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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by jacoblovekw

  1. Who remembers First Class Transport? Only the real OG's will...

  2. Typical... Status that was perfectly fine gets deleted all because 2 people had to ruin it. Thanks!

  3. Oi oi sausage 

  4. What do the players see that dont have heavy cargo? Just curious 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    3. Irishleprechaun


      your avatar xD @Kravatie I love it :D

    4. Forerunner


      @Kravatie yes I did. check my latest status update.

  5. Kak on tuda idet, nadeyus', chto vy poluchili vashi ogni, truby, dubabrites i vashi Redbulls poppin v techeniye nochi

    1. SlavaH


      Tang On Bang

    2. jacoblovekw


      bang the tang :troll:

  6. Havent played in mp in months, just started to play again and that duisburg road is actually the biggest joke.

  7. Nothing like it being 2am and still 27 degrees Celsius...

    1. SMURFY.


      Always happens over here in the UK mate, terrible! 

  8. Bring on 2017!

    1. Mirko9


      :) Happy new year :) 

  9. Few days late, but I finally got France DLC. Better late then never....

    1. stilldre1976


      Better late then never bro enjoy its a great looking dlc B)

    2. FirestarteR93


      btw (just for info) the NCZs in some of the companies in France have broken - be careful no to get wrecked :P

  10. Anyone who wants to do some event work around the holiday period PM me.

    1. Matt #CarLadMatt

      Matt #CarLadMatt

      Sorry bud I am busy with another thing then.

  11. Whats the time rotation in Multiplayer compared to real life??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Beefy32659_YT


      I've lived for longer in-game than my computer can calculate. :P 

    3. MajorKowallsky
    4. Beefy32659_YT


      ^ I've got 9001 :D (Not sure if I do or not)


      Mr Panda has fit over me having more... :P 

  12. I believe I have asked this before but I cant find it haha. So whats the perfect forum signature size, thanks in advance for the help. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jacoblovekw
    3. Shovali


      you know whats is my problem... but just leave it...



    4. SlavaH


      lol dont pipe up if you cant handle the tang lifestyle bhuv

  13. Hey buddy, saw something that disgusted me today. Thought it might disgust you as well. #TangLifeOnlyLife


  14. Havent been on in a week, yep this place still the same. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jacoblovekw


      haha yeah probably wont be back till im unbanned.

    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      WOW that a shame :( 


      i feel sory for  you man , but  you should always take it easy when your driving , "hint" don't drive near popular place , like Rotterdam  < 


      when i was ban for afk on the road i started to  be lots of careful what  i am doing  


      but my bans are not really that bad , as in i  have never swear or ram or hack 


      its mostly because i had names that  where similar to a admin < 


      and yes i was a admin for another multiplayer game :( so i had to change everything 


      but  1 ban of mine , kind of was weird because , i was in a convoy and parked at ep , but i got a ban at that point , when i ask the leader where to meet at his like go to ep  parking  spot  so that what   i was  doing  , but i think when i re  loged in the admin must of saw me with no trailer driving  on the road and thought  i was a troll , 


      but i am not angry or anything  , i just like to share my stories about my self  

    4. SlavaH


      jake brake slip it

  15. Well I made it on the image spotlight #MumGetTheCamera 




  16. Pics like this make me moist http://imgur.com/kQRl0em

    #AvroTheCameraPhonePimp #Avroknowshowtotakedopepics

    1. Fezz


      I see myself hiding at the back :P

    2. jacoblovekw


      Lurking in the background hahaha

  17. * HET RECRUITING DRIVING ASSESSORS* PM me if you want to know more!

  18. Think I've just found the coolest player on TruckersMP. #GanstersParadise


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jacoblovekw


      Deffs bro, VOSA see's the smoke comin out the windows when their hotboxin and they turn the blind eye. Cash money 

    3. SlavaH


      never gets pulled into weighing bridge cause they know he will fail with all that dope in his cabB)

    4. jacoblovekw


      Drop a gear dissapear past the weighbridge yee haaaa

  19. Showing the Calais runners how its done.. 7HGdfW3.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SlavaH



      New company jacket ehh

    3. jacoblovekw


      Mate even know you dont drive for us I will still send you a HET jacket <3 @RhysH

    4. jacoblovekw


      Obviously you have a low end pc @Mr Panda

  20. Foot Flat Friday!


    1. SlavaH





  21. Sometimes even Rotterdam is beautiful, makes the traffic worth it :D  o9mYqeJ.jpg

    1. jacoblovekw


      Scania Vabis mate.... yeee haaa

    2. SlavaH



    3. jacoblovekw


      Yes, you are ;) @RhysH

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