MajorKowallsky Posted November 29, 2014 Report Posted November 29, 2014 I think, if the server has just 20 or less slots free, afk kick should be on. W internecie nie ma ludzi starszych i młodszych, W internecie są ludzie głupsi i mądrzejsi Retired Team Member since 01.02.2020 WarMaz
Kamusel Posted December 7, 2014 Author Report Posted December 7, 2014 I'm confused, this post was accepted. Why has it been re-opened? o_O
myluki2000 Posted December 7, 2014 Report Posted December 7, 2014 I'm confused, this post was accepted. Why has it been re-opened? o_O Because the Admin understood it wrong Add this to your signature! [img][/img]
thumbthrower Posted December 7, 2014 Report Posted December 7, 2014 Maybe extend the afk to 15mins and also have no afk zones?
Kamusel Posted December 7, 2014 Author Report Posted December 7, 2014 Maybe extend the afk to 15mins and also have no afk zones? i think it is already 15 mins, bit yeah the non afk kick zones in rest stops, hotels, and other places like manheim car park will be really useful for many people
SHOT(by)GUN Posted December 8, 2014 Report Posted December 8, 2014 If the server keeps list of AFK players in FIFO order, then there is no downside of risk server getting full. Because when number of online players gets 90% then server could kick a player who has been AFK the longest. So the guy who has been AFK 12 hours would get kicked before the guy who has been afk 15 minutes. 3
Kamusel Posted December 13, 2014 Author Report Posted December 13, 2014 If the server keeps list of AFK players in FIFO order, then there is no downside of risk server getting full. Because when number of online players gets 90% then server could kick a player who has been AFK the longest. So the guy who has been AFK 12 hours would get kicked before the guy who has been afk 15 minutes. really good idea
Gorkal1ty Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 This is a nice idea. +1 I readed about this a while ago with previous server. Lots of us didnt agree cause it was a smaller server, and no one wanted to wait to log cause any driver decided to leave his truck anywhere AFK for hours. If now the server is huge enough to handle it, it could be nice to make a try. My doubt is about them being collission areas or not. - YES: Then people could drive anywhere and it could cause chaos. - NO: It could look more real but people using those areas to connect and reconnect could cause problems.
[A2B] - CEO - [Ryan] Posted December 17, 2014 Report Posted December 17, 2014 yeah defiantly rest stops and hotels, they are made for people stopping legally and being a safe distance from any traffic or being able to block anyone. theres a chance it would help to clear the roads up a bit to, usually people would just pull in on the side of the road risking someone else crashing in to them, or parking so badly there trailer is still stuck out across the road, so by having the non afk kick zones it would encourage people to carry on a little bit further to a rest stop or hotel or wherever has these zones. Love the idea and I totally agree with what you have said CEO Of A2B Logistics Group "Moving your cargo from A to B!" Contact us Today!
c4seum Posted December 17, 2014 Report Posted December 17, 2014 "- NO: It could look more real but people using those areas to connect and reconnect could cause problems." Correct me if I'm wrong, but when a player logs on he is in ghost mode. however, after a few seconds the ghost mode expands and if the player isn't in somebody's hitbox it expands. so i think you do not need to worry about logging in/out.
Mr.Fizzlesticks Posted December 19, 2014 Report Posted December 19, 2014 how abowt never Kick but Good idea to Thanks Admins for kicking/banning all of the rammers/blockers/trolls who ruin this game
Movvy Posted December 20, 2014 Report Posted December 20, 2014 i didnt see this topic,made my own topic a while back with same idea basicly but with some diffrent pros why we should add it:
Jdwarfer [FR] Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 Well, if you don't want to be kicked, just don't go AFK, hit a key, move the mouse often... The problem is about players going AFK. Meaning they go away to do something else. So just don't do something else and you won't be kicked.
Movvy Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 true,but isnt it fun to see trucks parked on parkings? doesnt it makes the whole ets server feel more realistic and alive? anyway now with 2.500 slots again its not possible untill ets server changed to the better servers and hopfully we will have 5.000 slots again.
AV1D Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 I think this should be changed to be honest, i feel that at places such as service stations you should be able to get at least an hour, like if you need to nip to the toilet, have a smoke, get a drink etc etc. I also feel that the section after the fuel pumps and the sleeping sections could possibly be made into a no collision zone, as some people may save there game while parked, to then fire the game back up only do destroy someone who has just parked in the spot they last saved it in. I have at these one done to me before, parked up in the 1st bay to take a break, someone pulled up behind me so i began to move forward to allow him to park in the place i was in a bang someone spawned in the spot i was moving too, in which i ended up in the back of his trailer . 1
Movvy Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 I also feel that the section after the fuel pumps and the sleeping sections could possibly be made into a no collision zone, as some people may save there game while parked, to then fire the game back up only do destroy someone who has just parked in the spot they last saved it in. I they are working on a ghost mose ish thing when u just login.soo that these problems are fixed
Alec Posted December 21, 2014 Report Posted December 21, 2014 actually the server got full today and it took me like an hour to get on the game. It happens, and when it does, it's bad. My Plates:
M.o.P. Posted December 22, 2014 Report Posted December 22, 2014 I'm really against this auto AFK kicks, because it somewhat ruins one of pretty things of the multiplayer and that is going to a parking lot and seeing other drivers parked there. In multiplayer you can not pause the game anywhere you want, you need to stop somewhere first, or you can stop at a parking lot just to chat with others, wait for someone. Seeing others stopped there seems a really nice sight for me. I hope some people understand what I am talking about. So about these non afk kick zones, would be nice like at least all the legit parking places to be made into such if it is possible.
learvlieg Posted December 22, 2014 Report Posted December 22, 2014 + 1 to add more designated areas to park which are non collision zones. Bit like a safe haven along the motorways for saving your game in between or taking a little break to get more coffee. Definately hotel grounds in all cities. possibly gas stations/rest areas as well at least untill more refuel points per station become available some day in the far far away future.
PursuitGamer6 Posted December 22, 2014 Report Posted December 22, 2014 I'm totally against it! As youmcan see in city's like Rotterdam, it is ONE big laggfest... It will be also there is ETS2MP will introduce Non-AFK kick zones... 1
M.o.P. Posted December 22, 2014 Report Posted December 22, 2014 Rotterdam is a totally different topic.
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