/1997

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  • Interests
    Travel, Animals, Nature
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Le Havre
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External Websites

  • World Of Trucks

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  1. everything is perfect except that I would like to reduce the panel a little more the lack of time and date doesn't bother me I use a smartphone anyway
  2. I think France because it has an incredible defense
  3. I tried but I prefer this one
  4. they have done half in 7 years while at the beginning there was only 1 dlc per year now 2 per year, we must not forget that certain states are very small and will be grouped into a dlc, so I think that in 2032 or 2033 they will have finished the United States
  5. I still play on the latest version so as long as truckersmp is not up to date the players will not come back
  6. like the majority of people, wait and play solo mode
  7. I hope that the Calais Duisburg roads disappear when the Benelux is rebuilt
  8. the beta version is updated almost daily so it is impossible to create a multiplayer version since it will be obsolete the next day
  9. I visited all of Switzerland and the reconstructed German part and it's a good job. what I like the most is the significantly reduced teleport loading time
  10. I can not wait to see. personally it doesn't change me since I drive all over the map
  11. -it was not truckersmp who added this zone but SCS software. the only way to go to this island is to choose a wot christmas mission so when this event ends how to go to the island?
  12. well the road is not realistic and does not exist in reality
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