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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/23 in Posts

  1. [GAME MODERATOR] @GEMINI. leaves the team due to lack of time.
    27 points
  2. [PLAYER] @Slammed_Ukk joins the Event Team.
    22 points
  3. [EVENT TEAM] @Jake_F leaves the team due to lack of time.
    22 points
  4. [SUPPORT + REPORT MODERATOR] @Cute Fast has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    4 points
  5. Hello there! We are proud to announce that a new version has been released! Features Supported Spring Graphics/Weather (Euro Truck Simulator 2: v5.0, American Truck Simulator: v3.1) Custom content for St. Patrick's Day celebrations (by the Add-On Team) Available only for Euro Truck Simulator 2 Added on 17th March, removed on 20th March A brand new Head Up Display for all trucks Features the map, current speed, maximum speed, cruise control, and current time Exclusively shows the remaining distance to drive Available at your truck dealer now! Fixes Fixed a game bug regarding excessive hardware resources usage When the game loses focus (e.g., by switching back to desktop), the game frame time is heavily limited to avoid hogging the GPU Limited the hardware usage when reaching 500 FPS Changes Closed off another dead end on ProMods The Great Steppe (by the Add-On Team) Updated the Smart Signs modification Removed support for Frosty Winter Weather Mod Disabled the winter season effect (snowing)
    3 points
  6. Suggestion Name: Better GPS Icons Suggestion Description: Hello truckers! Most of us use navigation to check if someone is coming from the opposite way while overtaking and see them. But there is a small confusion about that situation. Player in the navigation is shown as round/circle so we cant be sure if he's going in our way or coming from the opposite way. With a small change, I think we can solve it. Current appearance: Appearance in the new version: Why should it be added?: Because of the way it looks in new version, we'll be able to see which way player is heading. Wherever truck's front looks, it means they're heading that way. (Point symbol shows the truck's front) Thanks for reading. Best Regards, KacaKTV
    2 points
  7. TMP staff have more AI Vehiecles then us players. And you don’t always see that they are staff because they can easily hide their Position ingame and appear like a normal player.
    2 points
  8. Now I noticed two people with cars unusual for TruckersMP.
    2 points
  9. Threre are countless roads like that already. Why don't this so called community get together and go find them? Don't you think it's a little bit old, nobody is forcing people to stay on C-D road. Any extensive map edits will juts cause compatibility issues with overlapping original content anytime new game update is out and will need extra work and time to solve, just look at Promods how long it takes them to release compatibility update. Not to mention that at least one server should have stock map, map updates should be left up to game developers who regularly update the base map. Right now four german cities (Frankfurt, Erfurt, Stuttgart, Nürnberg) and whole of Switzerland are announced, the more will come. They are getting closer and closer to your beloved race track, enjoy it as is while it lasts. I'm already imagining reading blog about Duisburg rework.
    2 points
  10. Hello to all, As the title says, I would like the Haulie Island map to be permanently available on the Euro Truck Simulator 2 MP servers. I think that it can bring only positive things, - A dedicated place for those who want to compete and let off steam - An area of exchange and discussion - large spaces for meetings Moreover I think that if the players use this place well, it will be positive on the rest of the map where people can enjoy the simulation fully and in the rules! I thank you for reading and I hope that many of you will support this idea !
    1 point
  11. Can somebody do something about skodas/cars in the game being this ever powerful being that can flip trucks and push trucks out the way like im a bit of paper...im sick of being flipped by them or barged out the way from them when there is at times a 60x weight difference.......or better still get rid of them (mayby except for patreon subs)
