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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Dylan.C

  1. Hello there If your using a world of trucks job it could be the reason to why your losing your job every time you would load an autosave to fix this you would have 2 options 1 being using normal ingame loads or 2 using the dispatcher to get the same loads as your trucking conpanion
  2. thanks for the follow


    1. Meto5


      you're welcome ❤️


  3. thanks for the follow

    1. berechtigter


      Thank you too! ❤️

  4. Hello. @GoingDutch Welcome to The Tmp forms First of all steam cloud does not like 3 party plugins which is causing it not to sink You have 3 opinions you could try - make a second profile solely for single player so it doesn't mess with settings -have it automatically back up to Google cloud to do this you can go here -Make a copy of your profile when you log off every night I hope this helps and look forward for your response Kind regards Dylan.C
  5. Thanks for the follow

    1. BenOC18


      Thanks for the Follow Back ❤️?

  6. Some nice views in the black see dlc 




  7. Congratulations!!

  8. Congratulations!!

  9. Congratulations good luck 

  10. Hello @AdatepeGaming to find out what is causing the game to crash post your game.log.txt to pastebin.com and we can have a look The file can be found at "C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Documents\American truck Simulator" if you have it installed by default Regards Dylan.c
  11. Thanks for the follow 

    1. OmSaL


      You're Welcome! ?

  12. congratulations!

    1. Polyxena


      Thank you very much! ?

  13. If you were at our #birthdayconvoy You proply seen me in a dich or on a brige well this is why i do hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed making it https://youtu.be/tt1vQzL9m8E

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