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Total server population


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Suggestion Name: Server population

Suggestion Description: To add the current server population number to the TAB menu
Any example imageshttp://imgur.com/DomuNbN
Why should it be added?: We only get to see the server population when we first connect, but some of us judge what they next few hours of driving might be like based on server population. I think it might benefit a lot of people to be able to see the total server population updated say, every 1 minute or 10 mins, the time could be for the dev team to decide if this was implemented. The server number could be displayed at the top of the tab menu, where it says how many people are near you.


My apologies if this has already been suggested, I searched the forum for a few phrases related to server population but found no results.

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I guess that's been useful for a long time now, and yes one can type /players, but I would like to see it added to the tab menu, where current player stats are displayed.


Edit: I added am example image to my original post.

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It also tells you before you choose a server and I believe one of the web developer made a website or something which shows the amount of players. It's also good to check the unofficial tools as I've seen some tools there.













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You can always open this website on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet and put it next to your screen.


Remember, driving and using mobile devices at the same time is not cool!

Scar | Retired Legend

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Remember, driving and using mobile devices at the same time is not cool!




Which is why I thought it would be a cool idea for it to be in the tab menu, so nobody has to operate another device or type a command whilst driving.


Don't get me wrong, their exists a function that works, I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm saying I think it would be good if the server pop. was visible on the tab menu specifically.

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It is always possible to use the "/p" command to show how many users are online. Having this number on the tab menu might be annoying as the value will always change. Many people drive with their tab menu open, hence why it would be a disturbance.


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