    1 point
  12. Üdv kamionosok! Itt az ideje, hogy a TruckersMP Bajnokság visszatérjen! Vajon meg van mindened, ami a győzelemhez szükséges? A TruckersMP bajnokságon megtalálhatók a legkihívóbb ETS2 kihívások, beleértve egyedileg épített gyorsulási pályánkat, koccintsd meg a bóját, versenypályát és 2023-ban új saras pályánkat. Állítsd be egy emlékeztetőt naptárodba március 11 és 12-re 17:00-ra (CET). További időzónákhoz kattints ide. (A szerver 16:00-kor (CET) nyílik) A bajnokságon kamionosok százai fognak részt venni és mindegyikük hozni fogja a kormány mögött szerzett tapasztalatát, hogy elérjék a tekintélyes arany címet, a Bajnokság Bajnokát. Az esemény híres a gyors akciókról, kipörgésekről, törésekről, ugrásokról és driftelésekről. Ez az esemény olyan, amit nem akarsz kihagyni! Haulie Island újra visszatér, hogy a TruckersMP legversengősebb eseményét megtartsuk rajta! Ahhoz, hogy eljuss saját szigetünkre, el kell kapnod egy komp csatlakozást Europort-on vagy Hull-on. A kompok árát mindenkinek csökkentettük, hogy mindenki számára elérhető legyen. Az esemény öt fordulóból áll, amit két napon fogunk megtartani más-más kihívásokkal. Minden körben látni fogunk játékosokat, akik sikert érnek és él olyanokat is, akik sajnálattal, de kiestek. A részvételhez a teljes esemény alatt elérhetőnek kell lenned! 1. nap - március 11. 1. forduló Az első esemény gyorsulási verseny lesz, mindent versenyen nyolc játékossal. Itt találod a részvételi feltételeket és instrukciókat: Légy elérhető 16:00-tól (CET) - További időzónákhoz kattints ide. (Az első gyorsulási verseny 17:00-kor (CET) indul. Az esemény előreláthatólag hat órán át fog tartani.). Értsd az angol nyelvet (hogy el tud olvasni az esemény instrukcióit.) Csatlakozz a TruckersMP Tournament 2023 szerverre. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a kamionod teljesen fel van tankolva, meg van javítva és készen áll az első eseményre. (A helyszínen van szervíz és üzemanyagtöltő állomás) A gyülekező Haulie Island-en van, ahova komppal tudsz eljutni Europortból vagy Hullból. Mielőtt részt veszel, ismerd meg az esemény szabályzatát! Nyolc játékos lesz kiválasztva a várakozóból (érkezési sorrendben), hogy versenyezzen a gyorsulási pályán. Hogy hány játékos kvalifikál, az attól függ, hogy hány játékos vesz részt. Például, ha 216 játékos versenyez és csak a fele kvalifikál, az azt jelenti, hogy a 4 leggyorsabb a 8-ból kvalifikál. Maximum 432 játékos kvalifikálhat. Miután minden verseny befejeződött, a leggyorsabb 108 játékos kvalifikál a következő fordulóra. Ha nem sikerült kvalifikálnod, még mindig lehet lehetőséged! Ha egy kvalifikált játékos nem jelenik meg az eseményén, véletlenszerűen kiválasztunk egy második helyezettet, ezért legyél online. 2. forduló Azoknak, akik kvalifikáltak a bajnokságra, most jön el a nagy pillanatuk! A hírhedt koccintsd meg a bóját versenyünk, ahol látni fogod sebesség és a fékezés próbáját. Milyen későn mersz fékezni? Ha kvalifikáltál, bizonyosodj meg, hogy végig online maradsz, mert az első eseménnyel párhuzamosan fogunk elhelyezni. Itt egy rövid áttekintés, hogy mi várható! Csak egy gyakorlói futás lesz, így képben leszel, hogy a bóják hol vannak az út végén. Célod, hogy csak az első bóját koccintsd meg (az első és a második fehér vonal között) ANÉLKÜL, hogy hozzáérne a hátsó kettőhöz (második fehér vonalnál a két fehér vonal közül). Ha hozzáérsz a hátsó bójákhoz (vagy túl mész a második vonalon), diszkvalifikálva leszel. Az győztes az, aki elsőként megkoccintja az első bóját és másodikat nem! 2. nap - március 12. 3. forduló - Negyeddöntő A 2. nap a vadonatúj saras pályánkon kezdődik. Ez 17:00-kor (CET) fog kezdődni. További időzónákhoz kattints ide. (A szerver 16:00-kor CET nyílik.) Előző években tolatási versenyek voltak, viszont idén úgy döntöttünk, hogy felcseréljük egy saras pályával. A pályának meglesznek a maga kihívásai, mint például az éles kanyarok, dombok és maga a rossz minőségű út. 4. forduló - Elődöntő Gratulálunk, hogy idáig eljutottál! Most lehetőséget kapsz, hogy versenyezz az áhított szigeti versenypályán! Hat másik játékos ellen fogsz versenyezni pályánkon. Kezdési helyzetedet a korábbi saras verseny végzési ideje alapján lesz eldöntve! Mindkét versenyből a legjobb három játékos kvalifikál a döntőbe! 