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I'll never understand why the whole server goes there tbh. I understand it has routes to 2 UK ports but come on... that's too much + when you go to the UK there are significantly less people.


I'll never understand why the whole server goes there tbh. I understand it has routes to 2 UK ports but come on... that's too much + when you go to the UK there are significantly less people.

I know soon as you get to the other side there is no one aha... I guess everyone is lonely and need the company of other people... personal I have fell in love with Poland a lot less motorways and everyone seams friendly been driving around there about 20hrs and not been rammed or blocked once

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This would be a good idea for the future but at the moment it is not as EU1 is always full (they put it down to 2500 slots) so people NEED to be kicked for AFK. If you are not kicked then lots of slots are being wasted on AFK people.


But despite that i would love to see this implemented.  :)

Add me on steam HERE if you wish. Just message me saying that you found me from the ETS2MP Forum.

Have Not uploaded many of my deliveries as waiting for STVTC TruckLive.




I know soon as you get to the other side there is no one aha... I guess everyone is lonely and need the company of other people... personal I have fell in love with Poland a lot less motorways and everyone seams friendly been driving around there about 20hrs and not been rammed or blocked once

well sadly in Europoort there are lots of people that just drive up and down all day with out going anywhere else. But yeah places like Europoort there isn't really anywhere to stop anyway so the afk kick wouldn't be usfull there. I mainly ment it for the big rest stops/petrol stations and the hotels :)

I recommend this will be add only at Hotel, Bus and Service station since its not a non collision zone. Sometime while we wait for convoy, we got AFK Kick, and when we spawn at the same place, someone flying. :D

And i have suggestion to add player online time beside their name only appears in admin screen, so admin can easly know who AFK in high density area suchs as Rotterdam / Europoort to reduce lag for other players.



I know soon as you get to the other side there is no one aha... I guess everyone is lonely and need the company of other people... personal I have fell in love with Poland a lot less motorways and everyone seams friendly been driving around there about 20hrs and not been rammed or blocked once

 Exactly! In the old forum I had a topic about this :D I prefer alot more to drive in the eastern parts of the map, it is alot more prettier, more interesting roads. And Germany is soooo boring, endless autobahns with huge curves and absolutely nothing to see beyond the side barriers. Why is Germany like this? Oh, yes, BECAUSE it's the same map from German Truck Simulator!


Exactly! In the old forum I had a topic about this :D I prefer alot more to drive in the eastern parts of the map, it is alot more prettier, more interesting roads. And Germany is soooo boring, endless autobahns with huge curves and absolutely nothing to see beyond the side barriers. Why is Germany like this? Oh, yes, BECAUSE it's the same map from German Truck Simulator!

Ikr, scs should really Remake central europe with more points of interests and small roads.

Also +1 for AFK zones



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yeah maybe if it will get disabled when server is full tho , so a player would know why he got kicked if he is actually afk , +1 for the idea but to have a server full of afk's isn't pretty eficient... or fun..

"The true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"




i think some ppl are not getting the point.we just want on offcial rest stops and gas stations a afk zone so that u can park there.

no1 said anything about EP or rotterdam or any other city.and i highly doubt suddenly everyone would start afking on those places too..and even if they do the maps is soo big with soo many reststops theres would be like 10 trucks on every parking wich would be rly cool n realistic.


as in real life alot of truck parkings are completly full n gottal ook for parkingspots.

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i think some ppl are not getting the point.we just want on offcial rest stops and gas stations a non afk zone so that u can park there.

no1 said anything about EP or rotterdam or any other city.and i highly doubt suddenly everyone would start afking on those places too..and even if they do the maps is soo big with soo many reststops theres would be like 10 trucks on every parking wich would be rly cool n realistic.


as in real life alot of truck parkings are completly full n gottal ook for parkingspots.

Exactly my point! +1

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That would be really great feature. However, for now, the server slots are limited to 2500, so maybe it would be good idea to enable AFK kicks if servers goes full (and display the warning to everyone entering AFK zone that server is full so AFK-kicks are enabled).

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That would be really great feature. However, for now, the server slots are limited to 2500, so maybe it would be good idea to enable AFK kicks if servers goes full (and display the warning to everyone entering AFK zone that server is full so AFK-kicks are enabled).


yeah you could set that once server capacity goes over 95% it auto kicks ALL afk people.maybe with a little message or something so people know if they will get kicked or not.

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  • 3 years later...

There were multiple topics regarding this issue. The short reason why this will not happen: Slots are being blocked, making the queue unnecessary long.



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