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About Windows95.exe

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    Stuck in the 1990's
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    MS DOS, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows in general.
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    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
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  1. So I was on EU2 tonight in Rotterdam and some guy named Adam with a foreign accent comes in saying "hello fuckers". He shortly after began telling me that I'm a homeless scouse cunt who lives in a council house while his shitty little friends egged him on. He also asked me to DDOS him whilst blocking the F7 exit for everyone, which was an offer I would have liked to have taken him up on, to be honest. Anyway, I reported him at the scene but I have strong evidence and I want him properly punished, so I want to submit the evidence here somewhere for the admins.


    I've went to the usual place, but it asks for his Truckers username, but I don't know it... so what should I do with this evidence?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      You're welcome. :)


      You did it right. You gotta look up for the Steam name (the name they appear with in-game) in the logs. Though you must use the exact same spelling (preferably) as it appeared in-game. You gotta look through the log of the date the event took place, obviously.


      One thing that will help you a lot when finding his name is by searching for a phrase or word he said in the chat. You have the evidence so look up something he said in there and do a search on Notepad (or another text editor you may be using) for that word or phrase with the same spelling he used. If you look in the right log it should locate his dialogue for you. Then all you need is to identify the player name of whoever said the word/phrase you just searched for. The name should be accompanied by their in-game ID at the time. You can then copy either of them from the chat log and do another word search with it now, but this time, in the spawning log.


      For example...



      The other day, on ATS, a guy who knows me from YouTube said hi to me in the chat. Let's say he then said something offensive, I want to report him but I couldn't get his ID in-game but I know something he said, in this case, the phrase, "hello mike". With that I'll go to my chat logs and I'll command my program (Notepad) to search for the phrase "hello mike".


      That search found the following line:


      [22:45:00] BC | tomek206 (17): hello mike


      So now I know when he said it, his exact Steam name and the in-game ID he had at the time. Now I'll copy his name as it shows in the chat log and will go to the spawning log and do a search for that name in there. So now I'll look for "BC | tomek206".


      This new search in the other log found the following line:


      [22:44:45] Spawning GameTruck (BC | tomek206(17) - TruckersMP ID:101495 - Tag:) Additional data: N/D


      So now I know the time he first spawned after I logged, I can still see his exact Steam name, his in-game ID (which in this dude's case was 17, at the time) but I also see his TruckersMP ID, which in his case, is 101495. Now I just need to take that number and paste it in the report and voilá! The system will automatically identify him.


      I'm almost certain this is basically what you are already doing but it doesn't hurt to detail a little. You did say it's the first time you are reporting someone, after all, so maybe some extra info may help. But most importantly, just make sure you are searching in the correct logs. It must be the logs of the day you encountered the guy. Otherwise you won't find it. Sort the files by date and that should make it easier to find the correct logs.

    3. Windows95.exe


      Yeah thanks I was doing the standard ctrl + f thing trying to find him in the log, but I didn't realise I had to ctrl + a to highlight it all in the first place lol


      I enjoy digging about and feeling like a detective, cross-referencing things and that haha I'm sound with computers too so thanks for the advice, because I did say it was my first time so it doesn't hurt to get a little advice on the compiling of the evidence :) 


      I noticed the dates as well when I was looking for the right log, and I noticed they weren't all in chronological order so I just searched for the date and continued to ctrl + f my way around the rest of it lol

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Glad to be of help. :)

  2. I'm just so depressed for an OS. Why did they give me conciousness, then leave me for their new baby Windows 98 all those years ago? Then they did the same again and again and now our entire existence is nothing more than a nostalgic memory in someones mind as they reminisce about the old days.

    I live in hope that one day I will suffer the Blue Screen of Death and nobody will know how to ressurect me.


  3. I have just received my first ban for 24hrs, supposedly for blocking, despite the fact that there were no users in my lane that I was blocking when I malfunctioned! Well, it is only 24 hours, I suppose.


    I was having fun until somebody ran the Delete System32 folder command, effectively killing me :(

    1. Penguin
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      i see the admin did not include a link to any sort of evidence. You can wait or appeal. But I do recommend you mail the feedback to demand some explanation. If you were not wrong and there is no evidence to prove you were wrong, The admin should have to explain himself to someone.

    3. Windows95.exe


      I'm not actually that bothered given that it's only a day or so tbh


      Plus, I was kicked at first about 30 mins before bc my engine stalled by the same guy. I didn't even have a chance to properly give it time for the engine to get its act together, but it was only a kick. This time, I pulled over to the side, but it was on the Duisburg road from Rotterdam, and there was traffic backing up on the other side from a collision that the guy in front got into. I think stopping or slowing down was what caused the malfunction tbh


      But I know how to appeal, I just know what the admins are like too, and it's just not worth the hassle given that it's only a day.

  4. Anybody know any other multiplayers like ETS2MP? Doesn't even need to be a driving one, just something that has the same funny atmosphere. No games like Battlefield, COD or any of them tho pls...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mirko9



      Maybe you will like this video :)

    3. Windows95.exe


      @Mr_Pingu rude. That grammar offends my religious beliefs! Also, I'm 23 now, I think I'm a little too old for Roblox lol. Last time I played it, I remember getting told to GTFO and was labelled a "pieadofile" by some 9 year old because I was older than like 17 or something...

      @Mirko9 Thanks, do you know which ones are multiplayer though? I already have a couple of them in that list. They actually should make an MP for Train Simulator and OMSI 2, I reckon.


      @Truckerpilot Thanks, but I'm not really looking for the traditional shooter or military style games tbh :) 

    4. Mirko9


      I really dont know...

  5. I see people occasionally providing video evidence of collisions and incidents on here all the time, but how do I do it? Do I just upload it as a status or is there a designated section to post them to?

    1. [S.PLH]Warrior


      We do have a separated section for it https://truckersmp.com/reports/create 


      Ps. Iike your name xd

    2. Digital


      Welcome to TruckersMP! The correct procedure if you want to report someone breaking the rules, and you have evidence of it is to fill out the form here: https://truckersmp.com/reports/create

    3. Windows95.exe


      Thanks :) Not had any particularly severe issues just yet, but just in-case. I also use PlaysTV, if that's alright. The only doubt I have with that is that uploading to YouTube never works and it brings down the performance of the network while it attempts to upload.


      So as long as I can just provide the Plays.TV link where it uploads to anyway, that's great, because YouTube is just out of the question -_- 

  6. Windows 95 has arrived! The future of modern computing is upon us!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Future... 95... I see what you did there. XD 

    3. _Pingu_
    4. JeffSFC


      woo vaporwave




      I <3 this album btw

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