5. forduló - Döntő A döntőben vagy! Ez a széria utolsó versenye, sikerült lehagyni (vagy lefékezni) ellenfeleidet és nem fogsz üres kézzel távozni! Éld túl ezt a fordulót, hogy a koronázott Bajnokság bajnoka légy! A versenyeket a hivatalos TruckersMP Twitch csatornán fogjuk élőben közvetíteni! Nyeremények Kvalifikáltak Minden egyes kvalifikáló a Bajnokságra, egyedi profil díjat kap! Döntősök Ha 2. vagy 3. helyet érted el a döntőben, nem mész haza üres kézzel. 3. helyezett - 5 eurós Steam Ajándékkártya + egy választásod szerinti térkép DLC. 2. helyezett - 10 eurós Steam Ajándékkártya + egy választásod szerinti térkép DLC. Bajnokság Bajnoka A koronás Bajnokság Bajnoka az következő díjakat kapja: Exkluzív Bajnoki Díj a profilodon, az összes jól megérdemelt kérkedési jogodhoz. 25 eurós Steam Ajándékkártya + egy választásod szerinti térkép DLC. Az ajándékkártyák automatikusan át lesznek konvertálva a helyi pénznemedre Steam-en. - A TruckersMP csapata
    1 point
  13. Hey @GbmbRnmf This bus was previously available on TruckersMP. It was selected in the 23rd series of alternative vehicle(AV) on version 1.45 at the end of August 2022. It was intended for Patrons. The person in the picture is currently a Game Moderator, he just hid his colorful nickname, but it's easy to check through the TMP ID on the website. From what I see on the servers for a long time the TruckersMP staff have access to more vehicles than the players, so I think it's their privilege at the moment. It would be nice to have many more buses but I feel like this one is something AV for the staff and I don't expect them to just add it. Honestly, I would rather expect them to choose and adapt another DBus World bus. Although I don't know which one, it may depend on @Smoky taste
    1 point
  14. I think no, only staff persons use this bus. I don't know if they will share it with the players in the future.
    1 point
  15. In my spare time I usually play games but mostly I play the piano and trumpet.
    1 point
  16. [SUPPORT + REPORT MODERATOR] @Cute Fast Game Moderator pozisyonuna terfi edildi. (12.03.2023)
    1 point
  17. Same here. For this occation, I've assigned following functions to my three-button mouse and keyboard. Mouse LMB (Left Mouse Button) - Left Turn Indicator on/off RMB (Right Mouse Button) - Right Turn Indicator on/off Rotate Mouse Scroll Wheel Forward - Wipers on, speed 1, speed 2, off Rotate Mouse Scroll Wheel Backwards - Turn high beams on/ off MMB (Middle Mouse Button, Mouse Scroll Wheel) - Center view back to front view (useful after view has been changed with ALT+LMB or with A-key/ D-Key) Keyboard W - accelerate S - deccelerate A - look left D - look right C - cruise control on/ off V - decrease cruise control speed X - increase cruise control speed \ - reactivate cruise control
    1 point
  18. I could argue about friendliness or the notion that race track should be a recruiting place for VTC, but to each their own. There are few things I would add: I don't see a problem with this as long as it is completely separated from rest ot the world, becuase it's a new land on water, where there's nothing, there should be less problems with updates. However, I see there is a ferry connection, that presumably connects to existing ferry port somewhere on the mainland, or ferry port is also added there. Don't know which is true as I haven't ever been there, but this could cause a problem, someone may end up there by mistake. I would suggest to remove ferry connection and add a garage and service to be used with quick travel function as the only means to reach the island from anywhere on the map. This would ensure that one must actively look for the way in. No-collision zone for the whole island would make sense, as otherwise it would inevitably become playground for trolls who would try to disrupt anything friendly taking place there. Just an idea, but if there's collisions enabled, I would suggest a whole island wide speed limit zone of 160km/h for simulation server to at least keep some connection to realism. This is the rule of ETRC series, a unique in motorsport, because those vehicles have minumum weight of 5,3t (still way less than standard road truck). That's still plenty of speed and would create equal ground in power for competiotons, making actual driving skills that more improtant.
