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QC-300 Austin1203

Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by QC-300 Austin1203

  1. 您好 @GT2907 尝试使用DX修复工具或者使用OPENGL模式运行游戏 希望能帮到您, Netflixandchill115
  2. Happy Birthday Boss?

    1. Matt


      Thanks ever so much Netflix, really appreciate it mate ❤️ 

  3. Good Morning?spacer.png

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Good Morning ☕ Great photo and truck ?:wub:

    2. *I2day*
  4. Happy New Year 2020

    Drive with @Flindix & VladFromRomania?


  5. 您好 @guojiaan421 请尝试以下解决方案: 1.转到您的Steam库 2.在ETS2上单击“开始游戏”,一个小的灰色窗口将打开 3.选择"Launch with OpenGL"启动 4.进入游戏界面,再退出。 5.运行TruckersMP(联机插件) 祝您游戏愉快, Netflixandchill0115
  6. I want to wish all everyone a Merry Christmas?

    W/ @Spig_Xiao Zhu @KuaiShouTV_XīngChén?





    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      /o You are really a chou shi!?‍♀️

  7. 您好 @1549939842 请尝试重置网络连接缓存。 按键盘上的Windows键+ R (Win + R)。 输入“ cmd”(不带引号),然后按Enter。 键入“ netsh winsock reset”(不带引号),然后按键盘上的Enter回车键。 完成后,您将看到消息“ Winsock重置成功”。 重启电脑,并以管理员身份运行TruckersMP Launcher(联机插件)。 祝您游戏愉快, Netflixandchill0115
  8. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!?
  9. Happy birthday bud

    1. Supreme


      Thank you very much ?:wub:

  10. Hello @andres_rojo1 Please try the following Solution: 1. Go to your Steam library 2. Click "Play" on ETS2 and a small, grey Window will open 3. Choose "Launch with OpenGL" 4. Start the game all the way, save and quit again. 5. Try to start TruckersMP again -- Netflixandchill0115
  11. Hello @johnson_mo_zayed In order to fix that problem, I recommend you to follow this easy instruction: > Goto C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP > Delete both core_ets2mp.dll files > Start Truckersmp launcher as administrator and click on install the files. Or take a look at this topic: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/91040-connection-error/#comment-886941 -- Netflixandchill0115
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