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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by BubbleMuscles

  1. Anyone ever meet this problem ? how to solve this


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Titanic4


      Firstly, check if something is hogging the CPU. Maybe you have something, which takes up most of the processing power of the computer running in the background. Lastly, try cleaning the cooling system of your computer. When CPU is very hot, your computer may slow it down in order to prevent possible permanent damage to this component at the cost of the performance. When using laptop, make sure that you don't block ventilation holes on the device.

    3. BubbleMuscles


      @[LKW Tr.] Alis* before that happen i had 60 fps, but when it started i had about 15-20 fps 
      @Titanic4ok i will check this later. but while i play games , i dont have any other apps/games open

    4. Alis*


      I had exactly same problem in almost every game... Everything was good and than from sudden GPU usage dropped to something like 5% for like 30 seconds, during that time games were unplayable. Reinstallation of drivers solved it for me.

  2. :rolling_eyes: 


    1. Erik0301


      Lol, i didn't know, that the humans in ets2, are so unreal.

  3. Is there any way to get PC gamer cabin accesories?


    1. JeffSFC


      Sadly, there is not. It's about the only DLC I am missing and I have a feeling I will never have.

  4. Volvo Trucks - Life on the road in Oregon:lol:



  5. How many KM you drive with New Man TGX Euro 6?
    Here is mine :D


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I've driven a few hundred miles in 2 new MAN's, both at Convoys and then C-D road drive :D

  6. Really like this paint:wub:


  7. I should wash my Truck:lol:


    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      lol get me to do it i work for a truck was irl lol 

  8. great journey with brother;)




    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great Photos and nice trucks :wub:

  9. Thanks for the convoy @Krewlex:D




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