    1 point
  19. Merhaba tırcılar, Uzun yıllardır burada oluşturduğumuz bu harika topluluğa her baktığımızda büyük bir başarmışlık duygusu hissedilmektedir. TruckersMP, 2014 yılının mayıs ayındaki başlangıcında, bu takımın sonunda bu büyüklükteki bir şeye dönüşeceği hakkında hiçbir fikir olmadığı için o zamanlar küçük ve boş bir hayaldi. TruckersMP daha gerçekçi ve sürükleyici bir multiplayer oyun deneyimi arayan özel bir grup Euro Truck Simulator oyuncuları tarafından ilk olarak 2013 yılında yayımlandı. Mod, oyuncu topluluğu arasında hızla popülerlik kazandı ve yıllar boyunca TruckersMP’nin arkasındaki ekip, yeni özellikler eklemek ve yeni oyun güncellemeleri desteklerini eklemek için modu geliştirmeye ve iyileştirmeye devam ettiler. Bu ay yeni ve inanılmaz bir dönüm noktası olan 5.000.000 kayıtlı üyeye ulaşıldı. Bu, TruckersMP ekibinin sıkı çalışmasının ve bağlılığının yanı sıra ayrıca, tırcılık tutkunları topluluğunun da başarısı olduğunun kanıtıdır. 4.000.000 üye sayısına ulaşmayı henüz 2021 yılının Şubat ayında kutlamıştık - bu nedenle bu kadar kısa sürede bir milyon yeni oyuncu kazanmak gerçekten de muhteşem. O tarihten itibaren, size kendi job dispatcher (iş dağıtıcısı), Operation HQ (operasyon merkezi) ve DBus World ile partnerliğimiz gibi heyecan verici yeni içerikler sunmaya devam ettik. TruckersMP oynamaya devam eden ve bizimle her gün etkileşimlerde bulunan hepinize teşekkürlerimizi sunmak istiyoruz. Topluluk, yaptığımız işin tam olarak merkezinde yer alıyor ve siz olmasaydınız bu proje var olamazdı. Bu ayrıca kendilerini işlerine adamış çalışan ekibimiz tarafından verilen uçsuz bucaksız zamanın farkına varmak için kusursuz bir andır. Onlar olmasaydı, yaptığımız hiçbir şey gerçekten de mümkün olamazdı. Bu vesileyle hazırladığımız videoyu buraya tıklayarak izleyebilirsiniz. Bu etkileyici 5 milyon kayıtlı üye dönüm noktasına ulaştığımız için tüm TruckersMP topluluğunun devamlı vermiş oldukları desteği kutlamak ve bunun için teşekkür etmek istiyoruz. Geleceği sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz ve modu gelecek yıllarda da geliştirmeye ve iyileştirmeye devam edeceğiz. Geri bildirimleriniz (feedback) ve anketlere & oylamalara ( (surveys & polls) katılımınız hepimizin sevdiği bu topluluğu geliştirmeye devam etmemiz için bize enerji veriyor. Teşekkür ederiz! -TruckersMP Ekibi
    1 point
  20. Çeviri için teşekkürler @Next7
    1 point
  21. Um auf die Frage, was ich in meiner Freizeit mache, kann ich nur eine Antwort geben. Ich über ein Ehrenamt aus, was mir sehr Spaß macht und wo ich meine meiste Zeit verbringe
    1 point
  22. TruckersMP is used by people all over the world. Therefore, it would be convenient if the user's native language is supported in various parts.
    1 point
  23. If players were bored by the course of the road or scenery in the area of Calais and Duisburg, they could drive somewhere more interesting. As this obviously isn't the case, why wasting ressources in the redesign? Just wondering.
    1 point
  24. The Scout car should be accessible only in these 3 situations: 1. It has been used by a staff member with the POLICE skin only; 2. It is used by the members of a convoy escorts with the convoy skin while performing their respectable jobs; 3. It is used ONLY by paying members, but without any skins. This should ballance the use.
    1 point
  25. I agree, it's interesting, but it's forbidden to fly drones where I live and in the nearest area. So when I fly, I get a full spectrum of emotions when the police don't catch me. Where it is marked in color, you can't fly there, but who stops it blob:https://web.telegram.org/e5d9fc8a-a7fb-4ed7-9568-ea03807cf908
    1 point
  26. Watch Youtube, go to bars, and test my car
    1 point
  27. I recently bought a quadcopter and now when there is no strong wind outside and it is not snowing, I fly it in my free time
    1 point
  28. Playing Games, watching movies and i sometimes go for a long walk to see how things have change around my area and see how people live ..........
    1 point
  29. I usually do Support stuff, play games or do household things .
    1 point
  30. [ADD-ON TEAM] @mdshahid6540 has been promoted to Add-On Manager.
    1 point
  31. [ADD-ON MANAGER] @Nika_ steps down to Add-On team member.
    1 point
  32. v1.3.4 - 2023-03-09 - Fixed an error in Chinese (Traditional) date formatting
    1 point
  33. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Cyberskilzz has been promoted to Game Moderator.
    1 point
  34. [GAME MODERATOR] @Cats leaves the team due to lack of time.
    1 point
  35. [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @Stan has been promoted to Head of Community. The Head of Community is a new position and oversees the strategic direction of multiple departments that cater to the community by guiding the management teams from Community Management, Community Moderation, Translation, and Media. To ensure effective and engaging community-centric approaches, the Head of Community works towards harmonising and aligning practices across these departments. The Head of Community serves as a composite of the senior positions that we used to have for each of the individual aforementioned departments.
    1 point
  36. Im aware they are based off a truck, i just hate them though
    1 point
  37. The Skoda is that powerful because its physics are based on a truck. I agree that these physics require adjustments to make it more similar to its real world counterpart.
    1 point
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