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Veteran Driver III
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  1. Somehow lucky, better injecting a new suggestion then, as you want something that's not related to my suggestion.
  2. Yes, djoh, that's the idea. An option to toggle this yes/no.
  3. Suggestion Name: Save/keep the desired sorting order in the scoreboard (TAB) Suggestion Description: When opening the scoreboard (Tab), I want all drivers shown sorted on distance. The more close to me, the more on the top of the list. I can do that, by clicking on Distance to make the drivers-list sorted on distance. So far so good. But, here's my question, I want to have the distance-sort-order saved, as a preset. I need to apply the sorting order every time I start the game. Is there a way to make the desired sorting order permanent, saved in a setting or something alike? Any example images: Not applicable Why it should be added: So I dont have to manually apply the sorting order over and over again, every time I start the game.
  4. Hi, In ETS2 I have three profiles: 1) SP Vanilla 2) SP with Promods 3) MP with Promods Everytime I start TruckersMP, I need to be careful to select the right profile, i.e. profile 3. Not that something terribly breaks when a wrong profile is started, but I'd rather prevent it. Is there a way to 'tell' TruckersMP to start ETS2 with a selected profile (in my case, profile 3)?
  5. Hi, I've noticed that when I am playing in MP, and returning (for whatever reason) to SP, ETS2 asks me what to do with the save file. The local save-file is actual and current, and the save file in the Steam-cloud is old. Have been playing MP for a week, and when going to SP, the save file in Steam is one week old. Obviously, I know what to do: upload the local save file to Steam. Is this by design, that save files are not synced to Steam, while playing in MP? Or did I forget to tick some setting, taking care of syncing the Steam save file.
  6. Hi, The last few days, I switched between MP (Simulation #2) and Single Play, all on vanilla maps (no promods). I was wondering, if there are consequences for my drivers running a delivery. Will their deliveries remain intact when initiated in Single Play, and while still delivering switching to MP (and vice versa). Or will some deliveries got cancelled, because of some reason? One difference is that the clock is running differently between MP and SP...
  7. Hi, Of all simulation servers, I understand the purpose of it. Except the SGP Simulation server. What does SGP mean?
  8. Hi, Today, I started to use the winter mods (the basic and the heavy one). Really nice. Now I have to take really care about carefully using the brakes and taking the corners at cautious speed. I was wondering, do other players at the same simulation server 'see' that I am playing under the restrictions of the winter mod? I.e., that other players understand that I am driving more careful because of slippery conditions? I guess not, as the mod is running local, and not server side...
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