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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Creatured

  1. ugh i don't have a mech keyboard now since its being shipped to a LAN party along with my LAN PC (see about me *wink* *wink*)

  2. right out with that weird robot in with the fruit with a bite taken out of it

  3. how to make omsi run better : step 1 delete system32 step assign it some more VRAM can be foundin advanced graphics

    1. Creatured


      omsi 2 btw (for those who play)

    2. Prime


      you forgot step 3: download extra RAM ;)

    3. KhaosHammer


      Step 4 : Print a GTX Titan X and put it on the motherboard.

  4. qiyye.jpgyes mine its mine


  5. ugh i slighly put my dbrand skin on of kilter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creatured


      Look in TFM DC in the images channel

      if you look closely you can see my fail :P

    3. Smalley
    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  6. jlgg2.png aw yeaaah


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creatured


      still rocking kepler i see i did until a couple minutes ago


    3. C?nnell


      I want this!!!

    4. Creatured


      well then be prepared to shovel over the cash cuz they ain't cheap if you don't have the right connections


  7. well i can recommend Xbox support chat fully cuz dang are they fast and nice to interact with

    1. Jacrispyxd


      I wouldn't counsider fast :troll:

  8. http://prntscr.com/fiaf1d

    16gb of RAM soon to come but its doable with 2gb and a ssd


  9. dangit my site is borked


  10. its more of a demotetion @Ashley then a promotion :troll:

    1. Dancool000


      demotetion :troll:

    2. Ashley


      hardly, i still do both. kinda just throwing more responsibilities at me :P

    1. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      lel, if you wanna spend a 1000,- euro on that then good luck xd

    2. Creatured


      i spend a fraction of that


  11.  just bought a A1347


  12. woot fixed my shockmount with some caulk


    1. TrademarkGamer


      You did what now xD 

    2. Creatured


      my shockmount screw addapter kept popping out and letting my mic fall so i just jury rigged it with caulk

    3. TrademarkGamer


      Ah I see. Noice. 

  13. Read the announcement for the latest guide on downgrading!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GWT :: Jamo :: CEO

      GWT :: Jamo :: CEO

      ets2 is not evan showing up in there.


  14. great hinge broke on my gaming laptop and iam not going to fix it

    1. HamitCanKilic


      I think the gaming desktop computer is better than the laptop computers.

    2. Creatured


      well new gaming laptops can give a budget or even mid range rig a run for their money

      but i prefer to stay to the high end stuff anyways

    3. CaptainKostaZ
  15. ugh 26 years old already

    1. Penguin


      Happy Birthday :D


      That status update really matches your profile picture :P

      "Ugh" covers it! :D

  16. hmm Monster Assault tastes like Cola.

    1. jx_23


      still better than pepsi? :D

    2. Creatured


      only good Pepsi is Max


  17. i wonder if i can get Cynogenmod on a Galaxy S6


  18. right new phone ordered now till the morrow and then i can use it


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TrademarkGamer


      My phones broken and it was the only way I could get a contract phone rn. I need it for work and stuff

    3. TrademarkGamer


      but hey at least I can have Stobart Tracker now :P 

    4. Penguin


      @TrademarkGamer Fair enough, I do hope you saw my earlier comment as a joke :P 

  19. who knew shoping for a new phone on sites like newegg could be so stressfull (and yes i've looked at the oneplus 3 but its out of stock atm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      Ahh, Good Luck in finding a phone :)

    3. RadioactivePotato


      Honor 8 (if ur in USA or Asia smh)

      search. over.

    4. Creatured


      not in those regions plus iam not realised in the honor brand tbh

  20. https://www.gunnar-optiks.eu

    soo much choice...! i dunno which one to get except for the Desmo

  21. woot new watch arived


    1. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      Priority: Make sure you can tell the time though it helps a lot. XDDD

    2. Creatured


      tbh the watch kind looks like a pebble but it isn't a smartwatch

  22. hrm Oneplus 3 + ASUS Zenwatch 2 49mm ooor Iphone 6s plus = Apple watch

    1. Scar


      An Apple a day keeps the (tech)doctor away

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