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Yy:5417-Small Nan

Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Yy:5417-Small Nan

  1. @KatsotsangOGThank you for following me

    1. MightyPower


      No problem buddy ;)

      i love cats btw :wub::wub:


  2. Thank you I just updated the video card driver Problem solving support can be turned off
  3. Hello, I'm going to play the game for a while and it's going to take about 30 seconds or so and it's going to loop around forever and it's going to load the game page and then it's going to be unresponsive and it's going to redo the system and it's going to be new and it's going to be mod what can I do with mod? Who can help me
  4. Hello brother I haven't talked for a long time

  5. hello We need to obey the European traffic rules. Other countries can't do it. I am from China Cordial greetings Small nan
  6. You foreigners may not know Now the Chinese have changed their code so they can drive police cars online
  7. I found a problem with TruckersMP and now they changed the code to break the game and they changed the code to be a police car but you can only see the truck interior to be a different color so you can check it out and it breaks the rules of the game
  8. :PHappy birthday,

    1. User_9806


      Thank you so very much my friend :wub:

  9. I found a very interesting question. I have been applying to the community host for 48 days, but I haven't received any reply. I feel stuck


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CN-ShiGuang


      I hope you can succeed.  Good luck:D

    3. Sticky


      Hello @[L Y]- Small Nan ,


      Please be patient, every application will get reviewed. It can take some time before the Community Moderator Managers check your application as they have received a lot of applications during the recruitment period. Thank you for your understanding.


      Best regards,


      TruckersMP Community Moderator

    4. Yy:5417-Small  Nan
  10. 你好 因为欧洲卡车模拟21.32更新了很多新东西所以会给TruckersMP带来一些技术上的问题 不过他们会攻克难关 不过时间的问题 亲切的问候 小楠
  11. I felt the picture ruined by the grey color below



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