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BE-TR TURK_Trans75

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About BE-TR TURK_Trans75

  • Birthday 02/02/1991

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  • Interests
    trucks -_-
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
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  1. Guest

    Happy birthday!

  2. when i try server 1 it keeps authenticating ???

  3. do we fully support promods ? I see there is a promods 1 server ??

    1. Snorlax.


      Yes, TruckersMP does support Promods. You may play on promods online on the Promods 1 server. However- you will need to have Promods installed for this to work.

    2. BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      but wasn't it that the black DLC isn't supported by promods ? or am I wrong ?

    3. Snorlax.


      You're right. The recent Road to the black sea DLC is not supported by promods as of right now- you are still able to use Promods though, just without the new DLC area.
      The developers over at Promods are working hard on supporting the new DLC.


  4. when i press F7 i get teleported but I get in the F1 pauze screen and can't get out of it anyone else did have this problem before ?

    1. Frotzi


      I found out it's easier to just teleport myself to a garage I own. I also have the same problem when using F7.

    2. ZuLynx


      Yea. The F7 teleport is actually broken in MP. Maybe this will be fixed one day. ;)

  5. I did download the promods file and when i start the game i can see my mods in the mod manager but when i start truckerMP they don't apear at all did someone have the same problem like me ?

    1. FernandoCR [ESP]

      FernandoCR [ESP]

      It is not a problem, it's the way TMP works with ProMods. The mod manager is not needed, so don't worry about that. If you have the ProMods files in your mod folder, you should be able to join the ProMods server right away.

  6. unsupported game version ?

    I'm quite sure I'm runing the latest version but still I get a pop-up that I'm running version 1.34? ,any help ?

    1. MarkON


      Hello @BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      At the moment: Latest version Euro Trcuk Simulator 2 ( Truck Simulator ( is supported.

      • Steam - Euro Trcuk Simulator 2/American Truck Simulator  - Right Click - Properties - BETAS for Euro Truck Simulator 2/American Truck Simulator - NONE - Opt out of all beta programs 
      • Install update
      • Restart Steam & try again launcher TruckersMP as administrator


      If it doesn't help. Check the solutions in this topic:

      Unsupported game version detected! (if game meets the requirements)


      I hope you can manage your problem and be able to play on the :tmp: servers

      Yours sincerely

      MarkON (player-Veteran Driver)

    2. BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      thank you for the reply the second option did help me !

  7. am I the only one who is getting kicked automaticly from EU2 when i drive the DC road ?? first time he connect me again but second time i can't ??

  8. so Promods and the new DLC are not working toghter :/

    1. Ali.


      That's because Promods needs to update to the new DLC so it's not compatible.

    2. BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      @Ali. you can play Promods with the new version they did but when you use Promods the new DLC doesnt show up

  9. Promods 2.30 is out !:))

  10. anyone that use a G29 one Windows 10 and know the solution for detection problems ?? couldn't find anything  good on youtube ...

    1. Lukavsky TMP

      Lukavsky TMP


      You can post here and supporters will help you - https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/55-help/

  11. Am I the only on who is having trouble with launching ? I get a error " can not create game process" ???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soul Knight

      Soul Knight

      if you have trouble installing ATS

      Follow this topic


    3. BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      I found it

      D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\American Truck Simulator  :P



    4. Soul Knight
  12. we should have a server +18 and without turkish players i'm also turkish but i swear this isn't fun anymore they don't even know the rules so they can't keep them one the rules start doing something to this

    1. Artical DAN

      Artical DAN

      do you realize how unsmart this sounds?

    2. BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      BE-TR TURK_Trans75

      unsmart ? haha do you know how it feel to get rammed all the time and start over again over the last save point ? getting rammed for nothing ? hearing they are insulting them eachother ? ;)

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